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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Nah. Shane, Dale, Jimmy and Patricia had their time and there are more interesting characters and developments ahead. I do see problems in future seasons because if they follow the graphic novels, about 1/3 of the cast will be killed off every season and many of them will be fan favorites. I am just grateful that Herschel survived this cull. I have grown to love him quite a bit.

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But ithe thing is if they don't kill off some fan faves then the impact is not as great. I just i don't think they are going to keep anyone around long enough for the audience to bolt if they kill off someone popular. As things stand now Rick is the only one not dispensable and while I love some of the other cast members, I feel in the context of the show they can be replaced. And at some point as a new leader surfaces, Rick will be the same.

Edited by JaneAusten
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TWD has become a phenomenon. All over the Internet people are still talking about the season finale. The media blogs have tons of comments on their TWD posts. I have to admit that I am still on a high from the season finale. I am enjoying lurking and reading all the blog and message board comments about the finale. Great stuff.

Edited by Ann_SS
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LOL! Zombies eating people (and animals) alive are definitely part of the attraction, but there is also the human conflict and drama of living in a Zombie-apocalyptic world. If you read the blogs/forums there is a of debate about the morality and practicality of the decisions that the characters make. It also has a strong cast that helps counterbalance the writing which can be mediocre at times.

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So happy to see this thread. Didn't know it existed til just now.

I didn't think zomies could be made into a series, but I'm so happy I was wrong. I always bypassed the show until some of my Twitter followers kept on and on about it. It prompted me to watch S2 finale, and I was in complete and utter awe! After that, I went directly to amazon.com and bought both seasons. Tried to ration them out until the new season, but that didn't go over very well. I could not stop watching and finished both seasons in less than 2 days. Each eppy ended with a cliffhanger, and the follow thru didn't disappoint. There is not one character I hate (thought the wife grates at times), and this is a first for me!

I cannot wait for the new season! I feel like I'm betraying Person of Interest, but TWD is probably the best written show on television right now, and I don't say this lightly. The finale numbers broke all kinds of records and will only bring in more viewers with the Internet buzz.

Well, that's my testimonial, but I will add, if anyone wants to see the trailer for S3, check it out on YT! Be prepared for greatness!


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Once upon a time, MM was must see. Not anymore! They came back from that long haitus just to disappoint. Wiener should have returned and hit the ground running! Giving Joan a baby was the absolute worst idea. Getting rid of 3/4 of he cast that made the show great was bad freaking idea #2. But what should I have expected for a show that had Roger and Joan screwing up against a car in low income housing because they were so overwhelmed after being held at gunpoint (or was it a knife? I forget which). Now, it's as clear as day that they have no idea what to do with Don Draper, a character who may very well have run his course. I only saw 1.5 eppies of the last season, and that was more than enough!

TWD is a million times better, but that's when people screw with stuff!

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[!@#$%^&*]. I just watched the trailer for season 3. Now I cannot wait. TWD rocks! Season 3 looks like it is going to be even better than the last one. Full of violence, action, drama, and betrayal. Merle returns. We get 16 episodes. October 14th cannot come soon enough.

Edited by Ann_SS
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