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@beebsJoshua didn't get malaria in Salem (that would have been funny though).  He got it in Vietnam.  Malaria can be recurring.  Enjoying your commentary!


I loved Stephen Brooks, so I had no problem with Joshua being "older."  He was one of the bright spots from that era for me. 

Edited by jam6242
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That's even funnier, considering malaria symptoms typically show up within a week, and apparently can lie dormant for up to a year. What, he's just been carrying this deadly virus with him asymptomatically for 5+ years and only NOW it hits him? Bonkers! I guess it being recurring could work, just really funny that they went this particular way with it. 


Thanks for that additional info @jam6242

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Granted, this is a nit-pick, but I don't understand why Nina Laemmle made Kellam Chandler a former, unscrupulous governor/ambassador who was running again for the job.  I mean, he didn't HAVE to be Salem's ex-governor in order for his story to work.  He could have been just some wealthy businessman who decided to run for office (like another, real life businessman-cum-politician who shall remain nameless).  Better yet, Kellam could have backed Don for governor instead; and as Kellam and his right-hand man, Maxwell Jarvis, employ all sorts of dirty tricks to get Don elected, Don finds himself caught between his political ambitions and his basic, core integrity. 


And for God's sake, why are Kellam and Max tied in with the goings-on at Anderson?  Don't we have enough skulduggery going on with Alex (and Chris)?  Must Kellam and Max have a hand in EVERYTHING going on in Salem?  This is like a run-up to Stefano DiMera's introduction, except it isn't nearly as subtle or as entertaining.


Thanks again, @beebs!

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If you don't know what's in store for Jessica, you could think they were chem testing her with Mike.


I'm looking at Don Craig with new eyes. Little to nothing he's done from 1977 onward has won me over.


Just how much money does Doug have? Granted, he scored his brother's inheritance, but still ... talk about a guy who made the '70s work for him.


If Julie was less mature, I could see her using the sister angle to her advantage. "Don't mind us, Doug and Lee. Hope and I are just having a pajama party. Do you like my new nightie, Doug?"


Let's see ...

Julie: Scott Banning, Bob Anderson, Doug Williams (and Doug again)

Liz: ?, Tony DiMera, movie star (and Neil Curtis)




This, very much this. Seriously, you'd swear you were watching a spinoff or something.


She's at a nice farm in the country, where she can run and play with all the other terminally ill young women ...


I'm just guessing here, but I think they were going for a topical story, like the solar energy mess was also supposed to be. At the time, there was a movement to have Gerald Ford run again for president, as well as Ted Kennedy still facing Carter. I guess DAYS' writers figured Salem voters would also be receptive to familiar faces on the ballot.

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How in the world did Days survive this?


This is just so bad. I don't know why - in a sea of all this horrible mess - that I'm so offended by Jessica just being Cathy 2.0, but I am. Laemmle didn't even bother to wait six months before using the same storyline as her predecessor, involving the same people and even having the same job.


And what's the point of having Max, Kellam and Alex? The basic character is the same for all three. 



I just want you to know I appreciate this.

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I like that angle very much Khan. Viewers were more invested in Don so the story would have been of more interest to them.


As I mentioned earlier they just introduced another two 50 year olds to an aging cast. No reason Max couldn't have been a twenty/thirty something hot shot.


And Tony Kingman came and went in an instant.

I 'm starting to get a little wary of Maggie.

Julie visits her and gets badly burned in a fire in her kitchen.

She visits Marlena and DJ dies.

Coincidence? - or is Mrs Horton out for vengeance against those she feels need to be punished??

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Honestly, Don worked a bit as Julie's suitor, but between consistently stringing along then rejecting Mary whenever Julie would come near him in the mid-70s, to pursuing Marlena entirely as a rebound after "losing" Julie to Doug (which Marlena caught straight away and made him wait til she was sure she meant more to him, smart on her part), to his endless string of uptight, domineering, and often chauvinistic viewpoints in the intervening years, it's almost a relief the character of Don was retired eventually.

