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Scandal: Discussion Thread

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I've never seen a man so uninterested in a BJ LOL!

Fitz is no joke. He wants those who betrayed him to PAY. I think Oliva got the worst of it. He was wrong for chasing her down, blowing her hair back and dismissing her. The cold shoulder was working fine (I can't remember if they made it clear they hadn't seen each other in 10 months) but he had to stick the knife in and turn it.

No clue who the mole is...I want to say the new guy but that's too obvious right?

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Mellie was in the best scenes of yesterday's episode. She can't exactly complain about the drinking so she offers Fitz a mint to point it out. Then she totally blames Cyrus for Defiance. In fact, she made all the women victims of evil Cyrus' plot to steal the Presidency.

It's good that they've shown the baby in two different episodes but what about the other kids?

Huck and Quinn blood and gore bonding is terrific.

When David went to see Olivia with the dead woman's flash drive, he mentioned something about her just starting to download his Defiance files. He was a bit matter of fact about it. I could go forever without having to hear anything about the white hat again. That's really tiresome.

I did like David's speech to his replacement and Harrison's obvious discomfort.

Okay so this Jacob Ballard is thrown into the mix. I'm guessing his running into Oliva was part of a plan. The cameras might be part of this plan and will this be the formula where he unintentionally ends up caring about his target? Olivia can be the giddy school girl caught between a mission and emotions as well.

Fitz is predictible where Olivia is concerned. It's obviously not over and not going to be. It's too bad that Mellie seems to have blinders on for now. She seems desperate to win him over and he's going to crush her.

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I'm going to be throwing out an unpopular view.. and will be preparing to dunk.. but I dont get the appeal of the Olivia/Fritz affair. While the actors share a fair amount of chemistry, I almost view this affair as undercutting the character of Olivia.

When I see them together, I am reminded of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings. Even though we've come far as a society, instances like this reminds me that we still have a long way to go as a society.

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I love Olivia/Fitz. Its forbidden, its torris, its wrong. Shes a professional fixer living one of the biggest scandals ever just waiting to be broken. I find that so interesting, plus I totally buy the love, the connection, the intensity of their relationship. She summed it up perfectly by telling boring Edison she wants love that hurts.

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I'm actually torn on Fitz/Liv at this point. I liked them and felt for them when they were just a forbidden, doomed, Jane Austen-esque couple kept apart by powerful forces and bad timing but now they are in such an ugly place as individuals and a pairing. Fitz is lashing out at everyone and Olivia is being a masochist. When Fitz pulled Liv into that closet my reaction was, "Oh good Lord, you two are ridiculous." They're moving away from being a couple I want to learn more about to two people who I would just like to see get their [!@#$%^&*] together for five minutes.

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I get why some people find them appealing--whether I agree or not. I don't think the affair undercuts the character since it's almost a given that a person who fixes things for others would be in need of fixing. It's some formulaic deal where the person drowns in other people's problems as a method of avoidance.

I know that Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemmings was brought up by Olivia in an episode and it seemed out of place to me. I thought it was gratuitous and meant to placate whoever believes the show scates around race. Their affair began before he was President and he was always the one shown as lacking control over his emotions.

I fail to see how they serve as any sort of reminder about where we are in society. Even some of the fascination with them says less about society and more about how certain people think. Do I find that kind of sad? Absolutely.

I didn't like that scene either. I think it should have been similar to the elevator scene in which Olivia pushed Ftiz away. There's got to be a way to depict his feelings of betrayal and her feelings of guilt and the whole undying love without reducing it to a cheap scene.

Too bad the writers robbed Fitz of what was so good about him and made him even worse than the others. I would have even settled for Fitz reacting slowly to Verna going into cardiac arrest and that leading to her death. I don't care if she was on the way out. They shouldn't have had him kill her. That was a job for Mellie or Cyrus.

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The whole Verna s/l started out okay for me but then became a bit too contrived. She underwent too many radical shifts from trying to protect her legacy and her seat on the bench to her out of nowhere concern for the American public. Her "you made us love you" speech rang hollow. She didn't seem sorry about anything she did so her warped development of a sudden conscience didn't work for me. One minute she's telling Olivia that she's not really getting away with anything since she's about to die, the next she's ready to confess all. She didn't come across as an irrational person so the idea that she would hire Hollis' hit woman to kill Fitz to "fix" a mistake she's made while swooning under the charm of Fitz is ridiculous.

When Fitz killed her, he was more concerned about his legacy as he promised to preserve hers and his. If he wanted to kill her for trying to kill him, he would have skipped the apology and the promise. Fitz may have been a lovelorn puppet before but at least outside of the adultery, he was more of a "good guy" character. Now he's not only a murderer but he's obsessed and irrational. There's no purpose to having Oliva watched and the total invasion of her privacy other than setting up a conflict which Jake will ultimately lose.

At least Cyrus was able to get back at Mellie.

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My friend got me into this show and I am ADDICTED. I love Olivia/Fitz though I haven't been feeling them the past couple episodes and I can't f-cking stand Mellie and how she threw Cyrus under the bus and is acting like Fitz being stressed is the reason he is being an ass to him. Going back to watch Season 1 this week!

Love the promo too!

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Did anyone watch it this week? The show returned after a four week hiatus. I was happy to see OPA back in action and it was an OK episode.

Huckleberry Quinn had me weak when she checked her own clothes into the cleaners. LMAO when Huck asked if she needed a new shirt. I love those two but I'm gonna need Huck to train her a little better.

I felt so bad when that girl opened the door and just screamed bloody murder because she was scared of all those reporters. I did laugh though because it was funny. She was a rather wise and insightful young girl and I liked her conversation with Olivia about her parents.

Scott Foley continues to be a creeper and I'm not here for them. Glad the hostages were found and rescued.

I was weak at Cy trolling Mellie that he was able to go behind the doors and speak with the Pres. and then I lost it when Fitz took the baby and slammed the door on Mellie.

When Cyrus asked Olivia was her vag apolitical... I had tears coming down. I love those two.

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