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GH: August Discussion Thread

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That was a nice return for Brenda. It was easy for any new viewers she might bring to jump into and (IMO) left you wanting to see more of the stories featured. I'm not the biggest Brenda fan, but I look forward to seeing how they pull this off two, three months down the road. I wonder if this means the end for Claire and Sonny because thats actually an interesting story developing. Jax is in more need of a love interest anyway.

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Claire and Sonny aren't a romance and I don't believe TPTB ever intended them to be a romance. Sonny thinks he's playing Claire but the opposite is happening. Claire might compromise herself up to a point, but she's all about the job and the job is STILL getting Sonny behind bars.

Actually, I think after Sonny realizes he's been had, it will be a lot easier to have trust with Brenda - which was never the same after the whole wire thing.

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Yeesh. Watching the camera follow Brenda's bits n pieces around the whole episode -- and you know the director was only following the Gooz's uber-precise stage directions -- was like what Guza sees when he cat-burgles his way through shrubbery to peek into Vanessa's window at night.

I'm going to admit that Carly grabbing Lulu by the neck and calling her "you idiot" was a highlight. Can't wait for her to do her lower-teeth-grimace as she towers over teensy Brenda. "DON'T THINK JUS BECUZZ YUR BAAAACK IN TOWN THAT YOU CAN STEAL SUNNEE OR JAAAAAAAAAKS AWAY FRUM MEEE. THEY'RE BOTH DIVOTID TO ME END OWER CHIL'RIN!!!" *ghetto head-roll*

Lulu & Dante as a sexyhotcouple really are not happening. Brook Lynn playing Dante with the tears, though? Priceless.

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Boring....Matt and Maxie Days 2.0

The show is so dull. Even Brenda's return is boring to watch. VM is just saying her lines without any meaning. It's nice to see AB.

So many useless...well boring characters put on today's show to highlight them with Brenda's return.

Dante......keep your shirt on please.....gawd....thought he would look hot shirtless...I was wrong....lol

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Maxie's brilliant plan to make Spinelli jealous and want to fight for her didn't go as planned and blew up in her face. She made it so Spinelli walked in on her and Matt kissing, and Spinelli didn't like it at all so they eventually broke up. Spinelli was very mature about it, i gotta give him that.

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How many times has Jason been in jail? Everytime I tune in he is in jail. They might as well just cut and paste one scene and repeat it when needed. You'd think with no GL that GH's numbers would be higher. And that Parsons actor.....gawd he is bad...awful bad.

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If only he'd been so mature after he left her somewhere to "rescue" her and she almost died.

She's been like that for years and years. She used to be able to deflect it with her looks, but those seem to have been strangely altered somewhat.

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Lisa, Lisa and the Cult Jam is officially off her rocker. She's performed the traditional psycho routine of making herself at home in the wife's house, covering the wife's face in the pictures.

Hopefully this means we can get this story to step it up a couple notches.

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She is 42 but looks much older. She looks like she did at the Daytime Emmys. She looks rather gothic. She is too skinny.

Dante and Lulu...ewww as a couple. I'd rather see Lulu with Johnny.

And here we go with more shooting..how lame..and boring...

And Jason back in jail scene again...lol

Guza sucks....

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