Having said this, if the big mid-80s romance was between Bo and Donna instead of Bo and Hope, I could ABSOLUTELY have seen Don take on the disapproving heavy role that Doug and Julie ended up taking on. Quite frankly, it would've made a whole lot more sense for all the characters involved, tbh. And I gotta say, I could see there being potential chemistry between Peter Reckell and Tracy Bregman.

Also, thanks for the historical context there, @Franko. Hadn't really considered that. But, of course, shoehorning topical elements that don't quite fit the characters, especially when Don ran for governor (or was it the senate?) not three years earlier is really silly. Don could've fit that same bill, regardless, much like @Khan said.


It really does seem bonkers that DAYS kept trying to woo young viewers by systematically shipping off every young character they had on the canvas or purposely underwriting them (David and Trish have been virtually non-existent since their custody battle storyline was dumped, though I suspect a lot of that was down to Kaye Stevens' firing, I think her part in the storyline was meant to be much bigger and Harrower couldn't make it work without making Jeri and Julie interact, so they just dumped the story altogether). Jessica The Girl Who Would Disappear Through a Crack In The Floor If She Could is not engaging enough to pull those eyeballs in (bless Jean Bruce Scott's heart), and even she will be paired with a man nearly twice her age. Why?



Also, can we talk about how many people know Lee from Paris at this point? Why bother introducing Tony Kingman at all and insert him into Lee's backstory if he's going to go on three dates with Julie and then vanish? Bizarre.

ANYWAY, onto June:

Chris has a birthday! Leslie surprises him with three presents: flying lessons, a cake, and sex. Chris wants to make the relationship more than just business, but Leslie, modern dame that she is, would rather not. Dylan O'Grady accepts a better paying job (orchestrated by Max), and disappears almost immediately upon arriving. Max has had his mole, Allen Hamlin, interview for the job. Leslie and Chris take the bait and hire him.


Chris has a secret project, and wants Leslie to work with him on it. She's excited to. Max and Alex plot to make sure the current project, the solar generators, fail miserably. Max wants to stop the first shipment of generators from reaching Washington. Alex refuses, saying a mishap now with the deliveries will arouse too much suspicion. Max has the transport truck run off the road anyway, and only 1/3 of the generators are salvageable. Alex is fuming, knowing what's coming. Sure enough, Mary and Chris think the "accident" was sabotage, and Alex has to try to convince his wife that it was just a stroke of bad luck.


Alex confronts Max, who pretends he had nothing to do with it, but is glad it did happen, then threatens Alex some more with the Magnus files. Alex, undaunted, then confronts Kellam directly, reminding him that they agreed to no violence during the Anderson takeover. Kellam defends Max's (alleged) innocence. Alex threatens Kellam back this time, saying that if Alex goes down, Max and Kellam will go down with him. Same goes if there is any more violent "mishaps". Satisfied that he's put the fire out, Alex smiles on his way out of the room, turning back to say to Kellam: "You know, there's always been some speculation; who has the power, you or Jarvis?"


Apparently Alex can't pay his bills. The jeweller calls Mary, and lets her know that Alex still owes $5000 for jewellery he bought her. Mary, who had started to trust Alex again, is back to suspicion once again. She confronts him about it, but apologizes once Alex tells her he actually donated most of his liquid funds to the hospital.


But not enough to stop doubting Chris as well. Mary is not taking an interest in the plant, and when confronted Mary accuses Chris of taking advantage of Bob during his final weeks. Chris knows instantly that this was another seed planted in Mary's head by Alex, and calls her out on it, telling her to ask Mickey if she doubts him that much. She does, and Mickey makes it clear that, indeed, Chandler is gunning for Anderson, this lights a fire under Mary to protect her daddy's company at all costs.


