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B&B: May Discussion Thread

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LMAO at Brooke's reaction when Ridge told ehr to try the berries. Too bad they only had that zen like chime play and not some catchy song that they could replay over and over again whenever Brooke here's the word berries. Seriously over the next few weeks she should be bomboarded with that. Pam should try out a new blueBERRY bars recipe and give them to Brooke. Next time they are about to have sex, Ridge should light up some strawBERRY scented candles. How about Katie offer her a raspBERRY martini next time they are out? LOL. I'd love to see her have a meltdown with a catchy pop song play in the background

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Hope is turning into quite the little tramp! I just don't get what's going on with her & Liam/Oliver anymore? Didn't her & Liam break things off and part ways from each other? Why are they still so close and kissing and whatnot? I know Oliver saw those two breaking away from that kiss. Why was he acting like it didn't happen? He didn't even say anything to Hope about it.

I loved when Ridge asked Brooke to try those berries. The music cue that played laugh.gif LOL loved it. And the way Thomas & Brooke looked at each other...perfect.

LOL!! I love it. I definitely wouldn't mind another Posé type edge added to this story. ;-P

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This is for Brooke

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Berries, berries, berries!

Im sick of this triangle. I didnt find it entertainin at all today and Ive been enjoying the break from it.

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laugh.gif Words cannot describe how much I LOVE & MISS that song! I'll never forget it, I'm so glad I started watching B&B when that S/L was happening ;-).

LMAO! Omg that video is perfect. What if that came on as a commercial while Brooke was watching tv or something. I love Brittani Taylor LOL she should make a guest appearance on B&B to haunt Brooke ;-P

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I saw the second half of BB and I'm surprised Brooke and Thomas are so gung ho to believe they had sex. As Brooke herself stated, they were fully clothed so it easily could have been a hallucination. I would have rather they left it vague instead of automatically assuming they did it, feeling guilty and swearing to keep it a secret.

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Ugh...you just know that once Taylor gets a chance to psycho-mumbo-jumbo this, she'll twist it so that Brooke is a whore for acting on some subconscious desire to fluck Thomas. Whether they did or didn't do it, Brooke will still take the blame. Thom will simply be the unwitting victim Brooke has forced to lie to Ridge. :jeal0002:

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I'm glad I started watching the show but now feel regretful in not watching it way sooner. I would love to watch B&B from the beginning

Lol i'm starting to think they didn't do anything with each other at all and when they finally realize it, it will kind of be to late...It'll be a long road for them to try and patch things up. Who knows, though...

This is exactly what I thought laugh.gif The minute Taylor finds out what Bromas "did", she's going to go right back to hating on Brooke full speed & she'll think of Thomas as the victim of Brooke's malicious seduction or something ridiculous.

So I couldn't take that scene where Taylor was practically bowing at Brooke's knee's in thankful glee for "saving Thomas" very seriously laugh.gif

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:lol: Brooke as a character has been through so much. I think it's really a testament to KKL's likability that she has been able to carry the load for so long. Brooke does get skewered by a lot of fans, but it would be so much worse with someone else in the role because this character has done things that are beyond the pale whatever the justification. There just comes a point where it becomes too much.

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Indeed - and they are solely missed. I think someone at the Networks told the writers that cat fights are degrading and they had to stop it. Yawn! Me thinks the lazy writing of female roles in general is far more degrading...

@ dsvd79: POSÉ was just fantastic and is also amongst very bold & beautiful moments...

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