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Thank You so much for this, So Nice to know those Things, I'm Fascinated By Malis' Dorian, but have seen so little, but that's the impression i got, She was Far More Grey Than Either Pinkerton or Strasser, and thanks for the info on The Portrait nice to have an idea, my i really could do an Art Gallery just with Soap Portraits if I Got The Chance

Thanks for all the Infos Again

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I thought Tommy Lee Jones as Mark Toland was really hot. The story with Mark and Dorian accidentally killing a patient named Rachel Wilson and then letting poor Larry be accused of the crime was gripping. (Well, to be fair, Dorian ended up in a coma, so she couldn't confess.) The original conception of Victor Lord was interesting. He was an authoriation and no-nonsense, but the idea that he would later be revealed as a degenerate was appalling. I thought Vinne Wolek and Wanda Webb were cute together. Eileen Seigel was a bit of a pain in the butt, but her son Tim was a sex god. Cathy Burns was an excellent Cathy Craig. When Cathy's daughter Meghan (by Joe Riley) died while Viki was driving...that was another engrossing plot.

After Carla had been romantically linked to Jim Craig, TPTB changed the actors from Robert Milli to Nat Polen. That was just so wrong. EEK! I adored Nat Polen, but the idea of him and Ellen Hollty as a pair just did not seem feasible. The show dropped all references to their past, I believe, and Carla and Jim were then only platonic friends.

What I remember most about Ed's and Carla's wedding is that there a bunch of African-American guests whom we had never seen before, but who supposed to be friends of the happy couple.

Did you know that Dixie Carter played Dorian for a while, and that Ester Rolle played Sadie?

Claire Malis was excellent as Dorian. It's a miracle with all the recasting of the role, there was never a weak actress playing Dorian.

My pleasure! I could chat about vintage soaps all day!

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Then Another Question, What Actress was Your Favorite Cathy Craig? I was going to Ask You before but it escaped my mind at the moment, Dorrie Kavanaugh's take on Her, in the one episode i've seen her, Was good but Reminded of Dorian, Suddenly I saw why Agnes Nixon wanted RS as Cathy

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I thought Catherine Burns was very good as Cathy Craig. When she was replaced by Amy Levitt, I accepted it begrudgingly because AL was okay, but then, when Levitt was replaced by Jane Alice Brandon, I was displeased because (IMHO), JAB was a weak and rather annoying actress. Dorrie Kavanaugh was excellent and lasted the longest in the role. Jennifer Harmon was fine, but after all the recasts, I felt the character had been burned out and needed a rest. I would have been really disappointed if Strasser had been the upteenth recast. She was born to play Dorian.

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Over the years, various actors have made known their bitterness over the meager pay they were given on OLTL in the show's early years. The anger seemed to grow in the mid-1970s, when ABC hired Jacquie Courtney and George Reinholt at salaries substantially higher than what even the most popular veteran actors of the series were receiving. According to some actors who spoke out, ABC told them, "Take what we offer or leave." When you're a vet earning $20,000 a year and see brand-new actors coming aboard and starting at $35,000...that's demeaning. Nancy Pinkerton, Doris Belack and others quit over the insulting money disparity.

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Hence, the recasts. I love Catherine Burns. I’ve seen her one OLTL online, LAST SUMMER (her Oscar nom), RED SKY AT DAWN, her WALTONS ep, and a horrible Donna Mills TV-movie where Burns is her roommate. 

But it would’ve been a very interesting take to see her as Viki’s nemesis. 

Hmmmm. Maybe she could’ve pulled it off after all. 

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Jacquie is only 30 years old in that clip. To me she looks much older but that's how things have changed over the years. Nowadays, actresses at least a decade older present like this thanks to  the botox/fillers and various other treatments. And of course dress a lot younger.

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In between watching the Fall 1989 episodes, I got caught up with Fall 2009. 

So many good things, so many bad things. 

I was a huge Gigi and Rex fan until 2009 and it went downhill from there. FF has the worst hairstyle and JPL is overactive and this is the beginning of the constant who is Rex's dad...dull as dishwater. 

There was a disgusting line where he asked Roxy if Mitch was his dad and if he raped her like it didn't even matter if he did. 

Mitch return isn't horrible but not worth losing Jared, they focused so much on John and he and Viki have probably had one minute of airtime together. 

Natalie immediately goes to John; Blair is hyper focused on Todd; the Danielle drama is HORRIBLE with Ross evil and Todd fantastic; Todd bullying absolutely everyone. OMG talk about horrible. 

In a bright side I love how central Viki/Charlie and Nora/Bo reconnecting at the same time with Rachel back in town for Matthew. 

If they properly balanced the show and did not ignore Layla/Chris/Fish/Kyle (for one example) the show could have really been on fire. Stacy and Kim are actually fun, Jessica/Brody were such a good match, so many opportunities. 

Lastly-how bring back Mitch and NOT utilize a cult? They could have done some OTT drama in Napa with his followers doing some crazy staff at the vineyard or in Llanview post-coffin rising. 

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2009 was a very messy year with some great highs and godawful lows. The Bo/Nora/Clint triangle was golden and I loved most of Kish and Brody/Jessica, but the Gigi/Rex/Stacy story was awful and everything with Victor/Todd (who had just come off of re-raping Marty) was despicable. I also never forgave the show killing Jared, and frankly I don't think Carlivati, massive flaws and all, did either because I think that was down to Frons wanting to re-center John. Several years later, Ron made sure Natalie's last line to Mitch was "that was for Jared."

Edited by Vee
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This was such a problematic period/part of the show. Its like RC said0 "lets regress this part of the canvas back to late 90s(97-99) early 00s era, and make sure it's as cliched and plot driven as possible between Tea/Todd/Blair." Brought down so much of the show.

Stacy/Kim were indeed fun, and I liked the potential of a possible custody war between Kim/Clint/Stacey and Fish/Kyle, but it never came to fruition. 

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Frons being behind Jared's death does make sense, I haven't rewatched the finale in so long I forgot Natalie did indeed avenge Jared. 

His death brought so much pointless plot, primarily Natalie vs Marty and Marty going mad. 

I remember not enjoying the show again until Tale of Two Todd's launched. I had given up once they wrote out Rachel, Layla, Fish and Kyle and Viki/Dorian got involved on that ridiculous David shenanigans in summer 2010. 

Indeed-years of story lost over the potential custody plot and they could have involved Layla and Chris in that as well as close friends of Fish and Kyle. I would have liked to see Layla vs. Stacy/Kim. 

One thing I forgot to add-a massive difference in writing for Blair when you see 2009 Blair looking at Todd like a teenager and 2011 Blair angst with RH Todd, which I remember loving. 

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Since I shared The In Memoriam from this year presented by Susan Lucci I wondered who was the Character played by Arlene Dahl on AMC, Turns out The Emmys Committed a mistake and she played "Lucinda" on OLTL I looked around and found a Couple of Scenes with her, apparently she was hung up on Asa, can someone tell more about her?

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