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Thanks for the verification, @Paul Raven! I knew I remember reading he was writing a soap to try and sell. 


But back to the 1985 episode, I too would love to see the follow up episodes with the masquerade ball. I bet Lucinda was a mess upon seeing all those women with the same costume as she did. 


I love the Lisa/Lucinda rivalry and it sucks that the two were put at each other's throats much in the final years of the show. A comedic rivalry between these two vibrant characters would've been what the show needed. 


Wasn't Susan Bedsow Horgan at OLTL (in the early 90s) at one point too? I know she was head writer during OLTL 2.0., but I am wondering if she had any other head writing credits too. If not, someone needs to snag her b/c all the material I've seen her be head writer on tends to be good. 

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^ They moved into the in-law/garage apartment around early January 1986, based on this clip below (the uploader did not specify the month of 1986, but from what I could tell, the previous episode was most likely the one on January 8, 1986 [which was a Wednesday of the week], uploaded by munecojim).  Essentially, this was around the time that Kim first began seeing a therapist, and John Dixon confronted Lisa at the Memorial for possibly being the "secret admirer" who had been tormenting Kim.  Anyway, Nancy said that she and Chris had begun the moving process, and Steve showed up to finish the kitchen of the garage apartment and Ellen and Betsy came along and ended up staying for dinner at the Hughes.




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I guess then that Chris and Nancy had not yet moved there when those costume ball episodes aired then but Bob was talking about it?


I think this was the time that Kim saw the dead body in the park around the time that Shannon first showed up in Oakdale?  That was 1985.  


Kim's stalker storyline began in earnest early 1986, right?


I think I'm clear but a nice timeline would help, LOL. 

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Also speaking of 1985, Julianne Moore started in April 1985.  She was very recent on the show around the time of Bob and Kim's wedding in '85.


I don't want to link to a competing blog but I just looked it up and Bob and Kim got married about two weeks after JM's Frannie arrived in April 1985.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Hello there!  You have all of your information correct, except you've mistaken the year. Stewart and Marcy got married in 1985 - not 1984. 1985 was also the year Shannon was introduced. This is the period I've been watching over the past year and a half. I just checked the ATWT 40th Anniversary Scrapbook, to be sure, and it has both Stuart and Marcy listed as leaving the show in '85 after their wedding. It also has '85 listed as Shannon's arrival. It was a great period of the show, to be sure!


Since this is all fresh in my head....yes, the stalker storyline happened (for me) Jan-March of this year which would mean it was early 1986. That winter/spring was the stalker and kidnapping followed by Kim's trial.

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Yea, everyone was right..it is 1985,,I was making myself older as I remember watching this in college. 


The dead body was tied to Shannon being a jewel thief but Marland tied that up...(werent there thugs holding Kim hostage in the Hughes living room) She found the body in "the woods behind her house" Chris and Nancy were in Oakdale during the Costume Ball which was Lisa opening the Yacht Club..I remember her coming in on a boat dressed like Marie Anteniette and Chris and Nancy and George and Martha Washington and being judges of the costumes...a fun goofy bunch of episodes and I wish Marland had kept some of that slightly campy soap fun..

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Yeah, that July 1985 episode shows Kim and Nancy talking about the dead body that Kim discovered with Frank Andropolous.


I wish someone anywhere could post that Costume Ball because I'd love to see it again. I think I only got to see it once when I was a kid. As it is, there was only once brief snippet that was later put in a flashback that got posted on YT. (I swear Guiding Light fans posted every single costume ball or big event that GL had over the last 30 years of that show!)


I've heard a few people actually complain that Shannon's character was too campy but there is a great episode in 1986 where half of the patrons at Caroline's get hauled down to the police station after a brawl breaks out at the restaurant. A brawl secretly instigated by Barbara and Lucinda.

It was hilarious, at least to me.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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That brawl was the best!!! I remember a long shot of the entire set of Caroline's where you just see the entire place going mad - everyone is screaming and fighting with each other. Lucinda then turns to her companion at her table (Ambrose, I think?), yells "See, I told you this was going to be fun!" and throws her champagne glass against the wall. (or on the floor - something like that)


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