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I know this is an old thread, but I'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me locate this Anthony Herrera interview wherein he speaks about the way the Ron Becker rape trial played out, particularly the question of Pamela Peters Solow's behavior and how it affected the storyline. If anyone has details of which issue of Daytimers this interview appeared in or help finding it, I would be most grateful. I looked for years on eBay etc. but with no luck. I'd be so appreciative of a scan of the interview even. Thank you!

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I don't recall AH specifically mentioning Pam Peters' spotty appearances during the rape trial; that was my own remembrance from watching the show daily at the time. I found it so weird.  AH did acknowledge the incident of PP just walking off the set one day, and then later being told by Bill Bell that he was ending AH's story and run on the show.

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There was a monthly columnist in Rona Barrett's Daytimers for a time, named David Johnson, and I know AH was interviewed/quoted in at least one of Johnson's pieces. I remember this specifically because Johnson made the erroneous claim that Pam Peters had been completely absent from the episodes surrounding Jennifer Brooks' final days. Not true. Peggy was in an episode when Stuart and Jennifer celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, and then in another one when the Brooks girls were gathered in their parents' living room talking about Jen's death. At the conclusion of that ep, we saw Peggy running out of the room in tears. When the action picked up on the next episode, Lorie announced that Peggy couldn't take what was happening and had fled. David Johnson criticized the show for supposedly not including Peggy in any of this story, but Johnson was the one in the wrong. He obviously had failed to see the few times Peggy had appeared, and then lambasted the show for her "absence." I do remember this and AH's comments about PP walking off the set, which lead to the termination of the Jack/Peggy storyline. I just don't recall if the various tidbits came from one issue of Daytimers or two. Unfortunately, this was 4.5 decades ago, and while my memory of  my favorite soaps is generally good, I cannot say for certainty what quotes appeared in what specific issue(s) of the magazine.

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My interest in most soaps dried up with the sci-fi and camp period of the 1980s (I prefer naturalistic soaps with multi-dimensional characters and plausible storylines), but I am always happy to chat about vintage soaps from decades past. I've always maintained that the 1960s and (particularly) the 1970s were the golden years of daytime drama.

If by some miracle I stumble across the AH/PP Daytimer articles, I will notify you ASAP.

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Finally had a chance to watch the recently-uploaded July and Aug ‘94 eps (thanks again @PhilParis!)

Heidi Mark as Sharon’s acting was painful in the July scenes where Sharon met Nikki. But I did see improvement in the late August eps, where her delivery seemed more natural.

I actually enjoyed her scenes with Victoria-Ann Lewis’ Doris. I much preferred this Doris to Karen Hensel’s version. Victoria-Ann brought the necessary solemn, quiet dignity to the role, but also a much-needed maternal warmth (reminiscent of Liz Foster). I never felt that with Karen’s version, which was only stern and stiff to me.

Even with Heidi’s acting improvement, she probably couldn’t have handled the upcoming dramatically-heavy rape scenes, so it makes sense why they recast. But I wish they kept Victoria-Ann.

The whole thing of Sharon having giving birth to Cassie before moving to GC seems to have been a retcon, as Doris reminds Sharon to always use condoms during sex to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and there was no subtext to a previous pregnancy.

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nikki was such a bitch in the mid-late 90's.. fought with Victoria over Cole, with Sharon, with grace, with Christine, with Diane, with Sarah the maid.. truly a bitch 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="pl" dir="ltr">Nikki vs Grace Turner (1998) <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/YR?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#YR</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/YR50?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#YR50</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/theyoungandtherestless?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#theyoungandtherestless</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/youngandtherestless?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#youngandtherestless</a> <a href="https://t.co/bSwSvVbOBF">pic.twitter.com/bSwSvVbOBF</a></p>&mdash; Marco McInroy

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Edited by asafi
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Mid-1990s Nikki was in her snooty lady of the manor phase and she needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Victor reminded her of her past by telling her she was considered a gold digger once.

Nikki was introduced as a troublemaking promiscuous girl, became the OG ho turned housewife, then snooty lady of the manor. Now she's a messy matriarch/grande dame.


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Haha when do you think Nikki crossed over to the point of messy matriarch/grande dame category? I was actually thinking of this the other day and was thinking Nikki was last one to carry on the tradition of messy matriarch in the same vein of Jennifer, Katherine, Vanessa, Mary, Alison, Joanna, Lillie Belle, and Dina. 

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