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Boy what a roller coaster ride. LUVED IT!!!!

Never liked Mellie or Sally but think that the ultimate pairing next season should be the two of them working together. One scorned woman can do much damage HOWEVER two conspiring scorned women would really wreck havoc.

F&O have become tiring to me and their tryst are no longer romantic but rather pornographic. I want them to fail.

James and Cyrus seem to be heading to splitsville. One is not as naive as he seems while the other is certainly more dangerous.

Gee, the Assassin's apprentice is really getting into the job and is fast liking the thrill. Will the Assassin have regrets in showing her another use for a screw gun. Looks like it. Don't know whether to be glad or sad for Huckleberry Quinn (that name is soooo appropriate).

And then there's Daddy Dearest. Like everybody else-- I also didn't see that coming.

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Cyrus introducing Fitz and Olivia to reality was wonderful. I've been calling them teenagers for months so it was nice to see someone in the Scandal-verse say it too. That said, I liked the few moments we got this episode where Olitz was able to just act like a normalish couple. They're angst is so exhausting that it was nice to be without it for a moment or two.

I've never enjoyed watching a heart attack as much as I enjoyed Cyrus'. He deserved a little suffering and this was basically self-inflicted. Cyrus in the ambulance was hysterical. ("Shoot him!") At this point, James just needs to go on Dr. Phil because he has internalized way too much of Cyrus abuse.

Dark Quinn was amazing. If you had told me in S1 that Quinn would become one of my favorite characters on this show, I'd never have believed you. I'm trying to figure out what caused Huck's breakdown though. Was it the fact that now that he remembers his family, he's no longer able to compartmentalize his "addiction?" Was it realizing that he's become Charlie and Quinn has become him and now she's crossed a line that she can never come back from?

David Muthafuckin Rosen! Way to go! You played everybody, got your life back and actually brought this show a tiny bit of genuine justice. I loved hearing him call for Alyssa at the end. I hope we get to see Miss Bitches Be Crazy a lot next season. Also, David Rosen has mad taste in crowns. I'd love a deleted scene of him buying that hat for Liv.

I'll be interested to see what Liv's relationship with her "Dad" is like. It might explain a lot about her choices in life and love.

We've now gotten through two seasons and we still have nothing on Harrison. :(
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We can be in the minority together because I thought the show was average and that was in between also flipping through the NBA Western conference semi finals. Fitz should be use to Olivia's wishy washiness when it comes to him because once again dude is begging and pleading for them to be together and she gets on her self righteous shtick once again and drops him. What I thought was amusing was during her "Im leaving you" speech was her ranting that they went too far in making him president. Gee... ya think? But she only came to that revelation since it affected the way she viewed him. I truly cannot stand her hypocrisy and her sending him back to Mellie (who has lost all rooting value with me) while Fitz is crushed yet again is getting old. I would have been pleasantly surprised if they forgave each other negating Cyrus' antics. They should patten that wounded puppy dog look every time Olivia kicks him to the curb since it's getting to be his trademark. He is unbelievably pathetic to me and I honestly cannot see why he would want to be with her again after her repeated rejections not before always making him believe they'll be together.

What happened to the cool, calculating Mellie? This long suffering pod who is obsessed in making Fitz commit to her is not interesting.

I got a kick out of the slow mo scenes of Olivia in the end smiling at everyone, hair neatly coiffed in a bun, dressed in white. So unbelievably cheesy...

I find Harrison troubling and his need to worship at Olivia's feet even more so. I did giggle at the shade he threw Jake as he left her office. And speaking of Jake... Olivia certainly wasn't worth the heartache of him risking his life for her, especially since she treated him like a dog only to end up in that black hole. Maybe he and Edison can commiserate over a few drinks if he ever gets out of that hole. I would comment on Cyrus and the others but basketball was more interesting.

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Good to know that I was not the only one flipping back and forth between basketball. I have never gotten this show outside of Olivia and Fitz's chemistry. It is ridiculous, not entertaining, and poorly written with the worse damn dialogue on tv, but to each their own. However, David giving Olivia the white hat and her self-righteous BS gladiator speech was just more than I can take. I get Shonda was not going to let them be together, but that was just lazy basically repeating the season one finale. Shonda apparently intends that Olivia/Fitz will have have the same beginning, middle, and end every season until the series finale.RME.

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Quinn has always been my bottom b!tch, I think that's because I adore Katie. I am SO glad they took this turn with her because I hated that everyone hated Quinn... I could even rationalize my love for her anymore but slowly and inch by inch she showed that she does have the balls to be called a Gladiator. Yes, Billy as the mole was weak as hell, I think I touched on that (maybe it was just in my IMs) but it wasn't surprising, no one was checking for him, like at all. He's such a non motherlovin' factor its not even funny... Oh yeah -- that's my peoples, The Adventures of Huckleberry Quinn! Oh yeah -- lol she's going to draw this out much like she did Mer/Der on Grey's -- I always LMAO at my BFF who says she can't watch it as a shipper -- I can understand that but then again I really don't care -- if I don't get what I want right then and there I don't bitch, I understand that its a show and to a degree it has to be drawn out and played out and from all angles as well. I'm willing to wait it out but I was LMAO when Fitz went back to Mellie. I swear Cyrus gets on my nerves so much and the fun thing is he doesn't even care about Mellie he just doesn't want Fitz to lose a second term. Now I would LOVE to see how Fitz is going to make the American public love Liv now after its all come crashing and burning... Can. Not. WAIT!

