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Y&R Stars (or any soap really) who don't get along in real life.

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Dang... all this chaos over me saying I woudlv'e let RKK harrass me! The problem is that nowadays everyone is so damnded uptight. From what i've heard, he was suposedly doing his love scenes and such with a little too much fervor, I haven't seen anyone say that he demanded that Rinna or Alfonso f@ck him or anything. I had a boss that groped me all the time, too... back when I was 21-22 years old. I looked to the heavens and thanked God that I wasn't an ugly troll that nobody wanted to touch. There's limits, of course... if he demanded SEX, then that crosses over the line. But grabbing my crotch or tweaking my nipples, BIG DEAL. It's like when I worked with a crew of girls for a summer, they would get all up in arms over men whistling at them.. but this one girl, who was so ugly she had to sneak up on a glass of water said to me ..... "I wish somebody would whistle at me".

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Wow. How completely inappropriate.

Even if I believed this fan fiction fantasy of yours(and I don't), why would you post such degrading trash about yourself? And encourage people to be molested by their bosses, co-workers, employers?

What's next? It's okay for the stranger that gives your kid a piece of candy to "tweak" his/her nipples too? I guess a parent or child who would complain about that is too "damnded uptight" too.

You and OldSchoolSoapFan are trolls. In EVERY sense of the word.

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Why would I make it up? It hapened once years ago, hasn't happened since. Someone made advances at me at work and I ENJOYED the attention, so SUE ME. This is hilarious. And of COURSE it't not ok to touch CHILDREN.. who was talking about kids, wer'e discussing consenting adults here. One has to respect the person's orientation, and if they are prudish, then one SHOULD back off. But making the advance in the first place? no problem. I don't think it's degrading at all what I posted, your'e just a prude. So i'm gonna drop the H-bomb here, since you all have had your moments of righteous indignation, Jeanne cooper admitted in interviews to grabbing Braeden's balls his first week of work. What do all you school marms have to say to that? You gonna put her in the same category as RKK?

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There is a time and place for everything. This board, this TOPIC is not the place to channel your sexual fantasies. Go join Sean Cody, pay your $29.99, and relive your stable boy fantasies the right way and leave us out of it.

No one here wants to hear your story about how you were "okay" with being molested by your boss and that Kristian Alfonzo and Lisa Rinna should be okay with it too. It's inappropriate, it's disgusting, it's degrating, and it completely devalues sexual harassment and assault.

And anyone who knows me well knows I'm not a prude. I, along with Ann and other posters, were drinking the pretty in the Wednesday AMC thread(also known as Naked Frankie day). It was shallow and it was fun and it didn't cross the disgusting boundaries you so often cross.

That's what this "school marm" has to say about you.

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Bellcurve...Dr. Laura??? Is that you? Give me a damn break, there's all kinds of commetns about soap hunks all over this board. I wans't being that graphic.. honey, if I was being graphic, you wouldn't be able to handle it.

I was raised to believe the exact opposite.

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I'd be able to handle it because I've heard it all.

You think you're so shocking, so interesting, so colorful, but you're not. You're the typical aging, sexless queen, channeling your fantasies through the garbage you post on this message board. A dime a dozen in any gay community across these great states.

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I got my booty pinched on the job twice--by two different men. And to think I was someone who I thought nobody would give a second glance to. I was wrong--they thought I was sexy, d(a)mmit!! I had terms of endearment called at me by men when I worked in NYC. It was something that made me smile--not something I'd bolt faster than Superman to the personnel office for.

Now who here thinks I'm a chick??

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If you enjoyed it, then that's your business. You have to respect others, though, who might not look at the situation the same way as you.

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WOW. I never said I was all that. I just post my toughts, my opinions, and my feelings, and that's it. I don't know how the hell you'd know anything about my sex life. Typical, aging, sexless queen? Just show me where i've EVER been that harsh to you. And Miss cleo called, she said not to even BOTHER.

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How sad for you that you needed this boss' leering and obscene gestures to boost your sense of self-worth. How very, very sad.

Did you happen to think this boss was "sexy" or "attractive"? Because, if you didn't, then I wonder whether you would've felt the same way about their overtures.

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