Allen is behind the mishaps (duh), and Max wants more of them, and quickly. Apparently knowing no subtlety or patience, Max threatens to reveal some shady information from Allen's past if he doesn't act now. How did Max get this far in life while being completely incapable of playing the long game? Leslie, shockingly, doesn't trust Allen. Leslie then straight up tells Alex she agrees with Chris that the transport crash was no accident, and accuses Alex of being part of it. Alex brushes it off, saying Chris blames him for everything, before claiming they're very similar, and smiles skeezily, telling Leslie that they need to trust each other, and that he thinks Chris doesn't trust Alex with her. Gag. Gag. Gag.


Alex apparently learned hypnosis from Marlena, because suddenly now Leslie believes Alex had nothing to do with the truck crash. Chris is fuming, wondering what weird hold this slimy, middle-aged man has over every woman in Salem. Once Chris calms down, however, he has second thoughts, realizing that the Chandlers may be a more likely culprit. 


Chris goes out of town on business (OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD), and Alex visits Leslie at her apartment. Flirts with her over a drink, then leaves. Chris calls to check in, Leslie "neglects" to mention that Alex paid her a visit.


Finally convinced Alex is on the level, Mary asks Mickey to end his investigation on Alex. Mickey is reticent, still mistrustful of the man, but Mary insists. At home, Mary is finally willing to be an active participant in the bedroom...which, of course, means Alex is now too tired.


Allen wants Leslie out of the way, but Alex refuses to have her harmed, as Alex claims she could prove useful to them once they've taken over the company. Leslie is sick of Hamlin not taking direction, but when Alex, trying to cool Leslie down using his smarmy charm, suggests firing Allen, Leslie backs down, and agrees to give Allen another chance. God knows why.


Alex continues to flirt with Leslie, who stupidly falls for it. He tells her she reminds him of someone she was once close to (which one? There's so many to choose from!) Their friendly chat is interrupted by a jealous Mary, who scolds Alex for his endless flirtation with every woman in the immediate time zone, particularly Leslie. Alex is getting tired of Mary's mouth. Notice how he always starts to tire of women the second they start calling him on his sh!t?


As Leslie discusses her interaction with Alex and Allen to Chris, he's shocked that Alex offered to fire Allen. Leslie insists that Alex was supportive. Then, as she talks to Chris, she begins to see Alex's face instead. The more they talk, the more she sees Alex's face. I guess she's losing it, or Alex has some kind of hypnotic power I'll never understand.


Mary learns that Phyllis is once again suicidally depressed, and plans to visit her. Alex pretends to be concerned and encourages her to go, before suggesting Leslie can help him with the promotional work while she's gone, which immediately sets Mary off. Alex snaps, tired of Mary's (justifiable) jealousy. Mary storms off, leaving Alex alone. He smiles and says to himself "thank you, Phyllis".

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Allen goes to Max about the "trouble" Leslie is causing at Anderson. Max demands she be "gotten rid of" if she poses any more trouble.





Apparently Mickey was distant with Mike recently? I don't know when this happened, but Mickey suddenly decides he needs to reconnect with Mike, and goes up to the farm to talk to him. They have a warm heart-to-heart.




Marie finally overworks herself and faints at work. Tom happens to be nearby and rushes her to a hospital room so she can rest. Once she's out, Alex sends her flowers. Tom accidentally spills the beans that Alex is Jessica's benefactor. Alex apparently still loves to use Marie as his sounding board whether she wants to be or not. He visits her, and tells her how his marriage to Mary is a joke, that Mary doesn't trust him, and that he feels he has to keep secrets from her. Marie encourages Alex to be honest with Mary, noting sadly that she chose her career because of a secret. Alex brushes her cheek, and asks "the thing between us? Was that your secret? I never knew!" Heh, yeah you still don't, buddy.


