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AMC Tribute Thread


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Watching another March 2008 episode. Before Erica went to jail she gave this advice to Kendall: "Listen to me, Kendall. I want you to do this mental excercise. Whenever you see Aidan, I want you to ignore everything sexy about him. Just visualize something bland - A potted palm." LOL. Love her.

Colby and Frankie used to interact & had a budding relationship. Wow. Don't think I ever knew that.

Edited by AllmyDaysatGH
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I always had the impression that Brooke neither reported the rape nor told anyone about the subsequent abortion. Or maybe it was just Phoebe who was kept in the dark, since Ruth Warrick says, in her autobiography, how it all happened while she was on vacation and her character was away from town.

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It seems that over the years, the rape was mentioned more than the subsequent abortion.

Brooke's rape was drudged up over the years in relation to other women raped on the show, which was many (Natalie, Gloria, Julia and Kit). When Ross was on trial for Natalie's rape, Brooke revealed to her new husband Adam that she had been raped by an acquaintance. This was around the time that acquaintance rape was becoming a more talked about matter.

When Julia was considering an abortion after her rape, Brooke was brought into the picture, and it was one of the few times her own abortion was brought up.

With Kit, Brooke was one of her few supporters.

And yes, when Brooke was told she must have an abortion to save her life, her previous abortion was alluded to at that time.

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Susan Lucci's response to the NY Post's Cindy Adam's question on how she felt about being pink slipped from AMC after 41 years:

“Very sad. Disbelief, anger, tears, all of that. Hard even now for me to say All My Children in the past tense. It was a dreadful mourning period. I was incredulous. Took a year to get over it. Understand, I played Erica Kane 41 years. I started on the program’s 10th day. Soaps served a purpose for millions of multi-generational passionate fans. Every day someone tells me they miss it. One man said: ‘Cotton is not the fabric of our lives. In our house it was All My Children. It was a constant for his wife, who he knew always watched. Back from Afghanistan, the show was their conversation starter.”

The iconic soap star then went on to say about AMC’s axing: “I’m still not sure why it stopped. I had no heads up when it was going off. I learned when everybody found out, and there wasn’t even time to collect mementos. I only managed to get a red and white T-shirt that read ‘Free Erica Kane from jail.’’

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