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I wonder if they want ALL the audience. That 10% figure just keeps nagging at me. Then I go look at OLTL's facebook page and see that 420,000 people like that page, and over 10,000 are talking about OLTL right now (not sure where that measure comes from but . . . ) and it makes you kind of wonder. They're not saving the soaps for the fans. They're doing it to get to the viewers with their advertisements. The online portion of the total audience has always been very small relative to the overall viewing audience. But they're also the most highly invested and tech savvy portion of the audience. Social Networking has changed advertising and marketing strategies and it's still on a development curve. Maybe that is the audience they are trying to appeal to.

Unfortunately, I think our ending will be worse as a function of Carlivati having more time to screw it up than was available to AMC, and by virtue of PP seemingly being more invested in OLTL from the beginning. They do not see this as a conclusion, so I think we will be left hanging. Tina and Cord got their happy ending. I think Rex and Gigi and Shane will. Maybe Clint and Viki and Bo and Nora. But that's it.

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I do agree with you but the companies like AT&T, Verizon, etc are already in bed with companies like google, youtube, netflix etc plus those companies are trying to start there own thing also with the added bonus of having big name celebrities involved in projects. PP isn't the only one doing original online programming, can't say for sure but maybe investors are more willing to go with an already established company rather than a start-up. Big broadcasters already have their feet in the water, most already have websites that air their shows producing an online show will be relatively easy for them to do.

My point is that PP doesn't need to be company to develop the niche there are already many companies out there trying to accomplish that very thing.

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The real question is - who wanted to see Max in Blair's story again? I don't remember fans ever liking this relationship.

If Max did return, it should have been for scenes with Tina or Gabrielle. Or even Roxy.

I'm sure budget did play a part, but I would have been happy to have never seen Mr. HAVE A SEAT PA PA STEPNORA HAVE A SEAT HAVE A SEAT again, and I'm sure that would have saved a fair amount of money.

I don't care that much about Max but I would have wanted to have seen Larry one more time.

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It depends on what your idea of a high note is. I'm sure the "heroes" of Llanview will be happy. That covers John, Clint, Rex, Ford. It sounds like Bo and Nora will have a happy ending. I guess Natalie will be happy. I would assume Tea will have some type of closure, even if it's included in a cliffhanger. Starr as well, since KA is leaving. Viki seems to be on the way to a "happy" ending with Clint.

The essence of OLTL is diversity and community spirit. AMC, with many flaws, did sort of go back to its origins in the last few episodes. Ideally OLTL would do that, but I'm not sure what those at OLTL see as OLTL's spirit. For all I know, it will be a racially diverse, campy gangbang at the KAD freehouse, with Austin Peck making jerkoff faces.

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This is why I hate PP with a passion: they gave the Nixon soap fans false hope, which is something that I consider more evil than the devil.

Now, fans are far more heartbroken than if this long-shot venture never even happened to begin with.

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If they do fall through with this, then it will suck and they will look bad, but in terms of being angered by crappy behavior regarding OLTL I don't think anything can top what was done to Lillian Hayman, Scott Evans, or Brett Claywell.

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Whatever happens, I think this PP business has made something crystal clear: soaps in their current form are prohibitively expensive. The SOS crowd loves to throw hate on the replacement shows but those shows are cheaper and that's what really matters. There's a reason we haven't seen a new soap in 15+ years.

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I don't have to tell you that you're entitled to your opinion, but if you must hate, I say keep the hate focused on the folks who drove the soaps into the ground and necessitated their "saving" to begin with. They may have a lot to learn, but I will never fault PP for trying when no one else dared.

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I just wish the networks would say it. A lot of fans will always be angry when a soap goes but they'd be less angry if they were told flat out it's economics, not that they are fat and stupid and now they have something to help them stop being so fat and stupid.

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I dont know maybe I am wrong but other than Brian Frons who has the tact of Glenn Beck, I dont recall any other exec saying that. I never got the impression :Les Moonves took any particular satisfaction in cancelling GL or ATWT and he always came across that the CBS cancellations were more about economics than anything.

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