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GH: July Discussion Thread

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Pretty much. Jason only acknowledged Jake just when it was time for Jake to die, then everyone went on and on about what a wonderful father he was. Lucky abandoned his kids for months and months, and yet when Jake dies he suddenly cares again.

Luke is painted as a hero for killing a child and bragging about it, while the child's mother is demonized for grieving.

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ANd the point of making Skye AZ's kid is? Yet another retcon. Why the heck dont they quit trying to make this failed GH character work. I don't get it.

AS for LL2 don't care at all. I SAID AGAIN I DON'T CARE ABOUT SIOBHAN.

I see the same people posting about how her character is not this and that that like other new characters who are not flushed out. If you don't like the character thats cool but not being flushed out being a reason, well then half the canvas falls under that definition. And again, I don't care if Siobhan died tomorrow.

As for Siobhan not "knowing" Liz, IA. But can no one not see what the writers are doing here. How LL2 are rootable in this I have no clue. Lucky turns back to Liz when as predicted, he finds out about his bio kid, he's becoming weak again, and is again a pathetic loser same as GV's greg was but at least with GV I could look and drool and even feel sorry for him. This Lucky is a self righteous tool and not at all likable.

Hey we all like what we like. THere hasn't been a character I have rooted for on this show since GV's Lucky.

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Hmmm. Well, I see it, but soaps have been doing this forever, so I can't get upset about it. I agree that they did change this story on a dime and that's obvious, especially considering what we know about what happened backstage. When it started Sio was going to be Lucky's new love interest because BH was being written out. At the time Lucky was talking like he was done with Liz and I do think he meant that. Well, I know he did because BH, again, was being written out. Liz was going to be the crazy bitch sent to RoseLawn or wherever.

Then came the reversal of fortune and fans saved Liz and a writer who seems to be on the LL2 train is now in the driver's seat. So now it's Siobahn who is on the crazy train and Lucky really loves Liz.. It's hard for me to care, since I've seen characters I cared about a for a much longer time period go down even harder recently. It's annoying to me in it's predictability, but ultimately, SSDD.

If I had my preference, I would have had Liz and Lucky both move on, at least for awhile, but this show is going to end soon, imo. Why not put back together some of the long term couples that have a lot of fans? I'd be happy to have Sio stay and hook up with Ethan or someone else. That could still happen, I guess, if they don't make her completely bonkers.

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I dont see what Siobhan is doing as any different than the last 2 years with Liz. With her its been and endless parade of people trashing and spitting on her. Rebecca, Lulu, Helena, Lucky, Brook Lynn, etc... How many times did we see people call her a whore, bitch, slut, call her out on being manipulative, trampy, deccietful....was that done to prop her? Bc if it was, they sure as hell failed. Now Siobhan is joining this list and going about attacking her as well. The only difference is that Siobhan looks like a twit bc her accusations has no basis on reality. She comes across as someone desperate bc she knows the only thing she has going for her is this greencard marriage and Liz could jeopardize that if Lucky reunited with her. So she bullies Liz into leaving them alone, which is unnuecesary considering Liz isnt doing anything to them

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