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How could I forget the bad acting?! Kerry Washington, Columbus Short, and the chick who plays Quinn were in a competition to see who could be the worse actor last night. I give the prize to Kerry for that horrific gladiator speech at the end. The way she held up her shoulders and head with that smug expression was dreadful. She is such a limited actress.Ugh.

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It's not so much the bad acting but the incessant facial ticks KW makes. She relies too heavily on it for emotion and it's beyond distracting. I haven't seen her in other projects so Im not sure if this is a typical acting technique of hers but the director needs to reign her in. The constipated looks, silent gasps, and facial expressions she emotes for every. single. thing. is awful.

Now that Ive seen the entire episode I hope David has a copy for insurance the next time Olivia tries to screw him. He's an absolute fool to think of these people as his friends and even though he was goading Billy into that confession everything Billy said about Olivia and her band of morally corrupt followers was the truth. He as the mole made zero sense since there's no real motivation behind any of his explanations. Aside from the supposed climatic cliffhanger that did nothing for me I find all the characters one note. Huck is the most sympathetic but there's nothing interesting about them since they're all masquerading as champions for justice when they're nothing more than pompous egotistical brats. Even Cyrus' husband who I had the absolute sympathy for last week, manged to annoy the hell out of me rushing into Cyrus' arms in the hospital room and in the same breath fish for scoop. Olivia and her team run rough shed over people's lives because they feel entitled too never without any real consequence for any of them. Since Olivia's motives are always ruled by whatever she sanctions as right and they all fall in line, there's no true character motivation for anything these people do.

When Jake bum rushed Olivia to protect her from the female assassin where did he come from? Was he hiding in her bathroom? Closet? Under the table? I guess I'm not suppose to wonder about those trivial things.

If I were invested in Olitz I would be pissed that it is always so easy for Olivia to walk away from him and he gets tossed around like a chess piece. It seems Shonda gets off on that and thinks it's super romantic to have POTUS wearing his heart on his sleeve for his black mistress.

And it can't be said enough... The real Mellie needs to return. ETA that speech from Fitz using the race card on Mellie was all types of unbelievable. Olivia was the one who played victim last season claiming she felt like Sally Hemmings only to now allude Mellie is a racist to trash her in public as her plan to make America fall in love her. That's her idea of "fixing things" - with the encouragement of Fitz. What a gal...

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There are a lot of fantastic comments and I'd take up too much space quoting them all so I'm going to just add to or echo whatever I can remember.

I don't recall finding the dialogue to be terrible, but there were many times that I found the delivery unnatural. Certain characters seemed to be forcing as many words out as possible in a short amount of time. Off the top of my head...Jake, Olivia and Harrison did this the most.

I'm guessing this show is such a social media success because it relies heavily on the emotional. Shock and distraction substitute heavily for any substance. The breaks probably also helped viewers to forget some of the dangling plots. I'm stuck on the one where the guy tricked Olivia in the parking lot and clearly had an accomplice who drove him away. What was the point of that other than the illusion that something was going on?

Billy has to rank as the biggest shock and distraction so far. I'll be a broken record on how he made no sense at all as the mole. But oh look he's alive. Charlie saving him for dinero might make sense but conspiring with him as the most moonlighting hit man ever....please.

I forgot about the plan to paint Mellie as a racist. It made as much sense as the Sally Hemmings reference. Shonda Rhimes can now shush all those people who claim race isn't brought up on this show. yay...

If I were invested in Olivia and Fitz, I would have bailed after that crude sex scene at the baptism. Using Verna as an excuse is beyond weak along with her sudden concern for the needs of her robots. And I suppose I shouldn't place the blame on daddy for the press leak since that could be just about anyone with knowledge of their affair. That is a clever bit of string writing. She yanks the couple for the finale but keeps them tied by the media.

Maybe biggest shock and distraction actually belongs to Joe Morton as daddy dearest. Revealing Rowan as Olivia's father probably overshadows all the not so nice things Rowan has done.

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The ending shocked me! That brought me back to the season 1 finale of (I'll put in spoiler tags in case someone decides to watch this former ABC show at some point)

Quinn going over the edge like that was hard to believe. I didn't buy that she has escalated to that level.

Fitz going on his knees and putting his head on Mellie's lap made him look so weak. I thought he was done being such a weakling when he found out about the election and when he killed Verna. Being such a wimp makes him unlikeable.

David fooled everyone! I loved that twist.

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Why didn't you clue me in YRBB? Then I wouldn't be shocked/surprised. I mean recurring guest, Yes I would get that but I never saw full on series reg. I also need them to kill Billy once and for all, or did they do that? I'm still so confused by that finale.

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As soon as he was introduced I thought he'd be series regular at some point OR he would be killed off within a few episodes. For some reason, I never considered anything in between LOL

Sorry, next time I will say something :P:lol:

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