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The Wendy Williams Thread


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Yeah, I remember a classmate passing out in acting class while doing a breathing/relaxation exercise and his speech was slurred for a bit when he came to.


Never read the comments, as they say, I  was so annoyed by what people were typing on the YouTube video, i.e., her faking it.  We all know Wendy is extra, anything she does is over-the-top, and an experience as frightening as passing out on live television is no exception.  In those brief seconds when the lights go out so to speak and you lose control, your mind races and you wonder if you're just passing out or dying, how long will you be out or will you be out forever, will you be the same person when you come to, WILL you come to...?


It's hot under those studio lights, she was wearing a headpiece on top of a wig and a fabric that doesn't look very breathable.  Her diet is not the same as it once was.  She's been dealing with personal issues.  The recipe is there.

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I got some tea for you! A month or two ago there were rumors about Wendy's husband cheated which she dispelled on her show. Well yesterday her husband was seen in public with the alleged mistress driving around with her  in the bently he bought with Wendy's money, after he dropped Wendy off at work. Wendy knows about them. Heck they may even have an open marriage but he's being sloppy with it. I bet this stress contributed to her fainting


People are speculating that the mistress is pregnant and may be engaged to Kevin based on the big diamond on her ring finger














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WW announced today that she is going on a 3-week hiatus from her show, effective immediately. She said it is a recurrence of her thyroid/Graves issues, but I imagine the stress of her husband cheating on her, coupled with the medua scrutiny and maybe other... things, is not helping. She was apparently almost in tears today. It must be hard to have to leave the show so suddenly. I hope she gets the medical and emotional care she needs right now. She's not been right in some time.


Oh and she also said she made up with R Kelly??? Wtf? 

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Ha. He’s a good host and an appealing personality but... yeah... random. The line about him being the polar opposite of Wendy and thus not a threat is funny. I can’t picture him sipping tea and dishing on celebrities. Someone like Bevy Smith, sure.

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I know he was a big Housewives fan. He is always a bit fake to me, although he has his moments. 


Any time I watched Wendy's show in the last year or so it was always so tense. The audience would be on tenterhooks. 


I wonder if he will change that.

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Mo'Nique should have gotten the job! She'd have been hilarious and a good fit. Wendy has often said you would never see anyone in her seat bc that wold be the first sign that she's replaceable. I bet thats why she went with Jerry bc someone too much like her would have made that more apparent. Im glad the crew is picking back up bc they were all losing money not working

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Or could it be that The Wendy Williams Show is taped in NYC where a good portion of the audience is likely to be potential constituents for governor of New York? 

Remember this is a statewide election, not national.  So unless she can be sure that a significant portion of Ellen's audience will be New Yorkers, why would Nixon hike it all the way to California?


This is not really unusual for Nixon, who gave her first interview to a NYC-based newspaper that is the oldest active Black newspaper in the U.S. 

Also, Nixon's announcement of intent to run was delivered in Brownsville, a majority, low-income, Black neighborhood in Brooklyn.

She is trying to appeal to mainly New Yorkers, especially as she has accused her opponent, Gov. Cuomo of having his attention diverted away from New Yorkers by competing national interests, leaving open the possibility that Cuomo is seeking higher office in the not-too-distant future. 

Nixon likely wants exposure yet wants to remain as local and close to home as possible and a NY-based show that has a nationwide audience likely checks all the boxes of what she'd want.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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