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Bill Bell was criticized at the time for having Jack hold the threat of paternity over Ashley at that time.Jack would never have done that to John or Ashley.

Glad to see some Sandra Nelson love here. YR fan is right,Sandra's Phyllis was areal threat whereas from Day 1 I found Michelle's Phyllis to be too cartoony to be a real threat.I was waiting for Danny and Cricket to laugh at her and tell her to get lost...

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The more I see of Lester, the more I love him. Bergman is the only Jack I've ever known, so I'm a tad bias, but all the same, I see two completely different sides to Jack when I watch either performance.

Oh, I have no doubt that even if Victor did bite the bullet again, they'd just pull another Stefano and bring him back anyway. I have to say, I did get my hopes up when Patty shot him back in 2009.

Same here, I was sure I was going to be ripped to shreds confessing my preference of Nelson to Stafford. Hell, I'm almost tempted to say I like her a bit more than Gina Tognoni, but I can't recall seeing anything just yet that I can compare to her two predecessors.

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No, Sheila had already been crossing back over at least a year by this point.....the first time was in October 1992 when she revealed herself to her mother....The last crossover before coming back full time (briefly) in 2005 was Feb/March 1995.

I think all of Sheila's Y&R crossover dates are: October 27-28, Nov 3-5, 1992, January 7,8,12-14, 1993, February 19,22,23,24,26, March 1,2, 1993 October 20-27, 1993, February 28-March 2, 1995. She also made some phone appearances between 1992-1994.



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1993 dates I'm pretty certain Y&R didn't air:

Friday January 1 - New Year's Day

Thursday March 18 and Friday March 19 - NCAA Men's Basketball

Monday September 6 and Friday September 10 - US Open Tennis

Monday September 13 (possible but not 100% certain) - CBS news coverage of Oslo Accords signing

Thursday November 25 and Friday November 26 - Thanksgiving


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Thanks! all those seem right except I think January 20, also had a preemption for Clinton's inauguration, also I can't be certain if September 13,93 was preempted, and there was a show on November 26.I think they only started preempting Thursday and Friday for thanksgiving week a few years later.

The reason I asked about October 18-22. 1993 was because I noticed during the credits (which are partial) of the 10/22/93 episode which is suppose to be Friday's show that, that Clarence gave his preview for the next episode but said "TOMORROW" instead of Monday like he usually does if it was a friday....I always thought Clarence was a reliable source for some of the dates, unless he made a mistake, but if not I can only assume maybe some sort of preemption pushed the episodes back......

Also on Monday October 25, 1993 they show a commercial for an all new episode of "Northern Exposure" which usually came on Monday's.....so I can only assume my dates are right and Clarence was wrong....for once. haha

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Didn't the Somalia fall into turmoil that occur that week between "Black Hawk Down" and soldiers bodies being dragged down the streets? That could have pre-empted Y&R that week; I knew Days had been pre-empted by NBC News coverage of Waco that same year so I could see something similar occurring to Y&R. 


In any case thanks for sharing although it is a odd that we have Sheila returning back to town with Miles and Margret from from Paul & Christine's summer love story getting married in the background not to mention it is on the heels of Victor returning to town alive and well. However, I see now that Sheila and the background music beat Kimberly's sudden return from the dead and similar background music by six months on Melrose Place. Too bad we didn't get to see Sheila run down Brad or Traci  with an red wig on to incriminate Lauren...

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ugh, I just went with my gut instinct......plus it clearly says 10/20/93 on the video recording thing that pops up midway through the 10/20/93 episode, and like I said if Northern Exposure came on Monday's, that clearly means everything is correct, but who knows though.....It's just really a shame that a problem like this occurred as I always wanted to see the full episodes of this particular Sheila crossover to reveal she's alive to Scott, yet the fact the airdates are now questionable breaks my heart.....I don't mean to sound obsessive but it's the truth, LOL....

Your very welcome! and minus the airdate problem I'm still happy I got these episodes...Yeah everything you said was a bit odd, but the oddest thing though is that they basically took almost an entire set of scenes that also aired on B&B that day with Sheila and Eric into that 10/19/93 Y&R's episode.....I get that some viewers even with Sheila's crossover's maybe didn't follow B&B, but they should have just ended that scene with Sheila appearing in the background as Eric finished his call with Lauren, since those same exact scenes were replayed on B&B that same day (that episode used to be posted on youtube so that's how I remember).....

I think this is the only Sheila crossover that didn't rope in Lauren, minus the one scene of her looking in on her and Scott but then quickly ducking away....I actually didn't expect to have a scene of Cricket almost catching her after she finished her visit with Scott....I always love little rare scenes like this, and sort of wish Cricket had found out about Sheila not being dead...I don't know why but I could see her keeping that from Lauren even if she already knew she was alive....

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It's funny though that Lauren felt it was in her best interest keep her affair to Brad, serving up Scott with divorce papers, and Sheila being alive away from Chrstine right after he died. While the flip side Sheila was the one more mournful and saddened by the death of someone she loved, while Lauren viewed back at settling for Scott as being third best after Brad and Paul. Almost makes you wonder who you should root for, which is why I think Sheila could have easily turned into a long term villainess/antagonistic woman on the show without going over the top. Of course we would have had an a scene with Jill telling Sheila that her [!@#$%^&*] does indeed stink....

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Did Lauren actually ever tell Paul that Sheila had been alive, or was it only in 2005 that we had ever got a reaction from Paul about Sheila since 1992?

It's always funny how even during Sheila's initial run, Lauren was treated more like the victim (which she was don't get me wrong) but it was only after Sheila was presumed dead and went to B&B, that Lauren's claws came back and she reverted to the same bitch she had always been deep down.....I noticed she even dressed more "vixeny" after Sheila's "death" versus how she looked before. It's so clear how she never really gave a damn about Scott as Sheila always said, but the fact that she didn't even at least try to maintain some sort of relationship with Cricket after Scott's death especially because of Scotty, is such a low blow....I feel like everything would have been the opposite with Sheila, and I even bet Cricket would have forgiven Sheila as fast as Scott technically did....

It's also too bad we never got a reaction from Olivia about Scott's death, she's clearly very upset looking at the results during that one scene, but I don't think they ever acknowledge his death to her once he did die....unless they brought it up way later..................that's why I admit sometimes Bill Bell isolating everyone could be annoying as I feel like it would have been nice to see all the characters bond more together after such a tragic loss....like Lauren who never really had any friends except ex lovers starting a friendship with Olivia, which would actually make sense given how Paul and Nathan were best friends....

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