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Agree with both of y'all.  (I'm not saying I would have supported a Stefano/Marlena pairing, only that I feel DAYS and JER would have seen it as an option.)

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It would have completely neutralized Stefano as the big bad though and I don't think JER would have wanted that.  Plus, I don't see how you could get around the John factor.  Even if there were no romantic interest between them, I can't imagine John letting his young daughter near Stefano-and he's not wrong.  Marlena would just be the idiot on this.

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Nah, it's cool, I get it. I can see that the option was there, although the execution would likely have been as flawed/nonsensical as the current show.

Side note: I wonder how Joe Mascolo and Dee got along off camera. Were they close, or just colleagues?

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I have never heard anything about Joe and Deidre off camera.  I have never heard of Joe having issues at all with anyone.  I assume just colleagues.  Outside of a select few, Dee says she's just colleagues with everyone even Drake.  And they act like bff when they do anything for the show.   I wonder if Dee would have objected to that pairing just based on principle because it would be so off for Marlena?  But then again, judging from stories she willingly played and promoted I am not sure DH cares that much about character integrity 

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Which would be unusual because...?

The ONLY story that DH has ever said she disliked was when Kellam Chandler raped her - which is weird to me, because that was probably one of the most realistic stories she's ever had!

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Mean.  I actually don't think Marlena looks stupid THAT often.

Maybe she disliked the rape scene because it was so violent and/or realistic?  The scene itself wasn't, but the aftermath and everything.  If you think about it Marlena mostly deals in ridiculous threats of violence-kidnapping, brain chips, Possessions, bombs, serial killers, etc.  Not things that would happen to most people in real life.  Maybe DH prefers that.  Too bad she did good work.  I really can say she was a good actress throughout her entire first run.  Again, it's like the minute JER told her she was going to be Possessed she lost the ability to act.

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I can't say I blame her.  When he was younger, William Joyce seemed less like an actor and more like a toupee and set of pecs that talked; and by the time he joined DAYS, the pecs had probably retired and moved to Florida.

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I also assume that playing something like the aftermath of a rape is a lot more emotionally taxing and harder to put aside after getting off from work than running around being the Prince of Darkness or being kidnapped for the 46th time.

Edited by te.
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That makes sense.  It's rare for Deidre to openly claim she dislikes working with someone, so she really must have.

Plus, Marlena had gone through a lot in those years: twin takeover, her child's death, her husband cheating, a divorce, etc.  That whole era was just one thing on top of the other for Marlena.  I can understand why it was taxing and not really necessary for Marlena as a character because she had a lot going on already.

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I have heard stories that Joe Mascolo chose, as an actor, to stay in character as Stefano the entire time he was in the studio - even between takes - and didn't drop character each day until he left the building - but I don't know if that's true or an exaggerated legend.   If it's true, then nobody would have gotten to know him as a person unless he socialized outside the studio.

Edited by janea4old
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