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No, I can't. That's why I made that joke earlier. I can't believe SL would make such demands from an upstart online network. She might be savvy enough to trade in the higher salary for the series commitment, or just be willing to keep the money as is but with fewer working hours, but asking for all that? As Sophia Petrillo once said: "I smell a pony ride."

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That's sort of where I fall. I mean... I applaud the efforts of these folks, but.... lets face it, depending on who they can get to sign on to continue (even if its only for a short while) the prospects are grim. Long lasting characters are really one of the few things this show's legacy is clinging too.... without them I just don't see how All My Children continues, they might as well call it something else. Unlike some in here, I have no agenda, my thing is if the show can work and prosper then I say go for it and I will follow the developments. But if all it is going to do is prolong the constant state of deterioration this show has been in for quite sometime and in the process rob the show of a proper final sendoff, then will it really have been worth it? I am just of the mind that its time to let go.

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I kind of hoped AMC could get another chance under new mgmt with decent writers now. But without Lucci or Debbi Morgan to

anchor the hospital and Hubbards there are no Chandlers to speak of anymore or Martins really. They could use it as a chance to rebuild

starting with the Castillos maybe if they got a strong patriarch I suppose who knows.

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There in lies the problem going forward. If the show is going to be built around a family that was just introduced in the final 10 months of the network run.... I mean where is the long-lasting continuity? Beyond the faux marriage to Tad, and the dancing about Griffin did with Kendall... there is literally no connection. The way Cara has been worked into these final weeks, it makes me think she is being pushed for a reason. I really have enjoyed Lindsey and Cara, but not to the point where I will watch a show based around her.

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I dunno, the online soap thing is still risky--at least done on this scale. I think it makes sense to want to bring on a soap that people know--at least the name--and from there try original programming.

I really don't wanna cause another fight, but I don't see it worse off in that case than OLTL is... (but I realize that's all opinion)

Ha! ;)

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I only see one "Frons fave" among the OLTL hires - Michael Easton. And while I'm not happy about him staying, I can see why he took the offer if it was indeed extended to all the leads. He can be utilized in a decent way without eating a show. It's been done before - rarely, but done, and it'll be a lot easier to keep ME's role in check away from Frons and with new writers. The other 3 names are talented (King) and/or beloved vets (Erika and Kassie dePaiva). So I'm not seeing the tragedy.

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I'm not seeing the big deal either. I don't see PP taking a proactive role in paring down the cast based on what internet fans want. My uneducated guess is that they'll try to keep as many people as possible without blowing their budget (let's see how "under budget" OLTL is in the new format!). ME happened to be an early signer.

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