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I think I read once that Heather came on 12/12/90 and went on contract either late February or early March 91.

Beth was originally on from June 82-Summer 87 on contract then came back around December 1987 - summer 1989, then they must have had her back for a few more months starting from fall 1989-December 1989. (she was still on contract for those stints even when she was gone several months) Then she first came back on recurring starting 9/4/90 (which I uploaded a while back) and was eventually put back on contract during the summer of 1991 which led to her next departure and last appearance on contract on 8/4/92. I think that was her last contract appearance cause she says goodbye to Brad and leaves to go with Steve to New York. Then after that she made many appearances that spammed from October or November 92 basically all the way to 96 and then came back around 99 making visits like she does now. I don't know the actual dates but the episodes I have with her that are guest stints are 2/1/93, 2/4/93, 2/5/93 4/13/93, 4/14/93, 4/15/93, 4/16/93, 4/19/93. 2/16/94, 2/17/94, 2/18/94, 2/23/94, 4/20/94, 4/26/94, 5/31/94, 6/1/94 (that's the date she and Lauren have that big catfight, haha) 6/2/94.

as for Lauren and Sheila. Well Sheila last appeared on Y&R as a regular on 5/20/92 and then came on B&B the next day 5/21/92. I think starting around 9/23/92 or 9/24/92 is when they first brought Lauren over to B&B and she was there till 10/2/92. That's the weeks she and Sheila had that big confrontation that led to Sheila being arrested at the fashion show only to find out it was all a dream of Sheila's and she never confronted Lauren like she thought.

then Sheila first returned to Y&R on 10/27/92-10/28/92 that's when she revealed to Molly she was alive. Then she came back to B&B for a couple days and literally came back to Y&R right away I'm thinking between 11/3/92-11/5/92. I'm sure there were lots of scenes between Molly and Sheila calling back and forth between each shows for those months, and I also have an episode from 12/23/92 where we see Sheila calling Molly from the Forrester's christmas party. Then Sheila came back to G.C on 1/7/93, 1/8/93 (I just uploaded those 2 shows) and 1/12/93, 1/13/93. That was when she learned that Lauren and Scott were trying to get joint custody of Scotty and that Lauren was having an affair with Brad and she took those pictures to send Lauren pieces of the puzzle.

then on 2/19/93 Sheila came back to let Lauren know she was alive for real and that visit lasted till 3/2/93. After that that's when Lauren came back to B&B around 3/25/93 where she discovered that Sheila was gonna marry Eric and was gonna tell him all her dirty secrets at that fall showing but Sheila stopped her before she could tell him about her. She stayed there till 4/5/93 and came back a few weeks later starting 4/29/93 to 5/10/93 that was the weeks that led to Sheila and Eric's wedding with Lauren and Sheila getting into that big wedding dress fight then thinking she and Stephanie were able to stop Sheila from marrying Eric which later she did in a private ceremony.....then basically there were several months of no Lauren and Sheila interaction on either shows (as far as I know) till Lauren called Eric on B&B and Sheila found out Scott was sick and that's when she came back to let Scott know she was alive and was still in love with him since she and Eric were falling apart. That spammed from 10/20/93 to 10/26/93 I believe. then afterwords was the Catalina stuff on B&B with Scott dying which was from 11/2/93 - 11/16/93.

Lauren and Sheila basically had no interaction all of 94 though there was once a Y&R scene on here where Sheila for some reason had sent Scotty a gift and Lauren called and confronted her about it. I looked up that date which was 1/12/94.

Then Sheila came back to Y&R after almost 2 years from 2/28/95 - 3/2/95 that's when she tried to talk Lauren from going to L.A to talk to James, which Lauren did anyways and that led to her and Sheila getting to the whirlpool fight, then Sheila kidnapping James. That spammed from 3/6/95 to 3/21/95 I think. Then Lauren came back for that big goodbye party that Sheila had when she held her and the Forresters hostage from around 5/29/95 - 6/7/95. Then Lauren showed up to stay in L.A and B&B for a few years starting 10/17/95.

I'm sure there were some dates I missed but those are the ones I know top of my head haha. They def don't do crossovers like they did with Sheila back in the day.

Edited by YRfan23
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Thanks! :) I thought it was later than that.

I also read that Victor or Jack initially drove her out of town. I had know idea SN interacted with them though I guess that's when she started to get involved with Diane who was also friends with Michael.

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Yep Nelson's final story as Phyllis was her working for Victor to spy on Jack and Diane. She was very jealous of Diane and Michael's friendship to the point she kidnapped Michael out of spite! I recall SN's Phyllis even slept with Jack but then it all snowballed once he found she was spying. With that she left town and I believe if I recall right her final ep she made up with Michael before leaving. When Stafford returned the next year, Jack still had a problem that Phyllis had spied on him.

For the record, the week that Cole and Victoria found out they were siblings Y&R made a 9.8 in the ratings, and this was in 1994 too.

