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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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I don't think I've seen the full story since I was in elementary school (if that), so seeing the full conclusion was actually something of a treat for me.  Like I said, the episodes on YouTube are all incomplete, only showing what happened up to Bob getting to the house and seeing lit candles all over the living room with Laura waiting for him.  It was interesting to see how Beau got into the house (crashing through glass seemed to become a recurring theme for short term male characters in the late 80s/early 90s.

As well as how Beau and Bob subdued Laura so that Bob could tranquilize her. I did find myself giggling at something that, I'm pretty sure wasn't meant to be funny though.  Laura is raging at Kim, who has just entered the house and Kim, panicked not knowing if baby Christopher is alright mentions him and Laura quickly, completely changes her tone and calmly tells Kim that Pam took Christopher to her uncle's house and left her a note.  Then just as quickly, Laura begins to yell and rage again.

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The lockdown reunions have been fun but I agree there is a huge opportunity slipping people right by of something similar to what the Television Academy does: long detailed interviews with both actors and bts folks from television.
There have been a handful of soap stars on there (Kim Zimmer, Elena Slezak) but so many other soaps actors and actresses and writers and producers could tell so many great stories if someone with intimate knowledge of the shows (more than the interviewees at the Academy or that the moderators have in the recent reunions) asked the questions and knew how to get the best info out of the insiders.

Heck, I bet someone who took the time to set those up could crowdsource the questions. Take the time to do in-depth. 

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Eileen Fulton and Helen Wagner are two others, I think, that have been on those Television Academy recorded interviews.

One fun thing about those Oscars and Emmys archives, is that you get to learn about not only actors, writers and producers, you also get to hear from composers (how many times have we discussed soap theme songs on this board?), costume designers  and set designers. All those people have been integral to the sound and look of the most iconic soaps and their perspective is also important, I think.

It really is a wasted opportunity.


Another separate issue, is that, I wish these livestreams would step it the heck up, in terms of audio-visual quality.  Anyone who has done at least a handful of these shouid be looking to improve the production quality. This is not like public access where you need a big bag of money to have a professional look/sound. Online the tools and technology are very accessible and affordable, if only one would take the time to learn to use them. Some soap-themed livestreams have been unwatchable because of the poor quality.  I think some of the hosts assume that because we soap fans will watch YT videos where the audio and video of classic episodes are poor that we'll also sit through a terrible livestream.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
*are* not is. My grammar is going by the wayside on these interwebs!
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Ack, the 'it's a long story' YT channel is devoid of videos!  I hope this is only temporary because that channel had videos that were never posted before and I was truly enjoying it.


I also came across this episode from 1984 on another channel.  Has this been posted before?


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I'm truly sorry that in order to keep one person from accessing my videos I had to make them all private. I really regret that because I know how much joy it was bringing fans. I hope you enjoyed them while you could and hopefully downloaded your favorites. According to this person, I stole all of my videos so you should be able to find them all on youtube anyway. Or you could go to his channel where he is using some of my ATWT videos. I'm glad you enjoyed my channel. There's always that one person that has to ruin it for everybody. 

Edited by BillBauer
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Of course, the person who accused you of "stealing" the material you uploaded is dishonest and self-serving, simply trying to justify his behavior. I know this, because many of the episodes on your youtube page came from ME. I sent them to you in the first place and freely agreed that you should share the material publicly. Why? Because I am rational enough to acknowledge one important fact:  I do not own any of the episodes in question, anymore than your critic does. Many fans recorded soaps at the time of their original broadcasts, and there have always been multiple viewers with their own copies of the exact same episodes. But even if any specific ep had already been on the critic's channel, so what? That doesn't make it his exclusive property. If I upload a Taylor Swift video that does not mean all rights to the video suddenly become mine. For one individual to become possessive about content which he neither produced nor owns is pointless. To denigrate another, generous fan for the "crime" of sharing rare video treats with the soap community is worse.


The critic's defense of his behavior pretty much says it all:


"Nope, I will not be blamed for someone yanking their YouTube videos, just because one that they clearly hacked into the site to swipe from my #ATWT uploads was re-posted. If that was the basis for your whole 'collection' then you're the one to blame."


You don't "hack" into a youtube site whose videos are all freely available to the general public anyway; it's not like hacking into someone's bank account or the FBI files. Nor is it "swiping" anyone else's material when you duplicate an upload of an episode which doesn't even belong to him.


It's attitudes like this that do indeed ruin things for everyone.

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Edited by vetsoapfan
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Why can't we have nice things??


There were episodes that I'd never seen posted on YouTube before, so I don't know what that person is talking about. I had thought about downloading a few but sadly didn't get the opportunity since I was involved in a project that is taking up my drive space.  Argh! Some people ruin everything with their sour grapes mentality.

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Who is this sad sack of a human?


This just makes me even more irritated with P&G, who should've been releasing their back catalog on a streaming platform somewhere.  Peacock just started their official launch today and they have a mix of free and premium videos but P&G a 130 year old company that sells products worldwide is somehow incapable of doing this.  Sigh.

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I didn't get to save them as of yet as my Internet has slowed down a lot in recent months, but that's on me. I completely understand your choice. I'm very sorry that happened to you. It's unfortunate that ego and turf wars and selfishness so often ruin things for fans. Thank you for what you did share.

Edited by DRW50
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