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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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Well, I would bring back Mark, Ellen and Devon, but only after Ellen's granddaughter, Bonnie McFadden, has returned to town and is firmly established on the canvas. Otherwise, they have no purpose there.

Same goes for Benny Sago, by bringing back his stepdaughter, Emily Ann; for Nina, through her and Cliff's son, Michael Warner; and for Barbara, through Molly and Sean.

Oh, and Ross and Skye, too.

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I wasn't watching LOVING at that point. I do know, though, it was another actress (or actually, a double, since we saw only the back of Ceara's head - hey, maybe it was that mop they use for "Laura" on GH?), and that Ceara was shot.

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One of these days, I'm going to pick up a magazine, or log onto a message board w/ spoilers, and it's going to say:

Amanda passes by an abandoned well and begins to get ideas.

Count on it.

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I'll never understand the idea that returning characters can only interact with characters they already had stories with. Sure, Trey's return would be most important to David and Kendall (Erica, Bianca, and Greenlee, too!), but there's a whole canvas full of characters with whom new relationships can be explored. Instead of a Bianca/Marissa/JR triangle, it could be Trey in there. Or he could toss Krystal's junk around and give her some jolly times. Angie and Jesse had no connections whatsoever besides Tad when they returned, and now -- like them or not -- they've got relationships with David, Jake, Amanda, Frankie has relationships with newly-created characters, some feelings of animosity toward Ryan, etc. New characters come to town with few or no connections all the time and end up with many connections after some years of story (which...I know...we don't know if we have "years," but just roll with me here). I don't see how it would be any different for returning characters. Billy Clyde interacted with a new group of people every time he came back.

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I almost hate to say it, but no, I totally agree with you on both points.

And good for RPG with his tweet. I'm not a big fan of his, and barely a fan of JHC at all, but I think he's completely correct to call Jamey and DC out on the way they spread "news" They can't have it both ways--see themselves as a viable soap news site, and then report rumour as fact and instead of critiquing what they dislike about an EP (or actor or writer) go to "clever" name calling.

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LOL Oh Khan!

No, I agree, but the poster I was replying to has praised some very (totally in my opinion) sketchy periods in AMC history where I didn't even see any story in any sense of the word. And asked specifically what was going on with any of those characters, when I thought all of their stories, like them or not, were pretty clear (and honestly a number of the past years, when someone rattled off those character names and asked what their story was, I would have had to leave blanks for half of them--so I do think there's SOME improvement. Enough? Of ourse not, but I guess I take what I can get).

HA too funny, I noticed that suddenly Matt B is ALL OVER every AMC facebook page, and wondered what was up--his profile pic for a bit even seemed to be him posing with Lucci. :D I actually like him and loved the character (mostly...) at the time--and the recast sucked and I was glad to see him back for a cameo a few years after, but really there's no place for Brian o the show right now. So many other long gone characters would serve the show much much more. Sorry Matt. :P

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Exactly, even if I really liked Ceara. Besides she was killed off camera on Loving ;) It is kinda nice to see all these actors wanting to return to a soap that the "press" has called unsalvageable and a show no one wants to be connected to, for a while now (OK Matt and many of them just want the work mainly, but GF doesn't need it).

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I had to be out all morning and into the afternoon and I told a friend to text me when the boom was lowered. LMFAO I kept waiting for a text. :unsure: But yes, we and AMC made it through the week. We got better ratings and demos too.:) Now to do it all again on Monday. :ph34r:

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We don't need Zach, and the crazy Zendall fans would prob track down and kill any recast. I wonder if it's at all doable to try to recast Dimitri (again) and build back the Merricks? Prob not...

As uch as I liked theoriginal Trey, he obviously isn't gonna come back (I don't think--I know he's a regular, but not contract actor on a number of shows though I have a feeling he could be killed off in the war on Mad Men), but a recast could make sense.

I think at this point the most sense really would be to build up the Cortland family. Bring back Ross with his Chandler/Cortland ties (maybe even make him come in as an actual Adam type replacement and put JR in his place--maybe Adam asked him to take over), Nina, a young adult Petey--Hell Bobby, Kelsey and Tara recast or not wouldn't be a prob with me.

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