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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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Yep Donnelly was one of the several victims of the power struggle between Scott and Alden there 2000-2001 until Scott's departure. While I'm not the biggest Susan Walters fan, looking back she did do good work with the poolhouse fire mystery and the writing for Diane still remained good into 2003 and 2004 with Diane being the persistent thorn until turned savior with bailing out Jabot from the brink of collapse with her divorce settlement money from Victor. Oh and throw in Andy's odd return too. I feel bad Walters wasn't invited back either just months after having appeared on the show.

As far as Walters leaving the show I can't remember why she left isn't/wasn't her husband Linden Ashby who was playing the Cameron story at the time? As was the standard for Y&R in 2004 her exit was pretty anti-climatic she left the time Lynne moved away.

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Correction....I wish they'd let Diane throw Phyllis in a volcano. Someone called Phyll useless...ICAM. Good God, can you imagine all the airtime they'd have if TIIC weren't obligated to pen a "Phyllis confronts X unexpectedly" scene every. FRIGGIN'. Day?

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They were both wanted her gone.

The writing was terrible.

Diane went from being Nikki's punching bag (who occasionally was allowed to fight back) & was still treated as a character in her own right (relatively) to being completely thrown under the bus for Giggly Heffa in every concievable way.

It was just atrocious.

It's for the best.

Walters may not have been the definitive Diane but she was a fine recast & definitely deserved better.

A LOT better.

Cause she had done her job.

Diane had gone under the bus as far as she could go (then at least) & was relegated to being a glorified extra.

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Did Alex start the Phyllis/Diane Rivalry, or was it all Susan. For some reason it doesn't seem like Alex was really into Phyllis's buisness as much as she was to Nikkis.

Another thing that is kind of rousing my curiosity is the fact that after being such good friends in the 80's the first time Diane was on the show, They haven't gone back to the Lauren/Diane friendship. Lauren wasn't on the show anymore when they bought Alex back as Diane the first time in 1996, and even when Tracey returned summer of 2000, i don't believe they had a run in (Tracey wasn't on for that long anyway though) and then the following year when Tracey came back permantely, Alex was gone but Susan came on as Diane a few months later, and throughout that how time span (2001-2004) Did Lauren and Diane get to interact? and of course last week Michael and Lauren both ran into Diane, but nothing really came out of it as far as those two were concerned.

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And it was never a rivalry (at least at first).

Agenda driven writing.

Ever since Lauren became a Baldwin Fisher parrot she is only allowed to reference her pre Michael history if it's about Paul (all the time) or Traci (rarely).


Which is sad since she had much more chemistry with him than Braeden, Bergman or Morrow.

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Haha actually Deedee, i meant that nothing came out of Lauren and Diane last week, as it still no reference of their friendship, i agree that Diane did have great chemistry with Michael, but i guess one of the writers rules is that Michael and Lauren shall be the only couple that remains inseperable.... :rolleyes:

You also for forgot to mention Sheila as someone who Lauren is occasionally aloud to speak of, regarding this agenda driven writing for her.

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I think Maura also has chemistry with Joshua Morrow which is a minor miracle. But yeah, she and CLB sparked.

Phyllis (to Diane): "You have bounced from man to man to man. You never rily hold on to one long. I think we both know you're just a seat-warmer for Victor until he goes back to Nikki."

Really, writers? RILY? Your giving HER this dialogue?!

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Yes (for me) they did and acted well off each other more-so than Sofia/Neil and Sofia/Malcom she just doesn't have chemistry with them IMO she has it though with others.

I don't understand Victor's and Adams' arbitration agreement re: the trust :unsure:

I like Nick and Diane too

Maura can act off JM very well for me she's damn good. I was disappointed MTS didn't get

an emmy nom.

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