Edited by soapfan770
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Yep The week of January 17-21 1994 was the week they had that huge scene in the stable with the rain and them both breaking down and crying at the end....wish we could see that whole scene. That did give them their highest ratings for that week.

Here is the 2/1/93 show which is a re-upload.

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I guess we will just have to see if DM accepts the other dates from that month.

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I don't believe so. If I recall right the official explanation was a lack of storyline for Phyllis which was pretty believable and the show did Michael Damian the same way the previous year although at least Nelson's Phyllis got an exit. It was Shari Shattuck's firing that happened around the same time of the news of Nelson's exit that got pretty ugly.

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Oh my god! Victoria Rowell is sublime in that episode. I guess she always brought that nuance to Dru and it looks like she always knew how to act. I didn't start watching til 1996 so that was a nice treat. The chemistry with John Abbott was just flawless. It's so sad these relationships were lost and forgotten. I also always loved Katherine and Dru.

This entire episode was fantastic. The production values are, of course, stunning. The exterior shots of Cricket's office make me embarrassed for the dated shots they have now. The strong mix of characters made the episode go by fast because everyone served a purpose. Plus by focusing on relationships (Ashley/Traci is a good example) you care more and they can get more mileage as writers. Now these relationships either don't exist or are glossed over so you end up with repetitive scenes (like Villy or Colin/Jill now) of everyone coupled up going in circles until the next plot twist. I loved seeing Traci as an actual character and with some spunk. It seems like the character regressed from the spunky character she became back into this uber sweet Aunt who dishes out words of wisdom. I don't understand why she can't get a love interest when she is younger than Ashley and Jack and IMO more interesting than either of them. She has been rested and it's time for her to step forward again.


Why the hell is Lauren so fricking fabulous while this Sheila stuff is happening, but now they have her as *the* most helpless victim whenever Sheila is mentioned?! My god. What the hell! It's so shocking to see how fabulous Lauren was when she has been such a bore since she returned to Y&R in the 00s.

Edited by Chris B
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Glad you enjoyed this episode! everything you said about it basically sums it all up! haha

btw the next episode 2/2/93 did successfully upload on dailymotion! so here is the link to the video and my channel again.


let's hope the others make it on there too!

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You're welcome.

Phyllis and Diane got involved several months earlier. Phyllis became jealous of Diane/Michael & the rest was history lol. The stuff with Victor and Jack came later.

She and Jack were friends with benefits although I don't think Phyllis would have minded being more than that. lol

SN actually made PB seem extremely hot and desirable.

Phyllis and Michael did indeed make up before she left and... well, I'm not gonna put that out there.

Loved your post except Lauren wasn't a bore when she returned, at all.

In fact, 2002/2003 Lauren was extremely cool. She had fallen into this role of being the chill adult that the kids got advice and help from. I loved the setting of Fenmore's and having everyone work there. Lauren was the perfect character to do that and felt like a great progression of the character: More mature but still not out of touch with the younger ones.

It's not until the Baldwins saddled her and started ridding her hard that Lauren ceased to exist as a person.

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Thanks for all the uploads! I had not had time until recently to watch these early 90s episodes and I'm glad I finally got to it! I have never seen much of that era but it is captivating honestly. I see what people mean by every scene feeling important.

Loved the Dru/Neil scenes and Lauren

seeing the Forrester label on Molly's dress

and she's IN CHARACTER, looking fabulous.

Ashley and Traci's scenes were especially nice, so many layers to their relationship and Beth looked amazing, better than ever there.

Does anyone think her marriage to Steve was the last straw for the character? I know she was already on recurring and stayed for a few more years but I think she could have had another lead romance.

Edited by soapfave06
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I'll give it to you that Lauren wasn't a bore for her entire return, but even in those early years I didn't find her too useful. Considering how popular she became with Michael I did think that was a step in the right direction, but as soon as they got married that is when it was 100% over for her. As soon as Sheila returned they seemed to give up. I wonder how she'd fare if she ever returned to B&B.

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Forgot to add that I felt every character added something to the ongoing story with separate motivations. Compared to today's Victoria, Stitch, Billy and Chelsea. The show is just unrecognizable.

And seeing Michael as a villain is nice too. I wish they would have used Lauren's affair with Carmine to send Michael towards another breakdown.

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I don't know, I guess what we define as useful is different because Lauren, as a recurring character, was exactly what was needed for Mac/Billy/JT/Raul/Brittany/etc, provided a great setting with them, and also had time for romance with Paul and Michael, getting involved with Isabella, etc. Would I have loved more? Sure. But what she did I still remember and like.

Granted, they've spent almost the last ten years giving her zero, so...

If she ever went back to B&B, I think Bell would give her back her fangs. He managed a reset of sorts for Ashley as well, so I'm hoping he'd go back to a Lauren with personality.

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