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Overall, I'm not minding the adventures of "Ruby" (Megan) & Marco, but I'm wondering how much longer that storyline has to go. We're at the tail end of July 1989 in the current uploads and in the fall of 1989, Felicia on GH had her time to cosplay as a tart (as Phoebe). I'm wondering if there were viewers who watched both soaps and rolled their eyes at having to experience two stories so close to one another.

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  I could be wrong, but "Ruby" (Megan) & Marco lasted until late August or early September. The late Gerald Anthony only came back for a short run. As silly as it all was. I enjoyed their adventures.  

I also liked Felicia/Phoebe and Decker Moss adventures. It was something different. And a much-needed break from the Frisco/Felicia/Colton triangle.

Edited by victoria foxton
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I was trying to remember all of the times that Bo Buchanan went undercover in disguise.

As I recall, he dressed up as the Prince of Mendorra (to save Sarah), a Middle Eastern businessman (to save Tina), and an Irish terrorist (to save Marty).

Are there other costumes that I'm forgetting?  As the chief of police for a small suburban town Bo certainly faced a lot of international intrigue...  

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Julie Montgomery (Samantha Vernon) returns to soaps this week on Y&R as Tanya.

In a SOD story she said she disliked working with Philip Carey (Asa) because he never worked on scenes always used the teleprompter.

She was bored and it was maddening for her to have to work with him all the time.

Otherwise she said she would have stayed longer.



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She left the show one time and was replaced by Susan Keith.   She eventually left again, and I did not know that the show was so mostly enoyable that there was a possiblity that she would have remained on the show.    I liked Samantha especially when she was dating Johnny Drummond.   Asa was jealous and wanted Samantha for herself, so Asa paid Tina to get with Johnny (Andera Evans' then-husband in real life) and arranged for Samantha to catch them together (and to hopefully run to Asa).

And that prompts me to ask a question whose answer I have forgotten:    what was the name of Asa's record label on which Becky Lee and Johnny both recorded?

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Obviously, the fact that Asa was around the age of Samantha's father would seem "gross" by today's standards.  However, at the time Asa was a virile character.  He romanced Becky and Mimi, both of whom were of a similar age to Samantha. 

Samantha's father was rumored to have been involved with Jenny, so it wasn't unheard of for older men to be romantic with younger women in the Vernon family.  And Samantha's brother supported the union because he hoped to use their marriage as a means of getting ahead by Asa's wealth.

Also, Asa was charismatic, attentive, and persuasive in his pursuit of women.  He gave Samantha jewels, horses, and the ability to travel. And Samantha had been unlucky at love with men her own age, so she was open to exploring other ideas.  So, it wasn't as gross as it would seem.

Edited by j swift
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Samantha had also been involved with Tony Lord who was an older man, so it fitted in with the character.

Everything I've read about Phil Carey-the boozy lunches, lack of respect for the scripts, use of teleprompter etc makes me wonder how he survived for so long.

Did anybody actually enjoy working with him outside of Clint Ritchie and Bob Woods?

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I'm not dogging on Phil Carey, I loved watching him. But he was a handful and a character, and also a dear friend to Michael Storm and others IIRC. It was Clint Ritchie who was a known alcoholic. I'm simply pointing out that Montgomery has told this story before.

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New life for One Life Aug 4 1976

Qunlan adds actors as ABC show changes timeslot 

More people. More work was the cheerful but resigned exclamation of Doris Quinlan when she contemplated the expansion of One Life to Live the soap opera she produces for ABC which expanded to 45 mins last week.

But she indicated it would be all worthwhile if the longer time period and changed place in the daytime schedule do all they are intended to do – which is simply to get higher ratings and more loyal viewers to draw advertisers

Quinlan has already added 3 actors to the show and is expected to add at least one more on a regular basis.Or at least the writing staff will, there are currently five writers working on the show under headwriter Gordon russell and one more will probably be taken on.

The producer is also looking for a young production assistant 'preferably male' she said although it is somewhat difficult to find such help because men are less likely to be able to type.

The three actors new to the show are led by ex film star Farley Granger. He plays the head of a family with Teri Keane as his wife and Jameson Parker as their grown son. An entirely new family gives the writers still another peg on which to hang storylines which is necessary if the serial is to avoid 'padding' a common problem in continuing stories and one which Quinlan wants to avoid.

Already, Russell and Sam Hall (they worked together on Dark Shadows and plot this series while the other writers do the dialog) have provided more situations for the series through introducing the Granger headed family before the expansion. Granger plays a psychiatrist, so there should be no shortage of stories for the trio.

Because of the shows physical location the show will continue to have to confine itself to four sets.

Director David Pressman found the extra 15 min required more than a 50% boost in preparation.

Pressman is working under some handicaps due to summer relief technicians for a network already manpower deleted by a heavy engineering drain from the conventions and Olympic Games coverage.

Although Pressman found his work increased by more than the simple mathematical formula, Quinlan thinks that after the shakedown costs will only arise by about 40% although she said no final figure had been arrived at yet and the network finance people had put no pressure on her.

The program had been budgeted at about $75,000 a week and final figures Quinlan estimates will rise to about $110-115,000 weekly.

The producer admits though she doesn't entirely understand the figures the network accountants come up with. She remembers with relish the time she used a nickel on a show and was charged 7c in production costs.

Perhaps more important than the expanded time, Quinlan thinks is the shows new place in the ABC schedule. No longer will it have to face the second half of NBC's Another World as it did when it was on at 3.30pm as it will now have the 2pm $20,000 Pyramid as a lead in instead of General Hospital.which now follows at 3.15pm.

She seems to think that Guiding Light on CBS and The Doctors on NBC will prove easier than the old opposition. Also CBS goes with All in the Family reruns at 3.00 and NBC Another world.

Changes aside Quinlan believes that soap operas are finally achieving the recognition they deserve.She pointed to TVQ surveys and other polls as indicators of the soapers popularity over the years. And she was quick to mention a growing tendency towards family drama in primetime as seemingly soaper inspired. But the strongest clue, she said, is the fairly new phenomenon of heavy fan mag coverage. And a syndie newspaper column by Jon Michael Reed now appearing 3 times a week in 80 papers is another indicator Quinlan thinks, of 'how powerful we are'


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