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I think I have said this before, but I always thought it would have been cool for Don to come back in the 90's.  Lord knows Mickey/Maggie had nothing to do and he could have been involved with Marlena post-Roman.    I know Marlena never lacked story, but I think it would have been a much more realistic story to reconnect with Don and interesting to see them raise little Belle after DJ.   Instead of Marlena getting kidnapped/possessed every year and staring wistfully at John.  Don could have mixed it up with Maggie or Julie (when she was around) or gotten involved with Vivian or Kate. He always could have been helping Mickey on one of his various cases like Jack's trial or John's.  Aside from Victor, the show was sort of lacking that older leading man back then.  Oh well, he is most likely a character JER would never had been interested in or JER would have made Jed Allan a new character that was Marlena's other abusive first husband or something.

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I don't JER even knew Don existed lol. Quite a few times during the John/Marlena/Roman triangle in 1997, Sister Mary Moira told Marlena that "in the eyes of the Lord" she was still married to Roman.


Uhhhh No lol in the eyes of the Lord, she's still married to Don 

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At the time Alex North was her husband in the eyes of the Lord and Roman was married to Anna first!  And had a child with her.

Yeah, it's weird how JER clinged to the idea Roman/Marlena were married in the eyes of the Church.   That's fine, but the woman already was married and had a child before she married Roman and then proceeded to marry someone else she thought was Roman, and have an affair and child out of wedlock.  And was Possessed by the Devil!  JER was probably not honing in the important reasons Marlena needed forgiveness in the Church.  But, aside for JER has anyone even portrayed Marlena as being particularly religious?  She was fine living with John for YEARS without being married. Idk, I think she's a Christian, but she really has never had any qualms about pre-marital sex or judged anyone else about that or shown going to Church unless it was for weddings, funerals, holidays, or crisis.  That's a whole other topic about how weirdly religion is played on soaps. 

Anyhow, Don just could have had some cool possibilities on the canvas.  And I always thought it was slightly sexist, I guess, how Marlena had to sit on the sidelines of John/Kristen for years without even a date.  And Don, as a lawyer, had a legit job and purpose.  You totally could have had Marlena call him when John was on death row to help.  Listen, he could have hooked a with Laura, a woman who didn't have a date her entire 90's run on the show!



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It's stuff like that which made me want to smack JER with a big ol' crucifix. T.C. on PASSIONS used to get sanctimonious in that way, too, but in a way that wasn't really called upon. At least Sr. Mary Moira wasn't really someone you'd take seriously.

Or Sami, when Franco died.

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I don't mind religion in soaps, but it felt weird JER tied it to characters that never seemed that religious?  Again, I just think Jarlena were a bizarre choice to make uber religious when 99% of their choices were not following really any views of Catholicism.   John was a priest, was so good he saved Doc from the Devil, but then wanted to impregnant his girlfriend Kristen less than a year later?  His married girlfriend lol

Well by the time Franco died, Marlena and John were definitely a thing again and I don't get the sense Marlena would cheat on John like that.  And that would take away Don's biggest tie on the canvas.  I was thinking post-WN's Roman leaving and pre-reuniting with John. Maybe Jack's trial for Peter's murder?  Idk, I just can write a fanfiction where Don helps Marlena save John at the last minute and they fall back in love when John goes back to Kristen and Jarlena secretly long for each other.  I really can't write fanfiction, but I could see the story lol.  Let's be real, it would have been a hell of a lot better of an idea than Josh Taylor as Roman.

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In the 1970s (1977, I think, under Ann Marcus), Marlena said on screen that she was NOT religious. This struck me as surprising at the time because soaps were quite conservative about God and religion at that time. Later, we saw  Marlena praying to God when her sister Samantha was suffering from a life-threatening medical crisis. It did not track at all. 

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I knew there was something specific about her not being religious, so thanks for clarifying.   I am sure people change and I think? she converted to marry Roman in the church, but she was never shown to be exceptionally devout.  That was just never her narrative.  Her and RoJohn both struck me as pretty loose with religion.  Didn't John get Tori pregnant after he found out he was priest?  Idk, Austin (AP's version), Greta, Eric, Shawn, Caroline, Marie even Belle to extent were shown to be more religious on the show.  It's not a huge deal but it was an odd character choice for a person that was very good and a heroine, but not overtly religious.

I dislike the Possession, but I am not knocking it's impact.  It's just not my favorite and not because it isn't based in reality.  I just think it's a bizarre choice of story for Jarlena, even if it's a lovestory at the end.  Maison Blanche, Aremid, even stupid underground Paris are better stories.

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As writers come and go (many of whom don't seem to bother studying history or being concerned about character consistency), many story and character revisions take place. That always annoys me; it seems that viewers know the shows and characters significantly better than the people being paid to produce and write them.


As for the possession story, it was the single defining factor in my dropping DAYS completely. I loathe sci-fi, fantasy, camp stuff on soaps. It completely trashes and bastardizes the genre.

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Yes, I feel like I know Marlena better than the writers, but I grew up with her lol

Again, with the Possession, it did it's job.  It was campy and got buzz, but it was never a positive thing for Marlena's character.  It's never even been a truly relevant thing.  It happened and was basically never spoken about again.  It probably saved Days from cancellation in a trying time, but it didn't evolve anyone in the story.  But I would never rewatch it.  It makes me cringe and is embarrassing.  It's just a really obnoxious story coming off very emotional stories like the Affair and Masion Blanche.


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