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I wonder why Vanessa didn't like Lucas dating casey of all people or maybe she knows of the incident with nikki killing her father lol i have no clue.


Seems like that jones guy got test with a few women on the show, he was first tried with leslie then i hear casey and i swear in one episode him and nikki kissed i wonder what time span all of this happened?


With all those random hook ups i guess you can add in Paul's brother i forgot his name but did he date Peggy and wasn't jill with him to and also Peggy and jack

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Not sure why Vanessa hated Casey and Lucas. Maybe she wanted Leslie and Lucas together to keep Brooks away from Lorie. Not sure, none of the synopsis makes it clear.


Jonas is with Leslie from late 79 when she wonders into his bar with amnesia. They then recycle the Brad/Leslie stuff from the first year, where Brad helped a shy, introverted Leslie open up more. Jonas does the same with the amnesiac Leslie now calling herself Priscilla. This pairing starts to fizzle out when they return to GC around June. They tested Casey and Jonas shortly after this, when it looks like Leslie and Lucas might reunite, then Jonas/Casey is put on hold until Christmas. Jonas heads to Italy in October to try to win Leslie back, but seems to give up eventually. I believe he and Casey dated until she left town in early 81 and this might have been when Jonas and Nikki were paired. He was part of the stalker/Edward story.


Steve was Paul's brother, he dated Jill briefly and there seemed to be a triangle in the works with Peggy, but it goes nowhere. Peggy and Steve worked at the Chronicle and on the cult story which gets Steve fired from Stuart's paper when Peggy almost dies. Peggy asks Stu to rehire him, but Steve's pride pushes him to refuse the offer and he plans to move to Washington. Peggy is so upset at Steve that she hooks up with Jack, lol. Then Steve changes his tune and stays, but he can't get over that she had a one night stand with some dude (she doesn't tell him it was Jack) so they break up, but then slowly reconcile and he proposes to her on Christmas Day. 


Peggy plans to marry him, but gets cold feet and ditches him, Steve leaves town and Peggy stopped appearing shortly after when Pamela Peters quit. The initial plan was to recast, but that obviously never happened

Edited by will81
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Didnt Paul's brother steve originally leave because things didn't work with Peggy, and while he was gone she started another relationship which i think is greg and then she left shortly to go catch up with steve? If someone can fill in the blanks i forgot and if so wouldn't mean they would still be together lol

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Terry Lester fans will enjoy the classic Y&R episode airing today in Canada and tomorrow on CBS.  I think that this is literally the first time his Jack has appeared on network TV since leaving the show in September of 1989. 

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Steve left town shortly after Peggy left him at the altar in Mar 81. He left for Washington D.C the week of Jun 8, 1981. In between that not much was going on with either character. The fall out from the non-wedding was about it. Peggy was on and off with Jack, so maybe she took comfort in his arms for a brief period. Though he seemed to have his hands full with Patty and Jill.


At one point around Jul 81, Victor takes an interest in Peggy just as Eve and Peggy become pals. 


Peggy didn't really date Greg until Aug, and that seems to have been very, very brief. Hauser was out around Sep 81, maybe earlier. In his Sep 27, 1981 column, Jon-Michael Reed announced Pam Peters would be replaced soon, though she may have already stopped appearing by that point. Howard McGillan started around the week of Oct 12, 1981. 


As a side note: Margaret Mason who played Eve would also exit the show around September 1981. Though this was due to a scheduled open heart surgery. Apparently Mason and the show knew about the surgery well in advance. Mason delayed it so she could attend her daughter's wedding and so the show could write her off temporarily. It seems Eve was always due to return to the show. 

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Yeah I finally have time to put my synopsis together. Finished the actual synopsis for 1980 and just adding notes and things. I have attached a sample below.


I split everything into weekly summaries just for ease. I used Jon-Michael Reed and Lynda Hirsch's weekly recaps as a guide and Soap Digest to fill in gaps. There are other very small recaps that ran in papers so I sometimes take stuff from them as well. I then split each week into storylines, again to make it easier to read and search for certain things. Then bold each character when they first appear in that story.


I actually did this more for myself, as I had a hard time reading through synopsis each time I wanted answers to stuff. Plus I wanted to get a good hold on the older storylines. However I am happy to share this once done if anyone is interested in it. It is basic, but was more focused on getting info together I have and can share.

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Another historical question for the more knowledgeable peeps in here...


When did Jack and Nikki commence their initial 80s affair (while Nikki was married to Victor)? Was it before or after Victor started his affair with Ashley?

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Thanks a lot for the details and also i always found it interesting how Peggy interacted with victor and eve i wonder what the plan was in the long run, Peggy would have just become another women even would have gone after cause she did not like nikki or Julia around victor lol

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