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I wanted to say thanks for the uploads, especially those December 1989 episodes I had never seen before.

Many soaps were and are somewhat low-key toward the end of year, so it was a nice surprise to see how action-packed those two episodes were.

I had no idea Paul had that insane reaction to learning that Cassandra still couldn't be extradited. The scene was over the top (and not in a good way), but I can see why they did it.

Nina Arvesen looked so much like Brenda Epperson in that episode.

My eyes were way in the back of my head at Bergman's attempts at playing Terry Lester Jack. It's just embarrassing queening out, which is ironic, since Bergman is straight and Terry Lester was supposedly not.

I could swear they were trying to imply that Lauren didn't want to marry Scott and was still pining for Paul.

John O'Hurley - ew. Cheesy and off. He seemed to be doing a John McCook impression. The dialogue didn't help. "Lady," as poor MTS wandered out wearing what seemed to be someone's luggage.

I couldn't help wondering if that wedding buildup episode was a joke on those viewers who complained that Y&R characters rarely intersected. There were so many introductions in those scenes, I lost count.

The wedding scene with Lauren and Cricket was nice...and rare.

Really enjoyed everything with the kidnapping. I didn't realize how menacing they tried to make Morey and Lil early on.

Marge is priceless. I laughed when she called Rex a "piece of action," because for a few seconds I was sure she'd said, "piece of ass."

Edited by DRW50
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Glad you enjoyed those episodes! :)

LOL only Doug Davidson knows how to pull off that over the top acting! that scene where he wrestles with his father was indeed one of the most bizarre scenes but I loved it!

Cassandra looked gorgeous! I loved when they showed her thinking about seeing Paul and the background music in that scene.....

These episodes really seemed like they had more comedy then usual especially 12/28. I wonder sometimes if Tom Langan being a producer at that time influenced more of the quirkier moments the show had at the time. I think this because of how over the top his DOOL stint was.....

Most of the introductions didn't even make sense to me......Leanna not knowing John till now and Jack just meeting Scott for the first time.......I guess perhaps they wanted us to get this idea that when Jack was still played by Terry Lester he got so caught up in his own scheming he didn't bother to check in on his own family hence why John never met Leanna and he never met Scott.............who wasn't really family but he was seeing Cricket for most of the time that John was married to Jessica so it's funny how they never crossed paths..

LOL I guess that's why they hired John O' Hurley as Jim instead of someone older like John Phillip Law (the first Jim) cause of how successful the whole John McCook thing turned out........obviously it didn't work cause he was gone only a couple months later. the scene with him and Scott would've been a lot nicer if I didn't feel like I was watching 2 brothers bond instead of a father and his son......

They really seemed like they were trying to "redeem" Lauren a bit as she shared that tender moment with Mary then with Cricket.......BTW the scene with her and Cricket seemed a little off to me.....I don't know why but I feel like they were almost aiming towards making Cricket a lesbian just because of the way she delivered her lines......."Let's get your gown on".....then the way she was groping Lauren's back when she was hugging her.....maybe it's just me, but you have to admit after being about of every PSA story it wouldn't be too far fetched to make Cricket gay during that time......

I loved the Leanna and Nikki scene and how Nikki just walks off with that exasperated sigh while she shakes her head......hopefully more will surface of the Nikki and Leanna feud........I also loved Victor's entrance and the way they showed him in the shadows with that stoic expression while everybody was making eyes at him.....

So many funny one liners from Marge in this episode......"You big bag of air you blew it!"......."This whole thing reminds me of a fairy tale!!"....... such great comedy.

The ending scenes with Morey and Lil were pretty chilling. Yes they were a lot more menacing back then.

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May 92 re-uploads, The Sheila/Lauren Farmhouse stuff!

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I think some of 5/12/92 and 5/15/92 are still on youtube from saynotoursoap but I believe most of the parts are now deleted so I am going to add those dates as well this time, since I didn't on my last channel.

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You guys are mostly responsible for me uploading these since I would've never gotten this far without your support!! biggrin.png thanks for you wonderful comments! smile.png

It always saddens me too that whenever I watch the old shows I'm reminded of all the crap that no one saw coming.......I sometimes wonder if Y&R was just too distinct to try to change along the way as it seems that sometimes change on other soaps works out better yet for Y&R everything has gotten worse the last few regimes.....

Maybe Bill Bell and Kay Alden were just too good for their own good since everyone had to go and dismantle everything.....

Edited by YRfan23
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