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AMC Tribute Thread


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I agree with his view--to a large extent too, although I think part of the trap he did fall into, was the typical soap "supercouple" problem. And wow--I knew he had a rep at the time for having an ego--and I'm sure some of it was just his age but some of that interview made me just laugh, even if many actors prob feel the same about their talents. I do kinda enjoy how he sorta slams the show saying his role would never change--and at the same time keeps saying that he hopes they're open to him returning. Is he still acting? His official webpage is almost all links to self published sci fi he's written (!) that I think is based on his Andromeda character...

Thanks for the link--I totally see what you mean Carl about Trevor and Michael I always wanted to see more of Brad--though the actor was straight and married, and Michael's was straight I think, Brad seemed more comfortable playing gay, and I remember people at the time saying that (as they manly patted each other on the back and gave each other bear hugs). RIP Daniel McDonals who played Brad and had some Broadway leads, who died suddenly at 47 of a brain aneurysm (I think.)

Didn't she run into Donald Trump or someone at Nexxus? (or was thatg this episode lol)

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The only good thing about that story was Kelly Ripa's performance in the wedding episode you see in that promo. I don't know if it was down to pregnancy hormones, or some other factor (she was an OK actress but rarely a good one), but she was wonderful, especially her scenes with Adam. I try, and fail, to block out the rest.

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Sorry guys, when looking for Heartbreak High videos for the Loving/City thread, I stumbled across that (Vince P was a star from HH just like Corey Paige who was hired around the same time for The City.) While Broderick's era in the 90s was a mixed bag (although personally it's nonetheless one of my fave eras,) this story really was IMHO the nadir. Funny, it largely feels like something that would have fit McTavish's sensationalistic late 90s run--it has so many of the Hallmarks... Like bringing on a new character who is instantly disliked and who is written into such a plot driven hole that they have no way to return (to be fair, I guess Tanner perhaps was brought on with a short term goal and they never hoped to redeem him, but...), a he said/she said rape scenario which doesn't even have any intrigue because we know already who's in the wrong, etc.

Ripa did have moments where she really raised to the challenge. Yeah they were few (especially in her last few years,) but...

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Yeah that was a bad spring for AMC relatively speaking--at least soon the Kevin story sparked back up. I remember at the time, just as The City was starting to be very good (or at the least very solid) it was depressing because AMC was in a bit of a rut, and OLTL--I believe just before the Labines came on-- was an utter mess (I wasn't watching GH at the time at all...) So I was actually enjoying The City the best but its cancelation was already announced. (I also remember that all ABC's ratings were slipping *except* The City which was actually, for once, having admittedly tiny climbs each week.)

Edited by EricMontreal22
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