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I didn't know he was that young either. That's ludicrous. I always wonder if Bell cast him to set up an affair/exit story all along or if he'd just stopped caring about Nathan altogether and we got that guy as a result. Was this Nathan brought in after Malcolm took off in popularity?

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I know he was cast a few months after Shemar, I think.....

1994-1996 seem to be a strange time where Bell had to beef up the "younger" set of characters, which of course he did with Nick,Sharon,Amy,Matt etc....while sort of de-aging some of the more established younger characters, so I guess he cast Lazarre-White since at the time he fit into that "younger" age range.

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It seems like Bell lost a lot of interest in Nathan by the time of Purdee's late run. I do wonder what would have happened if Randy Brooks had stayed, but he mostly just reacted to things.

The 1995 episodes hold up better than I remember feeling at the time, although the repetitive Bell dialogue and emphasis (Drake, the vanishing Matt Clark BFF, calling Nick "rich boy" 500000 times in one scene) still grate.

I've always been a Nikki fan but geez is she annoying there. No wonder the soap magazines were trashing her at that time.

Edited by DRW50
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I feel bad he replaced Randy Brooks, who ended up leaving Y&R for a promising but ultimately very thankless and forgettable role on AW.

It's interesting how far Eddie Cibrian has come from this, while I believe Julianne Morris biggest claim to fame remains that of being Swamp Girl on Days.

Can never get enough of Mari Jo though.

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Nathan to me always seemed to be one of those supporting characters who wouldn't be able to stand on his own, which is why characters like Amy, Dru,Olivia really helped to add depth to his character....

I will need to watch those episodes soon....I might have before but can't really remember....I certainly do grow tired of the "Rich Boy" talk too....I wish the scene of Victor tackling Matt Clark in the hospital morgue was still on here...one of the only times I rooted for Victor to kick somebody's ass...

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Love Mari Jo. I wish they'd done more with her. I enjoy Tylo as Rick too, even if it would have been annoying over time.

One thing Y&R had at this point, as they did earlier with Nina Arvesen and to a point Eileen Davidson, was some great noir-esque ladies - Brenda Epperson and Diana Barton could both have starred in some of the best noir films and hold up well.

It's a shame Epperson left and Barton was fired not long after, especially as the lack of fresh blood in the female department meant they had to lean so much on Phyllis.

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Here's the last one I had. It mostly seems to be intact, but a Jill and John scene seems to cut off, sadly.

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I wish I had more but I'm sure I have bits and pieces somewhere.

The third episode, BTW, is apparently December 6, from what someone commented on my channel.

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Yeah she eloped with Jack. They were only married for a couple of months. After the rape Peggy couldn't bring herself to have sex with Jack. He was patient to a point but pretty much raped her as well and she divorced him, pretty dark stuff.

She almost married Steve Williams just before she left the show, but ran out on him. Not sure if it was on the wedding day or just before

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