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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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There ended up being so much fan talk about how the show always has to replace one black guy with another, and I can understand why people feel that way, but after they seemed to make more effort last season with diversity I'm kind of sad to see that get no credit and people only mention the issue when this happens again.

I don't really agree with the people who say Tyreese not killing that guy at the cabin is responsible for what happened to Bob. One guy wasn't enough to help the Terminus offshoots recover. That's on the people who insisted that Rick not go back and kill the last of the group. I also don't agree with the people calling Tyreese "mammy" because he spends a lot of time taking care of Judith, but for some reason this character always gets the most heat for racial stereotypes.

I thought the episode was a decent setup to what is likely coming. There was some idiot plotting, but I liked seeing more of the interaction between various people in the group. I just hope Tara confessing everything already doesn't mean she's going to die. I love her with Maggie and Glenn. The actors all have such easy chemistry and we get to see both sides of Glenn through these relationships.

My favorite scenes in the episode aside from Glenn/Maggie/Tara joking around were probably the scenes with Carl and Rick. Carl trying to see the best in people, but not being overly naive about it, is a believable development for him, instead of just having him only as the male Lizzie or as the group burden. Chandler Riggs brings so much subtlety to his role now and he and Andrew Lincoln are great together, as always. And seeing Judith with them makes me happy.

Gabriel's intro was a little heavy-handed, but I'm interested to see what he can bring to the group once he begins to develop. His awkwardness amuses me, as it seems natural, unlike, say, Eugene, which is just more of a caricature.

I'm glad we get to see more of Carol's internal struggle.

Abraham remains the weak link for me. He's just so forced and so overdone and I have a hard time believing the group would want to go with him. I also have a hard time buying the likely leadership battle they're setting up. The show doesn't give him any moments where I should or would feel anything for him. He just seems way too entitled and I feel like we were supposed to care just because, not for any reason given in the writing.

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People will always find a way to bitch, although this one really makes me roll my eyes. If anything Ty plays against common racial and gender stereotypes. He forgave Carol for killing the woman he loved, so he's not an "angry black man". He has a hard time killing people, even when it's the smartest move. He's not a "violent black man". He's a nurturing, sensitive black man and that's not something we see much of on TV.

I actually thought having TY take care of Judith while Carol took down Terminus was pretty brilliant. How many times have we seen men do that kind of unrealistic takedown, but no one really bats an eye? I thought it was pretty cool to see a woman get to be that same kind of OTT hero for once. I also liked it that the show gave a tiny nod to the idea that it was hard for Ty to give up caring for Judith. So many shows would have had a woman care for her and then go crazy when it came time to let go and let her family have her back.

I do wonder what that preacher is hiding. I bet he found those clothes at the church and was never a preacher at all. . This guy is actually a good contrast to Ty. The preacher is a coward, but Ty has a conscience, but he'll fight when someone else needs help.

Oh, I just realized that Bob and the preacher were both on The Wire.

Edited by Juliajms
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I'm just sick to death of people who won't do what needs doing in the ZA. We've seen time and time again what happens when you leave an enemy alive. In this universe you don't just kill them, you give them the headshot so they don't turn. That's not only practical, it's merciful. I don't care whether it's Tyrese, Reverend "God is the only protection I need," Herschel's pacifist ass or psycho Mika. I'm tired of these characters who end up endangering others because they refuse to acknowledge the reality around them.

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I certainly see your point, but I think it's realistic. Not everyone has the killer instinct. Haven't there been studies that show in WW2 a significant percent of allied soldiers purposely missed the enemy because they couldn't bring themselves to kill? I'm pretty sure I've read that in more than one place.

The Rev is just a coward in my opinion. I don't believe he's a pacifist or someone who thinks god is all he needs.

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I don't believe that. Tyreese stopped Carol from going into the cabin after he told her the guy was going to kill Judith. He even told her he killed the guy. Why didn't he let Carol go in? Because this guy's death would have been too much for her to see? I seriously doubt that! Tyreese didn't want Carol to know that he let that guy live.

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I guess they could have thought leaving him to turn would be a better idea, in case any Terminus people stumbled upon him at the cabin. I'm not sure. The whole thing was so vaguely written. I just hope this wasn't some excuse for Tyreese to learn some moral lesson and poor Sasha dies. They already did those stories with Rick.

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Tyrese is the worst character on the show. Carol shot the wrong people. He's useless, he can't even tell if he killed a guy or not, and I guess doesn't notice the body vanished. All the show can do is come up with these ridiculous, impossible to film epic battles where he magically battles off dozens of walkers only to turn up alive. He was a dud from day one. His sister or whoever the heck she is is more than a dud. She has been on the show two years and I can't even tell you her name. I am unclear about what her function is on this show. It took Beth a long time to get personality, Carol too, but Tyrese's personality is just so tiresome I wish he would just get bit already and off my screen.

I know nothing about criticism of him based on racial stereotypes, and I don't even see what stereotypes he embodies, he is just a dud character and the show should cut its losses.

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I don't think he's so much a dud character as he's supposed to be at the other end of the spectrum of Daryl, Carol, Michonne and Rick i.e. all the people who keep everyone else alive. He's supposed to be the guy holding on to his precious humanity in the ZA even when it gets other people killed. He's the new version of Herschel and Dale. There's always one idiot who thinks they can be the good guy and just pretend that this isn't life or death. This season that idiot is Tyrese. If there's been talk of Tyrese as a stereotype, I've happily managed to miss it. The funny thing is that right now Tyrese reminds me most of Andrea. Everytime he shows up on screen, I just roll my eyes and think, "I just cant with this bullshit. How many people have to die because of you?"

I completely agree with you on how they never show Tyrese's fights. He always just disappears then reappears surrounded by corpses. It's lazy. The only place that works is James Bond movies.

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