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GH: April Discussion Thread

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I was talking about the favoritism in writing when I mentioned characters getting kicked around. From my perspective Lucky was kicked around by the writers to sell the Liz/Jason pairing. I pretty sure one of the writers used the word "deballed" to describe what Guza was going for. They made Lucky into a drug addicted, incompetent loser who was banging a teenager in his marriage bed (repeatedly), so that Jason and Liz could be justified in having their 3 day lovefest in Jason's apartment. Would that have happened if JJ was in the role? Hell no. I don't remember a whole lot of people showing Lucky compassion at that point. Even LuLu was keeping Liz's secret back then.

Now here they come again about to make Lucky into an even bigger loser when his fiancee and brother are falling in love behind his back, while Lucky plays clueless fiancee and daddy to Liz's children. It was clearly being shown as a love story with Liz humoring Lucky and telling Nik that she doesn't feel passionate love for Lucky, she loves Nik. What she feels for Lucky is just pity.

But wait!! One of Guza's pets takes over the role of Lucky again. Cue abrupt change in story direction. Suddenly Lucky gets to stand up to Nik and Liz. Liz realizes she can't live without him and passively tries to freeze herself to death because she can't live without him. In fact, she has to be sent to the loony bin, because she just can't face life without Lucky. Never mind that she's done it many times before and has been through much worse with her mind intact. Liz continues to pine for Lucky while Lucky gets to cut her out of his life. Would any of that had happened if GV had been in the role? Hell no. It's been obvious for at least 10 years that Jason never loses (Even SB has said he thinks it's ridiculous), but they really showed their hands with the way the change in actors morphed the Lucky character from loser to hero overnight.

I've realized that if I'm going to continue to watch this show, I have to accept the hierarchy that Guza and Frons have put in place. Still, I can't help but think how much better this show would be without it.

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Exactly JP! Just more misogynistic writing when it comes to female characters. Liz got called almost every name in the book.

LB and Guza need to check with each other when writing something. Why is Guza trying to say Skye is broke when Adam recently left money for her in a trust and all she has to do is show up and claim it

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They finally reveal what Skye's purpose is for coming back. Too bad it sucks. If she's broke and needs money then she needs tot ake her ass over to Pine Valley and reclaim the Chandler fortune! With Adam gone, she'd be a perfect fit to come in and try to take control of Chandler Enterprise. I could see a 3 way struggle between her, JR and Annie with Skye finding out about their affair and then blackmailing them into backing off and letting her call the shots. Would make for some interesting scenes at the mansion

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No, of course it isn't. :rolleyes: Not even if it would do their characters a ton of good to lose once in awhile. Carly was so much better as the outsider who lost a few rounds now and again. I have a hard time rooting for her now that she always comes out ahead.

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I am a HUGE Robin Christopher fan, and was thrilled to learn she was retuning to GH...But the return has been usesless.

Why wouldn't she HAVE money? Did'nt she come to Port Charles wealthy with Adam's money, and didn't Alan leave her anything when he died? He considered her his daughter, I find it hard to believe she didn't get ANYTHING...And I don't remember Tracy and Luke cheating Skye out of anything in the will..

I find it hard to believe that she could have burned through her Chandler money, her Quartermaine money, AND Lorenzo's money...In two years? And didn't Adam leave her a trust of somesort?

I am happy she's back on GH, but this STUPID storyline just makes me wish she was back on AMC instead...Too bad RC doesn't want to go back there.

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ABC should have just acted as if GH was in a parallel universe and hired Carrie Genzel back as Skye on AMC. That way we could have had her involved in Adam's exit and say it happened "before" she came back to GH under Robin Christopher. Or just have her play Skye CHANDLER on AMC with RC playing useless Skye Quartermaine (oh wait she never did find her daddy)on GH who hasnt had a purpose there in years

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Yes. Very recently Adam left her a trust. Not only is it hard to believe that she burned through both her and Lorenzo's money its also hard to believe that she didn't know about the problems in the economy. Based on Friday's episode you'd think that Skye had no prior experience with money and business before getting Lorenzo's money.

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