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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Can you get out of here with your 2007 references, JASE.



I suppose. It seems like this last season they decided that this show was some sort of prestige drama and not a populist phenomenon. All these languid shots of nothing and badly drawn psycho drama. And the ratings just keep going up when the show is just not good.


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The show stumbled when they did the stretch with the solo episodes, but otherwise I find it one of the best shows on TV, and certainly better than the sterilized, naughty word free world of network TV.   People can watch Hawaii 5-0 or NCIS or whatever, but The Walking Dead beats them all.


I  refuse to watch anything on the big networks after the recent Dracula debacle on NBC.  I do the superhero shows on CW but after that is is pretty much Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones and nothing else. 

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So, I really enjoyed the Season 6 premiere. The methodically-performed operation was great, and I'm glad to see all the various character beats played out, largely in flashback. It's also nice to see Lennie James as Rick's counterpoint, and Sasha potentially being on a better keel than Abraham. (Also nice to see Sonequa Martin-Green in the opening credits, though that's been the portent of doom for many.)


I really don't care about the "extreme badass villain" Negan plotline from the comics, but as with most things from the source material, the show tends to make it much better than the comic. I assume something like that is coming, but whatever it is it's very intriguing.

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This episode was alright, nothing special characterwise.  The giant quarry of walkers was very impressive though.  Morgan and Rick are becoming old very fast.  "I know you".  "No, I know YOU"  "I know my little shmoopsie and I wuv him".   Enough with the knowing already.   Could not care less about Abraham, Eugene, Rosita or Sasha.  Abraham's new insta-problems are about as exciting as Sasha's were last year, 

Six months and where was Carl?


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Great episode but it is a shame they have made Morgan the new Dale/Herschel/Tyrese.   He can die anytime now with his pacifist preaching and non stop overthinking.   This character type sucks, and it sucks no matter what name it goes by.   Carol should have just shot him.   Speaking of Carol, she is still taking names and proving she is the most dangerous one of all.  She pretty much did 90% of the work saving the town.  Little disappointed in Carl.   He was needed  and capable and he sat it out to protect his sister, but I wish he had gotten a little more action.

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Fine episode, but I am over two TWD archetypes: The tortured pacifist and the brooding, rootless loner. The wordless opening with Enid was very well-done by Jennifer Lynch and the actress, but I just don't care about her schtick that I've seen before with more layered characters. If you want to be there, be there; she clearly has been in Alexandria for some time. Stop moping about and acting like you're above it all when psychos come calling to kill everyone and you're like, 'gotta go.' That's [!@#$%^&*] obnoxious and idiotic. Also, Morgan is a fine character and Lennie James an incredible actor, but no, I don't care about Morgan the pacifist grappling with the need to kill. I have seen that character at least four or five times on TWD. Move on.


BTW, I felt Ron's pain last week but this week he needs to stop [!@#$%^&*] around. Rick saved his life more than once, his dad beat the hell out of him and now Carl's saved him too. He better not give his poor mother [!@#$%^&*] about killing that lunatic either (Alexandra Breckinridge did a great job this week, BTW). I also liked seeing Carol's relationship with little Sam continue. I didn't realize the "A" on the stairs was put there by him, seeing Melissa McBride mentions in an interview.


I was glad to see several articles suggest I was not the only one that thought Enid might be a mole for the Wolves. That was my first thought when she showed up at Carl's very nonchalant, paired with the opening. I'm still not convinced she isn't. And I have little sympathy for her in that case. Carl can make Ron put her down.


This Forbes article makes it very clear - I also thought I heard Enid say, "that's how we..." and trail off. It's her, and she can die.

Edited by Vee
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My DVR erased most of the Walking Dead and Talking Dead stuff I had on there from the last few weeks (since the FTWD finale, which I did manage to watch).


I feel like the universe is telling me something, and I'm just going to drop the show for a while, after barely getting through the back half of last season anyway.

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