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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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Honestly, I do think Eva could've fit on the show had they paired her in scenes with people her age. She never had scenes with Chloe or anybody in her age range. Just all that ridiculous stuff with her "daughter" and whatnot. Like Sofia, they cast an actress way too young for the role. And to have a model and not have her involved in that Jabot model stuff was just silly.

This stuff with Neil and Sofia just screams "let's throw the black people together." It makes no sense from a story stand point and they have no chemistry so why go there? Sofia and Cane actually had chemistry together, other than that they haven't really tested her with anyone. I was hoping Daniel Goddard's inevitable new character could be paired with her. I still say Neil and Ashley should've stayed together. They had chemistry and were a legitimately good pairing. Unfortunately, most of their relationship was off screen but I think it was worth exploring. Now he's stuck with Sofia and she's stuck on the backburner in one of the worst romances of her character history.

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Her best bet (for airtime) is with Kristoff cause she will be a losing part of a triangle with Adam or Nick.

Neil & Ashley had potential (solely due to the actors) but Maria never cared about them beyond using the relationship as a placeholder for Ashley until Tucker was recast.

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Leslie will be saddled with Malcolm unfortunately. Why else have them meet recently. Besides, they wouldn't put her with white golden boys like Adam or Nick. IRs are for CK only yall know that.:lol:

Neil and Sofia looked awkward on the couch. I didn't find them hot at all but KSJ's body looked good atleast.

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Damn, Kristoff! How old is he? Because he's still got the body. In fact, I think KSJ looks better now than he did in his supposed heyday the 90s.

And it is so rare to see two AA characters get a love scene. What there was was actually pretty hot. Although it is total cliche now with Malcolm and Neil sharing women. FauxMalcolm should have bought a clue when he walked in on the two of them and Sophia was finger-combing her hair back into shape.

Unexpectedly ok scene between Lily and Daniel. I forgot that MG could actually act.

Phick. *shudder* Don't even tease us, MAB. That ship has sailed, hit an iceberg, tipped over and sunk to the bottom of the atlantic, dragging the rest of its Third Class passengers in the groundswell.

Also: The Stafford can no longer play Hurt 'n Sexy. Phyllis is too cold and psychotic.

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Eh when I think about it at least the show is just a little better from this time last year.

Diane is right--Phyllis has nothing to do and serves no purpose. Too bad MAB&Co didn't realize what they just had wrote.

Another case of Victor always wins I see is occurring. I have to say though I did enjoy MM today standing up to Victor. I absolutely abhor and despise Adam but at least MM's smarmy qualities can make it tolerable from time to time.

The Lily stuff is just beyond discussion.

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I'm a newbie here...and this is my inaugeral post. Today's show? Too much saying and not enough showing! It happened a couple of times...but after Michael comments on Victor's public declaration on Valentine's Day (which we already saw last week), Diane says "introducing me as the new woman in his life. It caused quite an uproar." This is an awful line of dialogue. She should have simply replied "It caused quite an uproar.." But I guess that's nitpicking. I'm a Maura fan so this snooze of a show was saved by her scenes w Stafford and LeBlanc, IMO.

BTW, I joined this board to comment on this sentence! What is UP with THAT????? I've noticed this. Seriously - any back story? Is it simply to save some of the vets from the HD??

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"Sniff" :(..... I think this proves more and more that they never should have let Alex Donnelly (or even Susan Walters) go.... why did Alex leave anyway? I just can't see Maura being matched as a rival for Nikki like Alex was.(even though the show is not really focusing on Nikki vs Diane)

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Really?.... Thats a shame. Granted i wasn't actually watching when she was on, but after seeing so many clips of her, she really was the best Diane Overall. Maura is getting better, but it still seems kind of awkward for her, and i still can't get that scene out of my head from a couple weeks ago when she started to strip in front of Victor :wacko: ....

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*waves to my BFF* :nbe: Welcome!

Ugh...the dialogue on this show just sucks. 90% of the time it needlessly recaps the action---5% of the time, it's just repeating the same tired conversation (do Phyllis and Sharon actually SAY anything in their endless fights? NOPE...)---1% is spent saying trite catchphrases (Nick and "awesome" come to mind), which leaves 4% of "useful" discussion between characters.


I know big girls need love too, but that "love scene" between Neil and Sophia was just gagworthy. Neil in his flaming red muumuu, looked like he was hurdling the poor girl, not having sex.

I did have to laugh at Nick finaalllly getting to tell Phyllis he "wasn't here to talk about your problems." Duh, Nick, didn't you know the minute you stopping stickin' it to her, you became her BFF to run to when she pissed Jack off? I don't know what that little almost kissyface moment was about, other than it was clearly too cold for Phyl to grab a place next to the dumpster and hoist her skirt up.

I wish they'd let Diane rip Phyllis a new piehole. I get that Diane's more controlled now that Maura's in the role, but she looks like a wimp who lets Phyll walk all over her.

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