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She was wrong, AFAIC. But as I said when it came up in the GH HW thread Erika is entitled to her opinion. She also loved Michael Malone's stories so it's complicated. Gottlieb rubbed many actors at the show the wrong way and I can understand why, but I think she was a brilliant producer in terms of what got onscreen.

Per Erika in the Jeff Giles book, Gottlieb told Clint Ritchie he had to stay sober to work there and enforced it. The instant she left he was back to the bar.

Edited by Vee
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I'm sure Gottlieb learned a lot  that changed her perspective about revolutionalizing daytime.

Bottom line is that you have to get one episode in the can a day and there is just so much you can accomplish.

Like others eg Rauch, what Gottlieb was like as a person could be far away from what she was like as  a producer.


Edited by Paul Raven
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Didnt Jimmy Depavia throw chairs at Linda Gottlieb?

Linda and Wendy Riche both started within 6 months of each other

Linda wanted OLTL to be like film and did these stupid 6 week arc swith guest actors as leads. Fans didnt gel with that because Fans cared  about the vets


Whereas with Wendy at GH, she read history and talked to actors to get the know the show. IMHO the correct way to start running a daily soap when you have zero experience doing so

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She did, because she stopped doing the 6-week/whatever arcs that didn't work. (Ironically they probably would be ideal now for a seasonal arc-based streaming soap with breaks, which is probably the only future the medium has in America IMO) Then the show got into its groove. But from there I do think she absolutely revolutionized daytime, at least at ABC. Whether she pissed off a lot of people in the process, well, at least she didn't paw them like Rauch or Alarr.

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It was speculated at the time that most of the male cast hated Gottlieb. So much so, most of them refused to support the show during Daytime Emmy season and OLTL never earned an Outstanding Daytime Drama Series nomination during this era. That was considered glaring particularly in 1994 when OLTL and GL split all the main categories, but OLTL was denied a nomination for Outstanding Daytime Drama Series.

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Just came across a NY Times article reporting on Trump's NY properties and how some buildings have dropped the Trump branding as it has negatively affected property valuations.

At one residential building, the residents went to court to have the Trump name removed. Leading the charge was Linda Gottlieb. who was cited as producer of Dirty Dancing. She was quoted as saying something along the lines that she didn't feel comfortable having that address in light of Trump's values and actions.

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September 1990 Soap Opera Weekly fan mail column

Hey, One Life - Get a Life!

What's wrong with the summer ratings? What's wrong with the summer shows? Why has One Life to Live sunk to No. 8 in the ratings? Simple - it is ridiculous!

Since early January, plots have been started and never resolved. Couples come and go like ships passing in the night. Max and Gabrielle MARRIED? Six months ago he could not stand her. (This is a NEW Max, so that must explain it.) Cord DIVORCES Tina and now she plans to marry him again. (This is a NEW Tina, so that must explain it.) Brenda and Dan are together for two weeks before he goes after his red haired damsel in distress. Father Tony wears the collar one day and Reeboks and Polo shirts the next. Worst of all, after two years and the most elaborate plot to date, the love story of Viki and Roger met a swift and unsatisfactory end. In two minutes and two seconds, Viki bids Roger a rather cold farewell and then runs to Clint thanking him for his "patience and understanding."

PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING??!! I had to adjust the sound on my set for that one! The writers wanted to reunite Viki and Clint - why? How many times can we see him waiting at the hospital for Viki to recover from her gunshot wound? They could have had Roger die. After all, he was in a coma for weeks. But then I suppose he could not have shot Michael Grande and disappeared into thin air! At last the writers gave us a strong story with Viki's massive stroke, and then Erica [sic] Slezak is sent on vacation! 

If I wanted to see The Godfather, I'd rent it at the video store.

Last, but not least, why were the talents of Gerald Anthony wasted, giving him no more purpose than set decoration on Badderly? The stronger the actor, the smaller the role. I am sorry to see this once-great show deteriorate so. OLTL is going nowhere but down...in the ratings, that is!

Edited by DRW50
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