Tom later asks Alex to represent him at the hospital board meeting, as Tom is going to have surgery performed (I assume ON him, but it isn't clear [ETA: Tom is, indeed, the one being operated on. Only took six more pages to confirm this]). Tom laments that the hospital will soon, once again, run out of money (JEEZ, Tom, get it together!), and Alex has an idea involving Chandler. Because that's always a great idea.


Alex bursts into the Chandler house, and before he can be escorted out, tells Kellam of his idea to improve his image: donate a huge chunk of money to University Hospital, and then announce grant matching. For every dollar the public donates, Chandler will match it. Liz actually likes the idea, and Kellam, desperate for any good publicity he can get, agrees to it.


Tom is thrilled by Kellam's donation drive. Marie is...kinda. She's less than thrilled once she realizes it's Alex's idea. When she sees Alex, she thanks him for his help. Alex is surprised, since Marie refused his help before. Marie admits she's forgiven Alex, but Alex counters that he wonders if Marie has forgotten. I SURE AS HELL HOPE NOT.


The eyeroll-worthy whitewashing continues, as Alex talks of the guilt he feels at what he did to her, and laments hurting her, and wails that Marie is the only woman he's ever loved and that if he hadn't mistreated her, she wouldn't have joined the convent etc. Marie tries to tell him that the church made her happy, and that they're living their own lives now. Alex admits he only married Mary because he "couldn't have the woman he really loved". UM NO YOU MARRIED HER SO YOU COULD GET AT HER DADDY'S COMPANY BUT NICE TRY.


Tom comes out of surgery just fine.






Doug can't make his mind up. He initially urges Julie to go dine with Kellam (I guess to try to smooth things over for the casino). She does, then they're photographed together in the paper...so Doug gets mad at her for it?! Make it make sense, please. Julie's so annoyed by Doug's outburst she refuses to help with the casino and further (and who could blame her?). She heads straight over to the Chandler house and tells Kellam she's back to work decorating the house, pleasing him greatly. He ALSO tells Julie how much he reminds her of the dead second wife, who finally has a name: Sunny. He also declares his attraction to Sunny's Doppelganger Julie, and asks her to be his hostess while Liz is out of town.


Doug apologizes for freaking out over Julie doing exactly what he said she should do in the first place. Julie accepts and decides to continue work on the casino after all.


Liz finally runs into Lee, and reminds Lee about their days in the jet set. Doug wonders why Lee never brought up her connection to Liz before (finally, ONE of these Parisian connection stories is MOVING). When Liz later turns up at the casino site looking for Julie, she instead finds Doug. Doug asks about how she and Lee know each other. Liz tells him that Lee and Byron were quite chummy with Liz and her ex-husband, Rick. Doug is surprised by this, and tells Lee about it. Lee snaps, claiming Liz is a liar, and can't understand why Liz is acting like they were long-lost friends when she ignored her when they were in Europe.


Lee later calls a mystery friend, whom she asks for a favour, as someone is causing her trouble. Liz, at the same time, asks Max for more info on Lee, particularly where Lee came from. The claws are coming out!


Julie rebuffs Kellam's offer to play hostess during Liz's absence, and makes it clear she is not romantically interested in him either. Liz is relieved, and asks if Julie's lingering feelings for Doug is the reason why. Julie gives her stock answer that Doug is married, to which Liz snaps back "oh yes, I know Lee, only too well." Oops!


Liz meets Neil and is taken with him. They go out on a date, and Liz finds him rather disarming. They're quite taken with each other, and quickly share their weaknesses with each other. They both agree to see each other regularly, though Liz insists she not be put on a pedestal. Neil agrees, so long as he can still spoil her with flowers and candy.


Julie is, however, actually attracted to Kellam, as she tells Maggie. Kellam is smitten with her, and gifts her a brooch. Julie accepts it on the condition that it come with no strings attached. Max advises Kellam to back off Julie, noting what happened to Sunny. Kellam hints that he's ready to marry again. Because giving a woman you've known about 6 weeks a brooch is an entire courtship now, you see. All you gotta do. Simple as that.


