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Thanks Marquise!

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I have noticed some videos that used to be fine are getting blocked, and strangely, some videos which used to be blocked are now available. I read that YouTube has less people in the office now, and more bots are being used to take down videos, which could lead to mistakes or irregularities.

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Thanks for the link to the 1996 and 1997 German episodes. I really hope they do1999 and 2000 because those years are nearly impossible to find.


Also, watching this episode and WOW, Hunter leaving for Melrose seemed to have them scrambling to change the story (and Grant's intro was messy as hell - making out with Taylor, dating Michael, sleeping with Sheila - so odd). I read the show knew for a while that Hunter was fielding other offers and she was likely to leave - I can't fathom why they went so far with Grant/Taylor only to have her leave the next two weeks if they were given notice from Hunter.

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I would really like to know what the plan would have been had she stayed. I don't think any of the arc would have happened with Ridge and Grant becoming friends and Grant and Brooke starting an emotional (and physical though they didn't have sex) affair behind his back. It's clear they just pivoted to Brooke after Hunter left. 

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i am sure the uploader will do also 1998/1999/2000/2001 (most of it) since they were also on the German forum. The first half of 2002 was not on the forum and the uploader started from the middle, so probably he/she will upload what he/she has.

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Also looking at these clips and I remember how much I hated how much storylines cenetered around Rick and Bridget. It was overkill. I think if you're going to focus that much on childcharacters - the really young ones - the actors need to be really strong (a la Hayden Panettiere as Lizzie on GL)

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Much appreciated!

I always liked the Bridgets and thougtht they were pretty strong - hence some of them switched to primetime shows... Steve Hartman/Rick wasn't too bad either - but of course the character was very annoying although much of his resentment was understandable.

I'm really curious to re-watch this time epriod because in my memory I had a rather long Summer avacation and the VCR ran out of tapes quickly... Meaning I missed a couple of weeks and the show I then saw after my return seemed soooo different story-wise. KInda like when KImberlin Brown's pregnancy totally disrupted storylines in 1997-1998...

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