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B&B: Old/Classic Discussion & Articles

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I'm getting back into B&B and reminiscing about some the old days of the show. Like 92-06 (when I watched)

My favorite couple was Darla and Thorne. But, I also loved Thorne with Macy. Sally Spectra was an awesome kickass older woman. As was Stephanie. I loved it when Stephanie/Brooke fought. I also loved everything involving that crazy bitch Sheila. On B&B and on Y&R both.

I never cared much for Ridge. Thought he was a player. I thought Taylor could do much better than him.

Thorne was the Forrester I liked the most. And, Sally was my all time favorite character on B&B.

Now that I'm getting back into the show. I decided to watch the first episode...and try to go/find them in order. The first episode was amazing IMO. No wonder this show has went so far. What ever happened to that cop named Dave that Brooke was talking to in that episode? Anyone know?

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YRfan posted about it in the Y&R thread a while back. Tracey Bregman last apepared on Y&R in August/early September 1995 and appeared on B&B circa October 1995... NOt sure on the specifics though.

BTW, those B&B are sooooo amazing. I've never seen those shows in their entirety and it's just delightful to finally see them.

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It was so refreshing to see a glamorous fashion show and for there to be actual story being built up around it. I miss this era. The BeLieF/Sheila Carter era was the best.

Sheila was slaying in that dress.

And Lauren is crazy. I would've need a drink after that quarrel with Sheila. I would've skipped the show. Eric would've been just fine. How she got pulled together and still went to the show boggles my mind. I'd be hauling ass back to Genoa City in fear that Sheila might come get me.

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Lauren's last Y&R airdate was October 13, 1995....I only have one episode from 1995 that has Lauren from August 21, but I don't think she had that much screen time anyways, and mostly crossed back and worth to B&B until she became a permanent cast member there on October 17, 1995....

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