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I went down to my basement and picked out 3 tapes. A couple of them did not work, but the third vhs tape played. It was a partial January, 1987 episode of Y&R (with Brenda Dickson) along with some GL and ATWT episodes from that same time. There was a high pitched sound in the background and some fuzzyness in the quality of the picture but it is playable. If you want it, it’s yours. I don’t have any plans to convert and upload my tapes, so I might as well give them away to people who will use them. Feel free to message me. 

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I remember seeing an episode of Hoarders or some such show where they had a team come in and toss out all the junk in one golden aged woman's home and her daughter made a mention that her mom had boxes and boxes worth of daytime television on VHS tapes in her basement and sure enough they dumped every last box. I can only imagine what goodies that woman had saved that could've been salvaged and uploaded online if she had the means to do so.... 

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I'm still chugging along in March 1992 and it's getting frustrating to see how progressive the stories are compared to what they air today. Everything is so tepid now that I feel it could be aired on one of those christian networks. It's crazy that we have a soap and there isn't one Sheila-esque character. Back then you have Sheila, Jill, Katherine, at times Nikki and Lauren all as varying degrees of vixen. All are rootable and complex and being a vixen doesn't mean you're evil, but it's allowed. With the men they don't have to be warm and fuzzy honorable people. Ryan is a horny dick sleeping with Nina because Victoria (WHO IS SIXTEEN!) doesn't want to have sex with him. Brad is married to Traci but spending all his time with Ashley and about to have an affair with Lauren. Hell even John is dating three women at one time and that's fine! I feel like this is realistic and also gives you a chance to see characters interact before settling on a couple. Right now you wouldn't dare have a character like Lauren who is written more like a male character in terms of her sexual appetite and habit of sleeping around. 


I just finished the episode where Nina and Ryan slept together and that surprised me. I first met Nina when (to quote Jill) she had "let herself go" and was depressed because Ryan was cheating on her with Tricia. For one, the character is so different in these episodes in general, but I didn't expect them to meet and sleep together so soon! I believe Ryan and Victoria get married first so I figured we'd have time before Nina and Ryan met. Now I'm curious to see how this entire story is gonna go because I absolutely wasn't expecting this. Also, I never liked the thought of Blade because of his horrible name, but bringing him on through Drucilla was genius. She's so likable that I like him by extension of him helping her. She is such an aspirational character and it warms my heart seeing how he believes in her talent and truly wants to make her successful. 


Another point I've reached is the horrible second Nathan recast. I liked the first and third Nathan's but this guy comes off too angry and has no chemistry with anybody. I can't wait until he's gone. 

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Thanks for posting this one, BoldRestless!   1984 is among my favorite years for Y&R.   Most of the emphasis here is on characters in their early 20s -- Traci, Lauren, Danny, Amy.  Each of them was a very well-developed character, and I was interested in all of them at the time (even Danny, lol).   Obviously the Jazz/Tyrone mob storyline was fairly stupid, but old Mr. Anthony (Logan Ramsey?) was a good actor, and he did his best to make the storyline interesting.  And Jazz Jackson (Jon St. Elwood) was such a unique and interesting character.   Bonus treat here --- during Amy and Ty's bedroom scene, the languid tune playing in the background is the instrumental "Down the Line" from the soundtrack "Bless the Beasts and the Children", one of Y&R's original tracks.  Loved hearing it again, especially while looking at that cute Stephanie E. Williams and her amazing smile.   

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Just watching the Dec 29, 1992 episode. Nicholas Brendan who would go on to play Xander Harris on Buffy the Vampire Slayer had a small role as one of a group of kids trying to get Christine to get them tickets to Danny's concert. Always interesting to see actors you know from other shows pop up in small roles on soaps

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