Doug offers to join Julie on an antique hunt for the casino. When Lee shows up at the casino looking for Doug and Julie, Josh tells her that they're off together antique hunting. Lee fumes at the news, vowing to protect her marriage at all costs. The next day, Lee tries again. This time she finds Maggie there, who tells her the same thing. Lee hides her seething rage from Maggie, and feigns regret for her strained relationship with Julie. Maggie is impressed by Lee's sudden show of maturity and offers to design Lee's dress for the grand opening of the casino.


On their antique hunt, Doug again apologizes for standing in Julie's way with Kellam. Julie admits Kellam is a charmer. Doug spots a tub in the shop that catches his eye. They share a nice, goofy moment when Doug decides to buy the tub for his office, before getting in the tub and yukking it up as he sings in the tub in the middle of the shop.


Doug is out again, and Lee is fuming. She assumes Doug is once again out with Julie (this time, it's not the case, he's out with Josh, and Julie's at the Chandler house), but Lee takes it upon herself to go call her mystery friend. The mystery friend agrees to fly up to Salem from Atlanta. Lee tells mystery friend, revealed to be Brent Kavanagh, that she loves her husband's money very much, and that Julie and Doug are probably having an affair (I'd advise a good stretch before you leap like that, Lee). So Brent agrees to follow Doug and Julie around, for old time's sake. Lee pays Brent big money for his trouble, and when Brent asks what Lee will do if her suspicions are right, Lee nervously answers, "Well, something will have to be done about it!" OH OK.


Max gets back to Liz on his little PI job on Lee. Her real name is Emily, and Liz connects the dots. Liz figures Doug might want to know a bit more about Lee's past, since no one else has been able to get very far with that in the past year or so.


Apparently Brent finds Doug and Julie boring, but agrees to follow them one more time to catch them in the act and impress Lee. But again, just more antique hunting. While they shop, Brent spots an antique pistol in one of the stores, and holds it up, while looking at Julie. THIS IS FORESHADOWING, YOU SEE. SEE IT?? EVERYONE??? SEEE???! Nina Laemmle: Queen of Subtlety.




Jessica tends to kids in the hospital for extra money, and gets especially close to a young kid named Johnny (I assume this is the same Johnny that eventually becomes Marlena's ward later on). Jessica is finally convinced to go on one of Cassie's blind (double) dates with her and Tod/Todd?/Toddd. Who's the blind date? Mr. Malaria himself! Joshua! They're at a disco, and Jessica feels, surprise surprise, awkward. She regrets agreeing to the date, but Tod apparently likes her. She tells Cassie that she won't go on another blind date, but if Josh asks her out himself, she'll go....maybe. 


Josh won't, because he's nearly 40 and Jessica is old enough to go to a club, but still too young for him (this is a nice change from the predatory sh!t we've had to deal with with Cathy, innit?), so Ttod decides he'll pursue Jessica himself...you know...despite being Cassie's boyfriend and all. Josh warns Tood to stay away from Jessica. Todd might just be trying to please Kellam, however, since Kellam is livid with Toddd is still seeing Cassie.


Josh puts flowers on his mother's grave, commemorating the tenth anniversary of her death. Josh asks Flora if she believes the story that his mother committed suicide. Flora says that his mother stopped coming to see her when she got ill (not sure if she's referring to herself or to Josh's mother). Then starts freaking out about "the men" again. She notes that that's when the men came! Flora tried to help Josh's mom but couldn't. Oh noooooo....


Ttodd refuses to attend Kellam's latest schmoozefest cocktail party. When Kellam wonders why, Td tells him that it's the anniversary of his mother's death (LET US BEAT THE AUDIENCE OVER THE HEAD WITH THIS, EH?). Kellam apparently forgot, and demands Liz postpone the party til' the next night. Liz coldly reminds Kellam that Sunny's suicide was suicide, not an accident (so presumably we shouldn't care then? No wonder Tod ended up a drunk with such warm, caring relatives). Kellam denies this for some reason.


