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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Haha, well they then asked her about the rumors and how she proclaimed they were absolutely false... only to be surprised that they weren't. She genuinely believe those were rumors - she went into detail about that on The Talk.

But yeah, she was asked point blank how the show will end, and she said Agnes and LB are back, but it's still up in the air as to whether it will really end... she said "maybe not on ABC". But then she did say later at the end of the interview that tons of fan favorites are coming back.

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Didn't Agnes already say they weren't ending it like a final show in the event it would get picked up but to also not close the

book but leave people with the impression that Pine Valley was still alive and moving on, not really leaving plotlines hanging

but leaving viewers with the feeling that life goes on.

I know I am kind of rambling but I thought that was sort of the sense I got.

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It would probably hurt her career more if she said "It's over." She's not saying the show will stay around, she's saying it's a possibility. It's a nice way of saying it probably won't happen, but you never know.

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How expensive would that be though?

I think the best case scenario at this point would be DirectTV picking them up and letting Agnes air them on her website the same day. But I don't think realistically it's going to happen.

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I don't think ABC will ever turn AMC and OLTL loose. Seriously, I think Agnes would have an easier time launching her own new bilingual novella. If I was a kind, caring ABC Daytime exec, I would throw my loyal soap viewers a bone by commissioning self-contained AMC/OLTL webisodes on ABC.com once every couple of months, advertising them during daytime commercial breaks.

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I just watched the interview. First of all, La Lucci looks the bomb. :wub: I don't think I've ever seen her look so good. Maybe, it was the studio lighting, but she looked flawless.

Secondly, I don't think she was giving false hope. She acknowledged that the show was ending it's run on ABC but that the fans were "on fire" and were wanting to see the show continue elsewhere.

That audience loves her! Standing O twice!

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Okay so wait a minute. Did SuLu call out Jamey on that show or something? His tweets, which I read for comical purposes:

I must have missed it when Robin Strasser and Kim Zimmer actually made changes happen at their soaps :lol: This object needs an intense psychological evaluation.

Brazen and topical. Boy I fn tell ya. Bitches these days.

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