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Thanks for the video you posted, the video quality is very nice!


If you have Windows 10, the "Photos" app has a way to split up video with a built in video editor although it creates very large files too.


Another good one would be Handbrake which is free and well regarded. It's actually a program for converting DVDs into video files, but it also works for this purpose if you know the times you want to cut and it makes smaller files. If you need more help with either option I can explain in more detail.


As far as the recaps go, it is tough because those are the early 90s where there's a dearth of recaps, but there are old posts on Google groups where people posted daily updates, so if we had the clips it would be possible to watch them and cross reference from there by date.

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Thank you. We are an Apple home, but I do have handbrake which I used to rip my compilation DVDs. I will have to look at it and see if I can work out how to split it.

The quality for 962 was good because it was an original recording off the TV. Unfortunately, the compilation of the Faith stuff means I used two VCRs back in the day to copy from the original tape to another tape, then because I was young and lacking $$$ I recorded in LP to get maximum tape space so the quality is diminished from the original. Oh well, it’s better than nothing, as those scenes are not out there until hopefully Videoland gets up to them.

Can you give an example of a google group post Link so I know what to search for? That would help a lot as I don’t like to impose on people to help me if I know how to do it myself.

‘Thanks again!



You LEGEND thank you so much!!!


Thank you! It certainly fills a gap!

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I'm like that too, I liked to know how to do things.


If you already know handbrake it's easy. On the right under "Range" instead of "Chapters" change that to "Seconds" and just enter the exact time stamps of where you want to cut.  If you want to make the file smaller, check off "web optimized" under Format mp4. I usually only do the web optimized if the file is really big, sometimes just cutting is enough.


These are the groups with old recaps of the shows.


recaps from 1989-1995ish posted


goes back to December 1994


Geez I just noticed they changed the layout... I used to view the "classic groups" and just filter by date and search for the updates for the date range I want... but now it says "classic groups are going away"... gee thanks google...

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Thanks for these! I have spent around half an hour trying to filter dates and it just isn't finding anything if i type in a date range. Is there a secret to finding a date range? If only I could sort it from oldest date to newest but there doesn't seem to be anything to let me do that... 

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