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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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ALL of Apollo's and Phaedra's drama did not stem around Kenya. There were several episodes where they were having problems with Apollo not wanting to do family activites with Phaedra and him getting annoyed with her an her jobs. And while the Nene and Peter argument did stem from Kenya she wasn't involved in any of the fall out at all. ALL of Kenya's interesting drama came strictly from the other ladies and without them she wouldn't have had an interesting second of screen time.

And yes Porsha is a negative bully. I remember when Peter brought up her relationship with Kordell and everyone else was trying to have a civil adult conversation but Kenya felt the need to call her a beard and everything else under the sun. A bully revels when anything negative happens to someone they don't like and that's what Kenya does. She has hated Porsha ever since she called her Miss America/USA.

Edited by PJA
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I do think Kenya picked on Porsha this season more than say Porsha picked on Kenya. During the season, there were times I saw Porsha being neutral and actually siding with Kenya. On the contrary, in Mexico, Kenya decided to target Porsha at the dinner. Sure Porsha was more or less saying she was being a supportive beard, but the way Kenya (and Patricia) went in on it? Too much, especially considering how many beards Kenya be wearing. It's the definition of picking on somebody because you feel they're an easy target.

Overall, though, their relationship seemed to reach a mellow level for most of the season.

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Oh, Cheap beat me to it. re: Nene v Peter stemming from Kenya. No Kenya = no conflict in the first place there. Which was the point re: Nene's s6 storyline.

I thought Kenya and Porsha had definitely come to a plateau of sorts. Dare I say it frenemies during this season pre-reunion of course.

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Por has basically said she was a beard all season and Peter then Kenya finally called it out and asked her to be straight up on it. That's bullying? Please.

Yes Kenya needs the other ladies for story. That's why this is the real HOUSEWIVES. Not one. Many. Kandi is the only one that had some story without the other ones because it involved her mother and her finance. But even she needed the other ladies for more story.

People get so bent out of shape when these women discuss others lives, marriages, etc but like - that's the point if the series. To interact. It's why we all accept that enemies invite each other to their parties and trips.

What's Kenya did this season was call bullshit out and people couldn't handle it. She brought it and drove the majority of story this season and it was glorious.

Por came for her at that reunion because she was desperate to save her job. Period. It was clear from the start por was in the attack and when Kenya came back at her once or twice she got physhcial - even if it was pathetic all she did was pull hair - because she's an immature, spoiled little brat as evident by her full on 4 year old tantrum on the floor literally kicking and screaming and then blaming others.

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I don't get why people are making a big deal about Kenya needing the other women for story as if that's some negative. She really didn't have much to do the first few episodes bc she was so isolated but once she started mixing it up with them again, getting fully integrated into the group, she was on fire and in turn she set them all on fire. She was the catalyst for so much of the drama and they all benefited. Seriously, haters need to just admit that outside of the Kandi/MJ stuff, nearly ALL the most talked about moments in this thread and around the web have involved Kenya. She brings out so much in people and is a hot topic. She generated story and buzz and love her, hate her or even love to hate her, that is why we all watch the show. Of course will deny that as that's expected but if you're honest with yourself, there's no denying that Kenya has put in WORK and centering the show around her escapades has been amazing for this season

You are right in that Kandi was the only one with a strong story that didn't involve the other ladies. I thought Porsha had potential but her story fizzled after the first few episodes and instead of growing as a strong independent woman, she remained the same stupid, ditzy child she was when attached to Kordell, and that most definetly was not interesting to watch.

Edited by Cheap21
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I feel like these shows (and their fans) use the word BULLY too loosely. I feel like a grown ass person cannot be bullied. A child, yes. A grown woman in her early thirties? Hell no. If you allow someone to speak to you crazily when you're 18+, then you're the fool. I'm one who believes that someone is not feeding you, financing your lifestyle, for f*ckin' you, then their opinion does not matter.

If Porsha wasn't such a dolt and signed up for this show, knowing doggone well these shows will exploit your past, present, and possibly future, then her situation wouldn't've been aired to the world or to Kenya. I'm over people on Twitter, Facebook, and forums pegging Kenya as a "bully." Because if she's a bully then everyone is. Nene. Phaedra. Whorsha too.

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Kenya barely interacted with Porsha this entire season yet she is being said to have bullied her all year bc she said sh-t about her in her talking heads. Meanwhile Nene has been disrespecting Porsha all season, calling her out on being stupid, immature, selfish and self centered to her face. Nene is the only one that made her cry during the season bc of her harsh words. Yet Kenya is evil and awful for bullying Porsha by going out of her way to pick on her all year. WTF?


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I am not feeling this comment at all. I am all for shading and reading these girls but the scrambled eggs thing is insensitive to me. Porsha is not able to carry a child to term but I wpuld never bring that up as an insult. There are just lines to this where the reality tv personas dont warrant such comments. Edited by Eric83
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A lot of people hopping on this bandwagon just hate Kenya. I have never seen so many Porsha fans in her entire tenure on the show. She was dead wrong and I am ready for confirmation that she is fired. Flawless. LOL I am actually laughing at all this backlash because Kenya will be invited back and all the people complaining will be tuned in.
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No one was making it a big deal about the other women needing Kenya...the Kenya fans are the ones who brought up how Nene and the others are jealous of her and need her for their stories when ALL of her interesting stories involve her sticking her nose into the other womens marriages and belittleing Phaedra and Porsha every chance she got....well she bullied Porsha one too many times and got mopped. Maybe next season she'll think twice before opening her big mouth.

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Once again, can you point to several specific instances this season where Kenya systematically bullied poor innocent victim Porscha? And are we acting like Phaedra didn't give far more than she got? Did the other women not ever speak about Kenya's life and butt into it for talking heads and witty comments?

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A bully just doesn't name call. A bully takes the one thing that you are most sensitive about or that hurts you the most and constantly (not just once or twice) uses it against you or uses it to belittle you. Kenya has known from the beginning that her divorce was a difficult subject for Porsha yet she constantly used it agains Porsha and even when Porsha was pouring her heart out her comes Kenya ruining the moment with her snide comments and remarks when she should have been comforting her. What if next season the ladies nick name her Scambled Eggs or constantly bring up how her dog died and she has no more friends over and over again?

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I did say as much, but that doesn't change the fact that Kenya and Patricia were being obnoxious pr--ks about it at the dinner. I say that as someone who liked Kenya more than I ever had in the weeks before that. As Kenya says, "don't come for me unless I call for you." Kenya's been more or less proving she rents boyfriends since she's been on RHOA, that doesn't make me think it's right for the other HW's to be OTT anal pr--ks about it like Porsha was at the reunion.

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