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Scandal: Discussion Thread

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This show is amazing, my favorite primetime soap.

The only problem I have with this show is this cheesy "gladiator" [!@#$%^&*]. Adults who are really so smart would not refer to themselves as gladiators like they're some club in 4th grade.

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Wow. The David revelation surprised me. But I can see why he did it. The mole revelation didn't do anything for me since I had totally forgot who Billy Chambers was - I had to look that up.

I agree about the "gladiator" nonsense.

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I love the gladiator talk.

Olivia & Fitz. The perfection.

Its time someone slit Millie's throat.

Loved the billy chambers reveal even though I had figured it was him. Loved that David helped him as I never bought him as part of the team.

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I tried to post on Friday but it didn't work so now that I've forgotten all the "brilliant" points I had, I'll try again.HarThe

The fact that they seemed perfectly fine with Huck killing Charlie speaks volumes. Why would they want to stick their noses in for any reason other than curiosity....as in how did she get together with Fitz? Harrison's right and if morality meant a whole lot to them, they'd all be long gone.

Mellie's "fixer" looks familiar (sort of like Brandon Routh). I was more distracted by trying to place him than how pathetic she same across--especially after he read her so well. She married a man who was never in love with her. Even Amanda Tanner ranked ahead of her and she is stupid if she fell in love with alcoholic Fitz.

I find the whole Jake had an affair with Olivia nonsensical. Doesn't the fact that their one night is recorded scream staged farce?

I was expecting Billy Chambers to reappear but I didn't peg him as the mole. I just can't believe that team is supposed to be dumb enough to believe that Charlie would steal the Citron card. I hope Billy is intended to be the cohort of that guy that suckered them before by telling Olivia "they" knew about the late night phone calls.

Either David is bad to the bone or completely misguided. Everyone does remember that the reason he got stuck with OPA is a murdered woman. So did he really kill her? Did Billy kill her with his knowledge? Or is David unaware that Billy is a murderer and just naive or is Billy threatening him?

James needs to take the baby and hit the road. Cyrus may have been right about Mellie but his cruelty was unwarranted and he's not worth the aggravation.

How quickly did they kill the illusion that Fitz was giving it all up for love? Mellie coming out by herself to say her husband was cheating on her but they were working on their marriage looked foolish. Fitz the adulterer should have been the one spilling the proverbial beans. In light of that, his announcement seemed pretty defiant as did Cyrus' dodge balling. It's a cop out that Fitz got to say "any questions?" knowing they'd show none.

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I should add that I don't buy Billy as the mole. He would have made more sense as the person behind the assassination attempt instead of old Verna and her ridiculous attack of conscience that included disregarding the innocent aide's life. Billy hired someone to dig up dirt on Fitz regarding infidelity and he used/slept with Amanda Tanner for the same reason. He murdered the reporter to keep him quiet and yes, he may have murdered David's friend (even planted her to get to David), but the ops mission seems way more sophisticated a scheme for him. He's either working for the true mole, just doing his own thing, or the writing is even looser.

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Thanks! I didn't see the credits and there was nothing on IMDB when I checked last week.

So I'm totally in the minority because the show was just okay. Even though I was switching back and forth between it and the basketball game, I don't think I missed anything.

The best parts for me were David getting to be U.S.Attorney, self-righteous Sally, and the true winner aiming to force himself onto the ticket. Oh and Hollis.

James and Mellie are both suckers. I find them both...

And I think Billy as the mole was awfully weak. It's like asking me to believe a liquor store stick-up man planned an art museum heist. There aren't enough truly empty shocking moments to distract me that much.

Father of the Year sends an operative to have sex with his daughter and record it. Then he leaks that she's the mistress after he sent someone to kill her. I'm sure there's something lame behind that as well, but it is quite shocking....I guess.

Fitz forgiving her was kind of funny. It was his friend. Her gladiator speech tiresome. Wait....we can do this for another four years. What would they do for four seasons? Sneak around some more or break up to make up. Fitz playing Mellie for a fool....kind of the reverse of the last finale where he got played.

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I LOATHED Fitz going back to Mellie. Fitz finally grew a pair and now he's back to square one. I love Olitz but I don't think I can deal with more back and forth. I don't believe they will ever be over but I don't know if I can deal with another season of the back and forth. I figured something bad was coming because they were so happy. Oh and I officially hate the term "gladiator".

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I'm a less than passive viewer and only watched the last 20 minutes after seeing Twitter. My TL was on fire and I don't talk about Scandal much if at all. It was insane what I woke up to.

I am, however, very impressed with tossing Liv in that car only to be greeted by her father. I happen to like it when shows take the time to write black villains as opposed to wallpaper or always counseling the white characters.

Would some kind soul mind telling me when Joe Morton first aired? I need to back track a bit.

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