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AMC: LA Production Values

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I'm interested in hearing what you all think of this: I have always been a very fleeting AMC viewer, but now that I can watch it online on ctv.ca here in Canada, I may be checking it out more. Also, it seems to be one of the stronger soaps right now.

Wondering what you think of the LA move? I remember the show looking pretty dreadful the last while in NYC... very orange and weird looking. It seems better now. I was just wondering if any of you longtime fans noticed any differences in the production values. Are the sets pretty well the same or slightly different? Has the new studios had a big impact on the show? Or, would you otherwise not have noticed any changes?

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I think it looks fantastic. The move was def an upgrade. Everything just has a new, fresh appeal. The lighting is also far better than it had been. But you also hgave to factor in they went HD, so its probable that changed would have been made in NY as well. I also think having more room has helped.

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Some are similar but some are drastically different. The Chandler mansion and Wildwind. The Chandler mansion at least was written into the script as being redesigned. Wildwind somehow just changed into a completely different house

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The lighting and the departure of the Disney Cam faux filmlook has impacted the show greatly. As far as the sets, the main sets look the same, except for Chandler Mansion and Wildwind which have a seemingly panoramic appearance to them. The swing sets are different, though. But that also has less to do with being in LA as much as it has to do with the fact AMC has a new production designer. I'm sure if Roger Mooney still had the job, the sets would look as cheap as they've been looking the last 10 years -- just in HIGH DEFINITION! Bill Mickley, for instance, knew how to take that same studio space in New York and make the sets look at lot more grand.

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What I appreciate is the depth of the sets. The new Wildwind is my favorite, although there is no explanation of why it looks different. It gives the chance for some different camera angles than NY Wildwind.

The casino still looks like crap and flat. And has that god-awful nausea-inducing wallpaper. I was hoping with Zack gone, we'd lose that set, but no, for some reason, Ryan is playing pit boss now.

I don't hate Fusion and ConFusion as much as some, but those sets are exactly the same. I just wish they'd quit sending Opal and the Hubbards there; just not the kind of place I feel those characters would choose to go to. They need a classy bar, like the Valley Inn.

Love the staircase in the entry to Chandler mansion. New Chandler mansion is OK.

The hospital is the same, but that doesn't bother me, as the hospital, I thought was one of the best sets from NY AMC. The only thing I hate is when they hang up that kiddie art when they call the same set the children's wing. And I hate that everyone goes to the hospital when they just need to see the doctor, but that has nothing to do with set. ;-)

And we're not getting Krystal's candy shop? Probably for the best, as I thought that was a weak set-up for Krystal; she's better suited to a Comeback.

I was hoping they'd get some new hangouts to show off, but guess not...maybe with the new writing regime?

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+1. People underestimate the contributions he and former costume designer Carol Luiken made to the show's overall tone.

Or a street corner.

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I wonder why they changed the Chandler mansion so drastically and thought no one would notice. I don't even remember anything being said by anyone on the show that the place had been remodeled. Even Wildwind looks different.

The show looks great in HD

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