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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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I just finished Monday's episode, and holy crap... it wasn't some big, special event, but it has to be the best hour of soap I've seen all year. Just great, solid soap opera. Lexie's heartbreak over Theo, Sami lashing out at Abe, Phillip and Chloe remembering the Last Blast -- all great stuff. It was full of mentions of history (Brandon!), too. Awesome stuff.

(Okay, aside from the retconned face transplant and the fact that Stephanie needs to get a damn life...)

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Another few days, another few episodes of DAYS, a lot of satisfaction.

The kid playing Johnny is a real find...he's kicking ass with his "I you!" "He's called SANTA, Stupid!" and mega tantrums. Well played kid, well played indeed.

Loved the Lexi/Abe scenes, though I wish she'd dump his sorry ass and move on with her life and get back to being a vixen. Renee Jones is too good to waste in the Good Doctor role.

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Lexie was absolutely delicious when she stormed into Rafe's apartment guns blazing looking for Sami. That scene highlighted how underused she is and how fantastic she can be again as a Dimera. I know they'll drop her confronting Sami but they shouldn't. Like I've said before, she and Sami should never be friends and she should make it known the only reason why she's even tolerating her is because she's a mother. If she decides to mess with her then what EJ did to her will seem like child's play. Sigh!

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Maggie and Victor together today, they are always a treat!! Lol, I think it's so cute how Maggie's secretly jealous over Kate moving back in with Victor! And Victor can instantly tell that she doesn't like it. I love it.

Stephanie is a delusional brat. She really thinks things are going great with Nathan, to bad she doesn't know he doesn't love her as much as he does Mel. I'm disappointed that Melanie didn't tell her right then and there that Nathan said he loved her!

Things with Daniel/Chloe/Philip/Melanie are heating up, loved the fight between Daniel/Philip. Chloe is doing a great job of hiding the secret! LOL she really knows how to cover things up. She should just give up though because it's only a matter of time before it all comes out. I can't wait.

Adrienne is getting pretty annoying, all she does is talk with Stephanie about the secret. Can you please get a life already and stay out of their business. Stephanie and Caroline's uptight asses are not going to listen to you or Kayla. I wish DAYS would do something else with Adrienne, they really need to rekindle her and Justins romance IMO.

So glad Lexie has been pulled into this Johnny story line. Loved when she was all pumped and ready to yell at Sami, to bad she wasn't home. I'm glad Rafe got through to her, and EJ's starting to loosen up. I feel so bad for Johnny, looks like something really might be wrong with his eye. Sami's going to flip..

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Have we even seen Justin for weeks? I agree, either use Justin and Adrienne, or let them go - Tracy could certainly use a visit from her son Ned, right about now.

Magic is always magic! Put them with a baby and it's OTT sweetness. And I loved that whimper of Maggie's at the end "I don't care…". Right, like hell you don't.

I'm actually enjoying the "Gift of the Magi" esque story they have with Mel and Daniel - both wanting so much for the other that they'll not tell the secret they both have part knowledge of. It's a great way to make sure they don't stay mad at the other once it's revealed. How Carly will play into that is the question. When Mel first found out it would have been a bad situation between the three. But since then Carly has risked her life for her daughter so the obvious knowledge that she will do anything to make it better for Melanie can't be denied.

My husband was sitting with me yesterday while I was watching the whole bit about Johnny and he wondered what that was all about. I explained to him the role of soap opera children was to have trauma, medical crisis, kidnappings, etc. to give their parents story until they could be SORASed to teens and create their own drama. Johnny is certainly filling that role nicely. The upside, of course, is that it can often bring attention to a medical issue that fans haven't known about or thought about. I see in this week's SOD it's mentioned that the medical crisis Johnny is going through has happened in r/l to the daughters of Hunter Tylo and Matthew Ashford. The story has yet to play out so I have no idea what it will be like, but already a few million more people in the world will be exposed to

. That can only be a good thing.

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Maggie, oh she definetly cares. LOVE them! Not much more to say there

LOVED Lexie ready to go off on Sami. "I am done helping that self destructive little bitch. SAMI!" What a great treat. IA with Money, I hated them being civil and prefer Lexie to always hate on her

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I have reached my limit with Caroline. She eavesdropped to the highest point of eavesdroptivity in last Friday's episode! On Stephanie and Nathan, then Steph and Daniel. She really is in everyones business, meddling doing everything she can to get her way! Caroline is terrible right now, I just can't stand her. I did LOL at her impression of Melanie, though. That was good.

Loved Bo's scenes with Julie as well as Ciara!! Now go save your wife already smile.gif

LOL @ Philip and Chloe saying they would go after Stephanie if she spilled the beans

I was loving when EJ apologized and called a truce with Sami but not one nanosecond later, he got mad at them again!! Oh and I loved the slap Sami gave EJ, haha.

STFU Daniel. So not into his rage with Philip. Acting like he's never porked another woman and ruined her marriage before. Also, he said he didn't want to hurt Melanie. You are hurting Melanie by not telling her about what Philip did!!

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yeah but on the flip side Melanie isnt telling him about what Chloe did. I think they cancel each other out and its hard to feel sorry for either here. The whoel siotuation is nasty if you think about it. Father and daughter are married to 2 people that used to be together and in recent history slept with each other and conceived a child. Theres a thing about 6 degrees of se(x)peration b that would be just a little too close for me.

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