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I think there's this self-fulfilling prophecy with John - Frons has been pushing him as a star for years, so that means he is one, even though he is a corpse.

Tomas I don't get.

The problem with AMC is that beyond Erica it's tough to come up with people who do represent AMC and what AMC can bring to a new format. There's Opal, and, if Debbi Morgan was available, I would say Angie, but otherwise it's tough to come up with people.

I wish they could have brought back the Cortlandts or some other Martins but that's not going to happen.

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WHich just tells me PP has the same dumbass mentality ABC does. They just want to take these shows as are and move them over as they are today. And honestly whats the point then. Even AMC. I love Lucci but it could have been an opportunity to do something new and diff.

Seriously AMC is the one and only soap today that treats women with one iota of respect as little as that is and its the one where the female talent is more valued by the viewers than the male talent and this is the BS we get.

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Lucci turned down the first offer. Im sure her & PP will talk more and hopefully a deal can be struck

Im happy ES and KDP signed On

ME could stay maybe PP wants Marcie & Michael to stay on and maybe MA will stay on as Natalie

Im hoping TK singing shows some faith that FL and TSJ will be on too and not just have TK be Blair's BF

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Since they clearly want to stick with business as usual with OLTL, I'd hope that they'd be willing to take some risks with AMC and make some real changes. They bought the rights might as well do something with them.

For the record, I'm still sticking with this all being a negotiation tactic of PP. SuLu was giving them resistance so they've essentially sicced soap fans on her by saying "If AMC dies, you know who to blame."

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The baffling thing about Michael Easton being signed is even on OLTL he does nothing. He literally does nothing. What is he going to do on PP? I can acknowledge that he has some type of presence but that's not worth a bored actor and a dead-end character. And since it doesn't look like Rapist 1 or Rapist 2 will be on PP, that means less "snark" or "banter" with other bored actors to kill time.

I could see that. But if Susan does turn them down I can't blame her. AMC gave a lot to her, but she also gave a lot to AMC.

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I'm going to go against the grain, I hope she sticks to her guns. She's allowed to want to move on. She's give AMC 41 years of her life. She's earned the right to not want to do this anymore, and on a risky venture at that. Besides, I don't want Erica Kane being PP's test dummy. Leave that to Rylee or OLTL.

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