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February 14-18, 2011


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Well, they won't cancel both at once.....but the other one would likely follow a year or two later.

If they were smart, they'd air the new talk show at 1 PM in AMC's slot (where it would be the only talk show on the major broadcast networks, against two other soaps), and leave OLTL at 2 with GH at 3. Then, if the show was successful, it might boost OLTL which follows it...and if it didn't boost OLTL, ABC would likely find another talker to air at 2.

Of course, if it bombed, that could also keep OLTL around. :lol:

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Oh that is a definite Carolyn, the remaining show will last no more than two years, barring some ratings miracle. If they cancel OLTL first (and I am convinced that they will) AMC would only last a year if ratings remained this bad. Not an AMC fan, at all, but I hate to see that show doing so terribly in the 18-49 especially.

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We know Frons was looking to replace K&S. Their contracts are up now (or their cycles, if they signed for more than a year). With the ratings of late they haven't given him any reason to change his mind about replacing them. And yet no announcement has been made. I can't help but feel that this is because of the impending "major decisions".

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Both of the talk shows will bomb - the ideas sound wretched or run by someone who was only ever famous because of her father. But ABC still might prefer failed talk shows, then just turning those hours over to cheap reruns.

Given Y&R's constant hatred for women in the last few years I'm not surprised they are sinking in women 18-49.

As for OLTL, the show would probably have better ratings if they did not insist on always lurching back to the same old pets. Turning what should have been interesting drama back to manwhore moper John and Tessica 15.0 was a great way to send people looking for another program.

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All the shows seem to be going lower and lower in the ratings and they all just keep doing the same thing with shooting lots of scenes in one day, little rehearsal time, cutting back on wardrobe, sets, etc.

I wish at least one of these shows - any of them - would try a different approach: cut the cast, instead of production. Have 20 or less contract actors and focus on them. They keep hiring and hiring actors and providing them with sh*tty writing and direction. As much as weather and cable tv are factors in the ratings, the bottom line is that none of these shows are nearly as good as they used to be.

OLTL can get rid of Cristian, Gigi, Ford, James, Starr, Langston, Nate, Dani, Destiny, Shaun, Roxy, Cutter, and Inez. Keep it simple:

Buchanans and relatives/lovers: Clint, Bo, Nora, Natalie, Jessica, Matthew, Viki, Charlie, Echo, Brody, John, Rex, Joey, Aubrey

Cramers: Dorian, Blair, Tomas, Kelly

With Todd, Tea, and Marty.

Just sayin'

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JMO, the crash is a combo of factors:

Partial correction - the soaps were bound to drop at least some as they were artifically inflated don't you think?

Good weather - after six weeks of bad weather and freezing temperatures keeping them locked inside the house, last week's higher temperatures felt downright spring like and folks headed outdoors.

BIG news stories breaking - I am interested IF cable news ratings were UP for last week, Toups.

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I don't usually watch live, but it's been A BIG few weeks in the news. They always break into soaps for the crap that means nothing, have they been breaking in? I know when they used to do that, I usually never turned back .

OLTL and AMC are vying for first to be canceled right now. Though, it won't matter, whichever on goes first the other will follow. As shitty as this line up these days, without each other, they're DONE.

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I think it's a given a soap will be cancelled every year as I can see the networks slowly agreeing on that one a year pace to shut down their soaps.

With DOOL already renewed, there's no question AMC or OLTL are next on chopping block. And seriously whichever goes first only matters to their fans as the other will surely get axed the following year. Then it's a battle between DOOL and GH as I think Y&R and B&B will be last to go.

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Anyone else surprised that DAYS was relatively unaffected? Is it because they'd already fallen far? Is it an NBC thing?

I wonder if these drops are sustained with rotgut Y&R if the talentless non-writers currently clogging up that show will finally go.

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I'm not even upset about OLTL/AMC anymore, because this can't continue. And since one will follow the other, it's just a matter of which on gets to let the bleeding stop first. Part of me hopes that's AMC, but I never get what I want, so it'll be OLTL. LOL

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Everybody has a list of who they blame for the bad ratings and for everyone who hates them there's someone who loves them. It's not necessarily a character's presence but their airhog status, propping and whether they're involved in the same story that has been a proven failure for years. For example, Rylee eventually drove me away from the show entirely but I found both characters much more palatable when they were out of each others' orbit and the entire canvas wasn't focused solely on them.

I want OLTL to go first for lots of reasons but honestly because I want AMC to get the extra year so that they can bring back the right people and say goodbye in the right way. If the go first, they'll only get six months to wrap it up with S&K writing it to boot. AMC deserves better.

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The problem is these characters will never be changed or altered - I guess even if they did go, and Frons is still there, he will just find new versions of these characters, but at this point I don't think TSJ or Bree will ever be able to do anything beyond the sleepwalking/mugging of late.

I tend to like John when they move him into something new, but that never lasts, and the stuff he's had the last week or two has really annoyed me.

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