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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Meanwhile, why do I feel like JPL's comments about Frons either prove how badly he wants to stay employed by moving over to GH, or prove that he has, in fact, been guaranteed to go there once OLTL is canceled?

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And watch him start actually acting over there with the big boys. :rolleyes: You cannot possibly not only inexplicably thank but also praise the person who cancelled your show and made you jobless unless you're gunning for a new one. So transparent.

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I can understand why she isn't going to buy 40 year old soaps, but I would suggest any scripted programming. OWN seems to be like any other channel out there, and the idea that they're going to watch just because Oprah is involved is probably one of the reasons it's tanking. Surely there is a way to find very cheap material by startup or frugal directors and producers, with a cast who mostly want to work or to get noticed.

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Good point. I actually think that The View has been the worst career move for Barbara, Rosie*, and Whoopi in terms of casting them in a hitherto unseen (by the public) negative light, which has in turn been imo a very positive thing for fans to see celebs for just how human they are. I feel the same way about Robin's Hotline.

*Yes, Rosie had a head start on her own show. And if I wasn't clear, I'm not saying that the SHOW did this to them but rather that it provided them the format to be themselves, warts and all.

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I don't necessarily agree. The biggest problem was that the network launched with her having very few programs in place, period. I don't understand why The Judds, Shania's show, Our America, Addicted To Food, and the rest of them didn't all premiere when the network did. It's this odd trickle down effect. For a long time they were not doing anything but replaying the same shows and same episodes over and over and over again.

Honestly though? I find Oprah: Season 25 Behind the Scenes and Lisa Ling's Our America much much better than any soap on the air right now.

I do think they would benefit from scripted programming, but I don't necessarily think right now is the best time for OWN to focus on that. They haven't even got all of their unscripted programs on the air yet.

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