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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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I just finished watching the other half of the season (are we correct in calling these 10 episodes the season? because...), and I'm game for more, so good job, nunuDegrassi!

I will say that I think the arc as a whole felt a bit hollow. It's not really that they did too much in ten episodes -- the actual stories themselves didn't feel rushed at all, and the episodes all flowed very nicely, but they missed a TON of opportunities to do more with the characters to get them from where they were in Episode 1 to where they ended up in Episode 10. Granted, they only had ten episodes, and I have no idea if they even had the option to go for more, so I can't beat them up too much on that, but still.

Hunter's descent into madness should have been the result of more than just getting his video game club shut down. Had they had more time, they could have explored his anger management issues and his interest in Yael.

I don't get why they kept referring to Zig (who is a goddamn moron) and Zoe as having "fooled around" or "hooked up." They kissed. Was it an intense kiss? Was it making out? Yes! But were we supposed to assume that they went all the way on a log in the woods? I don't know. This might have been my least favorite of the continuing arcs simply because I don't understand what the point of it was.

I get that Tristan and Miles have a good bit of history held over from TNG, so I was expecting more of them interacting with each other. There were nice moments, but it's pretty clear that that ship has sailed.

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Hunter has always given me vibes he had anger issues. Last season on Next Generation when Zoe took his computer and threatened to break it b/c she thought he was the one blackmailing the cheer squad over them selling their nudes for profit, he snapped. Plus with Frankie and Miles, who have both gone over the edge, it wasn't too farfetched for me to see Hunter go there too. It runs in the family DNA. All of the Hollingsworth kids are sociopaths. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I love Netflix Degrassi. Shay is giving me Season 1 Emma teas. If this sticks around I hope to see more of her.


Frankie doesn't annoy me like she did on the previous seasons.


Esme is a freaking psycho and I'm not here for her,


Maya is much more tolerable here as well. 


Im not understanding why Zoe "hooked up" with Zig.


And I was totally preparing myself for Time Stands Still 2.0 when Tristan ushered everyone into the Student Council office. 

Edited by Eric83
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