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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Never got the Connor love..I thought the actress looked like a witch at the time. Mark was hot and he could have worked if given the right material. He was not a great actor by any means but he had that kind of masculine, hot but doesnt act like a preening Chippendales Dancer thing that worked on ATWT. I thought he was pretty good with Lily but they were still following the "uptight business person with the hot, honest sexy person," thing Marland did so often. Cal and Connor...kind of boring..never got Cal's purpose either and hated his fake accent. Didnt he date Lila too (my God can you imagine the boredom of those scenes???)

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He and Lyla were engaged, but split up because he wanted to drill on Native American land and she disagreed with him.

Mark and Lily didn't do anything for me, but I did wonder at the time why the story changed. I don't think it could have been because of Lily/Mike, as he was still with Rosanna and Carly at the time.

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I think the show realized Mark and Lily didn't have chemistry.. and I think this was before Damian had announced he was leaving the show so I think Damian/Lily became seen as end game. I guess Mark had some chemistry with Connor.. but then the show writers changed and they were rushed together.. I think.

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LOL..I forgot he was Lily's Grandpa. Marland's convoluted family trees made me give up on the show..it got so weird with Lily's parents, adopto parents, step parents, bio grandparents, and Lucindas step siblings, real sibilings,etc. It was even weirder that no one mention out freaked up it all was.

I swear that Marland's ghost helps write "Once Upon a Time," with Henry filling the Lily role (always being kidnapped and in danger, always bitching at someone self-righteously, everyone worried about his emotional state and EVERYONE on the show related to him.)

Edited by Mitch
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Connor & Cal always creeped me out. IDK - it was probably the whole age difference. It seemed like they were "domesticating" this vibrant, intelligent business woman as an old man's trophy wife. (Granted Cal always treated Connor with respect, but still.) So when Connor and Mark connected, it was great. I liked an episode where Connor and Cal where fighting about going to a Snyder party and she said something like she was tired of hearing the same family stories again because it made her feel old. That summed it up.

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ITA - some of that was so bad. What was it with Cal ("Red Boots") and Mark ("Treehouse") So darned cheesy! I did like Connor with the original actor (James Wleck) who played Linc. The recast really changed the tone of the character and obviously not for the better.

Edited by edgeofnik
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Y'know, as glad as I am that the Jack/Molly story went nowhere...there's no denying that visually, they looked really good together.

And there's no denying Martha's hair looked a hell of a lot better shorter than the dark, frumpy mess Goutman foisted upon her.

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They did, didn't they? I wonder why it went nowhere. At the very least, you could have had a very interesting triangle with Jack, Carly, and Molly.

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I enjoyed that 1997 episode.... I don't know what the overall shape of the show at that time, but the episode was good. Margo was great in her breakdown, loved Lisa, all the Marlanda flashbacks, Molly/Jack, etc.

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I think a lot of that had to do with HWs not knowing WTF to do with Molly. She ran the gamut from "wrongly imprisioned" to "batshit crazy". Molly kind of got neutered to hook her up with Jake a couple of years later. Carly and Molly rarely converged in the same story. They kind of interacted with separate spheres of characters.

I'm not really sorry, since the incestuousness of ATWT could be smothering at times. ;)

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