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AMC Tribute Thread


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I just wanted to say that even though my home is Llanview, I "visit" Pine Valley a lot over the past 17 years. I just want to say that wheither you are for All My Children, OLTL or both, we are all united right now. We are all just one big group of fans. For some of us, it's not just loosing a soap, it's like loosing a second home with family we spent decades learning about and depending on every day. our lives will never be the same. I do like the other soaps but i don't care about them nearly as much as i did with my ABC family. I consider characters on both shows family.

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I enjoy watching all these clips being posted by you guys, I hope people continue to share their faves (& maybe even not so much faves) as the months progress!

One of the best recent storyline's, IMO, was "The Quad"! Not so much because of the entanglements (all I really cared about was JR & Annie ending up together), but because it pitted Annie & Marissa against each other which provided for some great scenes! Not just great, but classic mostly thanks to Annie biggrin.gif Who could forget this one, ;-P

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My mom had always watched AMC, so i remember it here and there through the years but nothing specific stands out. However, i do remember the reason i became interested and started paying attention, and eventually watching it myself. It was christmas break of 1999, Greenlee was gunning for Hayleys job and sparring with Leo.

I found the video!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZW3CN1sh834" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by JackPeyton
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I'd never watched a full episode of Search For Tomorrow a day in my life, but the first time I watched that clip of Stu ask Jo what she was searching for, I got the church chill bumps, a huge lump in my throat, and my eyes filled with water. This was with absolutely no context of that show. I don't know how I'm going to fare on that fateful day in September.

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I started watching AMC with my mom in the summer of 1980 when I was 12. I had seen glimpses of the show before and had watched OLTL and GH with her after school, but AMC was different. It had Phoebe ranting, Erica flirting and Palmer scheming to break up Cliff & Nina. I was hooked on this show in a way I'd never been before!

I bought my first VCR in college because I had a required class that conflicted with this show and I had to see if Tad would marry Hillary. I'm still in denial that come September the town of Pine Valley will be leaving my life for good.

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I'll never forget the first time I started watching AMC. Cliff and Tara were talking in the hospital cafeteria and in walked Erica Kane. And that was it. It's like another old friend has died. There's not much to watch on ABC anymore and it used to be my favorite network.

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Edited by reallyhateskateonlost
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I first started AMC through a wedding videotape, which I did really enjoy (I watched the "Just You and I" duet for Greg and Jenny several times). I didn't start watching the main show until around the time Marcy Walker came back as Liza. I was riveted by her early story and also drawn into Janet's story, Michael Delaney, etc. Unfortunately after that it all started to decline and while I do think AMC has had many great moments over the years, I never had the strong emotional connection I had with some of the CBS soaps. But I have still dropped in and out and I hate that this is ending.

I also respect AMC for bringing back Angie and Jesse and proving that black characters can be viable and that returns of long past characters can be successful. I wish this was not their exit story, but at least it's better than seeing ATWT end all but holding up a "whites only" sign.

I don't think it can be stated enough just how powerful and prominent AMC was for many years, and what a strong connection they had to pop culture.

Disney destroyed this - making AMC just like any other soap was its death.

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I always watched AMC with my mom but didn't really start paying attention and taping it until around October 2003 when the Babe/JR/Jamie stuff started. IDK about anyone else, but I was hooked on that!! I loved the whole beginnings of that story & all through the baby switch. Along with that, I also fell in love with AM/Kendall ;-).

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I may have been very cavalier about the show's demise, but I will say that All My Children has been a significant part of my life. It didn't dawn on me until late. I saw my mother around 9pm and told her the news -- and it was weird hearing it come out of my mouth. It was then that I realize how that was our second language. I honestly didn't realize the connected we shared through this show. Largely because over the last 10 years or so, our schedules have become so varied that we don't have conversations about the show (or even watch together) like we used to. However, thinking back, there's always been All My Children in my life. My mother started watching ABC soaps while she was pregnant with me and during the first year I was born. She had taken a year off from work to concentrate on being a mother. When she went back to work, the company (which is a very prominent corporation) had always had four big screen televisions in this spacious employee lounge. One would be set on ABC soaps, another on NBC soaps, another on CBS. My mother wound up sticking with All My Children because it was on during her lunch time, and there you go.

Flash forward several years, my father bought a VCR, and by first grade, I had become aware of All My Children because my mother would tape it and watch it at home in the evening. I remember it being in the background and catching moments in stories such as Mark's cocaine addiction, Cindy's death, Jesse/Angie/Yvonne (which began my love affair with Vanessa Bell Calloway for the next 20 years), I even remember getting off the bus and coming in from school the last day before Christmas break and seeing the cast sing Christmas carols on the Wallingford staircase on air (in the old days of 1:15 early dismissal before vacations).

Then by 1989, I was in fifth grade and in that "tween" phase. I didn't exactly want to watch Mister Rogers Neighborhood after school (he'd come on at 3:30) , nor did I want to watch boring talk shows such as that Opera Winifred woman (which cracks me up considering how much of an Oprah whore I turned out to be! :lol: ), so I just gradually started watching tapes of sitcoms I had recorded over the week. I would have to remove my mother's All My Children tape, place it on top of the television, put my tape in and there you go. By this time, we had moved. While it was into a bigger house, we had yet to have cable access in all the rooms (only downstairs and in my parents' bedroom). So at dinner time, my mother would come home, put her All My Children tape back into the VCR and watch. Now, the thing is -- if I wanted to watch television during dinner, no problem -- I just had to watch All My Children since my mother was also eating while watching.

Ugh! Whatever!

Lo and behold, within that year, not only was I happily watching it with my mother in the evening... I was coming home from school, watching it by myself in the afternoon AND THEN re-watching it with my mother at night! By 1990, it was as much my soap opera as it was hers. I was addicted. That year, I had gotten in trouble in school. As punishment, my mother revoked my television privileges for close to the entire month of November. This was during the Tad/Dixie/Billy Clyde storyline when Billy Clyde had that shootout with the cops at his cabin in the woods where he was holding Dixie captive. Well, shiit, honey, I wasn't missing that. So I remember being crafty enough to negotiate with my mother that I would be able to listen to AMC in the hallway outside of the family room while she watched -- since "listening" isn't "watching" television. She agreed.

Little did she know, I had been watching AMC during my entire punishment. I'd come home, immediately watch the tape, and then be done with enough time for the VCR and TV to be stone cold by the time my mother came home around 5:30. ;)

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My grandmother is turning over in her grave right now. She hated Erica and she would always curse at the TV every time she was on. I got curious, so I started watching to see what all the fuss was about and of course I fell in love with the show. I was probably the only kindergartener who preferred to watch All My Children instead of Sesame Street. :lol:

I think I feel a deep attachment to the show because it connects me with my grandmother who is no longer with us. :(

I'm deeply hurt about the show's cancellation but I'm not going to stop being a fan once the show is done. It will live on on youtube and on my VHS tapes and I'll reminisce with fellow fans on this board.

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