Josh is visiting with the kids at the hospital, when Kellam shows up for a photo op. Josh is irritated by Kellam's using sick kids for political gain, and won't shake Kellam's hand. Insulted, Kellam asks Max to have Josh checked out.


Josh introduces Jessica to Flora, who she hits it off with, of course. Flora regales her with stories of her past, and tells her that she agrees with Josh that Jessica is special.


Tttoodd suggests to Liz that her interest in Josh is something other than casual. He suggests Liz visit Josh. When she does, they have a rather arbitrary heart-to-heart, where Josh reveals to her that he served in Vietnam and worked in Las Vegas for a time. They share a need to roam, with Josh perceptively seeing in both of them a need to run from something. How many bloody people are they gonna try to pair Liz with??!


As they talk, Liz leans in and kisses him. Things get a little hot and heavy, JUST in time for Jessica to show up, catch them, and whisp away just as quietly as she arrived.


Kellam finds out that someone's been tending to Sunny's grave. Tawd can't explain it. I assume it's Josh, but I don't know why Kellam is A - shocked, B - not tending to it himself , and C - at all concerned by it if he doesn't care enough to do B.


At the casino mansion thingy, Jessica visits with Flora in her bedroom. As they talk, there's a knock at Flora's door. Flora is immediately spooked. Jessica asks who's there. The person on the other side says there's an "urgent message for Mrs. Chisholm". Jessica calls to Josh to help, as whoever's on the other side of the door starts trying to bust the door down.





Don, as stated earlier, blames Marlena for DJ dying because she dared to do anything other than lie on her back for nine months. I'm sure Sam would've appreciated that. Don throws himself into his work and refuses to consider having another baby. Don tries to get the injunction against Doug's casino, but, even with Kellam's money being thrown at it, the injunction fails. Don's anger is short-lived, and he manages to cool down once he's thoroughly shattered Marlena's self-confidence. As she sobs, claiming she's beginning to doubt herself, Don offers for her to be his partner (you know, like she's already supposed to be), and help him climb the political ladder. Kellam strongly urges Marlena to join Don on the political trail.


Don and Marlena attend Chandler's fundraiser for the hospital's David Martin clinic, and Marlena is still shaky being around children after DJ's death. Marie suggests she counsel some of the kids. Marlena is drawn to Johnny, but Johnny pulls away from her. Marlena bursts into tears at the rejection, but Marie and Josh encourage her to keep trying, noting his abandonment issues. Josh is especially excited to have Marlena do counselling work with the kids after learning she's a psychiatrist.


Marlena decides to take on a new job as Kellam's campaign staff psychologist. She enjoys working alongside Don on the campaign trail, and husband and wife get close once again. Kellam is so thrilled by Marlena's presence on the trail, that he makes her the spokeswoman for his campaign over Liz. He finds Liz too polished (read: phony), and the public would see right through her.





Trish is debuting as a singer at a local fancy venue, where she'll be performing regularly while they await the opening of the casino. This doesn't appear to annoy David, for a change.

OH NEVERMIND, HE'S ANNOYED AGAIN! David comes home from a long day of pretending Alex isn't a crook and finds his wife is doing something other than burning herself making him a steak. He demands she curtail her shite career, despite it not having been a problem for him the entire last year they've been together. Trish leaves to rehearse at the casino.


There Josh suggests a turn-of-the-century themed opening night, and Flora, thrilled by Trish's singing (poor thing needs hearing aids), gifts Trish a dress from her youth to perform in for the gala. She encourages Trish to defy David and continue singing.



I hate this s#!t so much. My God. And since when did David go from young modern guy to a completely regressive chauvinist pig? Like...as though he learned nothing from Trish running off to LA/Italy/Paris? And back then, he wasn't even annoyed by her singing. WTF??

Edited by beebs
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