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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You may not being she's a victim directly, but it is what you are. Along her out to be. As if she doesn't deserve this. As if she didn't cause it. As if she's done nothing wrong. As if it's just the entire show is jealous haters grasping at anything to bring her down and attack her and all she could do was cry and walk away because if the intesen gang attack on her.

Yes Lisa calling Kyle not Brandi, Lisa throwing a party with Kyle, Lisa being close with Scheena feels very petty but I don't think those are the real issues here. You have to go deeper. It's about her being phony. About not being there. About being close out of nowhere to a woman that she's trashed and dragged through the media. About lying about many things. About being dismissive and elitist.

I don't think cobbling together ammo would make two friends feel as if she's distanced herself and is being fake. I don't think Yolanda or Brandi set out to ruin her and make her the most evil bitch to ever bitch. I think she hurt them and then brushed their issues off. Brandi isn't innocent here. She should have taken Lisa aside herself but at the same time, look at how Lisa did deal when two friends did tht recently. Yolanda and Kyle. Walked away. Crushed it off. Refused to deal with it.

As for Ken, like I said before, did you expect him to sit back and let Lisa take it by herself? His first instinct was to defend his wife. He wasn't out of line in calling out Kim for not bothering to turn up to Pandora's wedding (moving, my eye!). He prob shouldn't have called Yolanda stupid, but belittling all the women? Yeah, no. Mauricio would have done the same -- in fact he has, when drunken Kim shouted at Kyle in Hawaii.

There's a way to defend someone without shouting and name calling. That's not defending anyone. He was the first to yell. He is the one who went on the attack. He is the ken that turned that into a fight. He kept screaming for Brandi to answer the question when she had many times. Yes no has has done it too and I've called him out on it for being wrong too.

I honestly don't know how to respond to this.

Lol good cuz your stuck with me! And of course it's not personal.

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First off I LOVE your signature. Truly beautiful

IA on Kim. She needs to go. She and her talking heads are ruining the show for me. I cant take much more of that.

Joyce isn't the most exciting housewife, but I hope she gets spared. I do like her friendship with Kyle. I hope she at least remains as a friend bc she provides a nice warm presence.

Carlton? Deuces bitch!

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LOL at Season 1 Nene....


Loving Joyce...she's so sweet and just genuinely. Kyle's tagline is so on point....

Brandi and Yolanda....ugh I can't with these two. Not looking forward to the ganging up on Lisa. Speaking of my Queen Bee tho her reaction to the room on Puerto Rico was hilarious.....lady couldn't handle it.

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This is starting to turn into the whole Jill versus Bethenny debacle on the RHONYC. Like after all these years do we even KNOW who really was at fault and what the damn argument was about?

I mean I think its absolutely hilarious that out of all these ladies only Kyle has a legitimate reason to be upset with Lisa. For me it does seem and feel like Lisa has brushed the whole issue with Maurico and the listing of Adrienne's house under the rug. Lisa says that she's moved on and thats that. Well what if Kyle hasn't "moved on"? And when exactly did Lisa and Kyle talk heart to heart and CLEAR the air. That is my only main issue with Lisa at this time.

That aside though I just can't deal with the rest of them. What is Brandi so pissed off about? That Lisa cares too much about her (aka mothering her?) or that she doesn't care enough and is moving back to Kyle? Make up your damn mind Brandi and do it quick. Yolanda is claiming she's not sure if she's a "Hollywood" friend or a real friend....ummmm how bout you talk one on one with Lisa bout that very issue rather than bringing it up in a group setting?

This whole trip just has this sick feeling of dread. Just watching it now is making me very annoyed.


Go after Yolanda please and keep this witch in her lane!!!

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Lisa had a heart to heart with Kyle at her store. Whether or not Kyle wanted to let go of ill will is on her. I think Lisa couldn't've cared any less at that moment. The issue with many of these shows is that instead of going one on one, they prefer to confront ppl in a group setting, which isn't the best way to conduct business.

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If you're talking about the last episode when they went shopping for stuff for the trip I honestly don't think that counts. What I saw was Lisa brushing the whole issue to the side as if it didn't matter anymore. Which is fine for her....but IMO I haven't really seen her apologize for any harm or hurt she may have caused Maurico or Kyle that to me is where I draw the line and sort of see Yolanda's point.

Other than that though I feel like this whole Everybody against Lisa thing is just so tedious and utterly ridiculous. I almost wanted to reach into my television and just whisk her away back to her beautiful house and away from the madness. Its beyond exhausting defending yourself against petty bs. And thats what most of that nonsense is. Yolanda' and her step daughters wedding. Kim and her not getting Lisa's British and is very curt an so that may come off as looking down but it isn't.

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Not surprised about Carlton or Joyce, if true. Carlton was a huge flop, and Joyce has no real relationships with anyone in the cast - she's sort of friends with a few, and hates Brandi, who has already had so much toxic feud storyline.

I think the show is doing her a favor. She seems too sweet and innocent (and I don't think it's an act) for a vile show like this.

Unless one of Brandi/Lisa/Yolanda goes too, then the sinkhole will continue to fester. I wish they realized this. If it turns into some "dream team reunited" story my eyes will roll back in my head.

Edited by DRW50
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That's the scene I'm talking about. I do see how Lisa swept it under and should apologize, but Kyle at this point is the one keeping the rumor alive. Just let it go.... People will talk about you till the day you die. I take ppl talking about me as a compliment. I'm that damn important to those people. Lol.

Onto the Joyce/Carlton rumor, I don't believe it. At least on Joyce's part. Fans are really taking to her, she's on Lisa's good side (a plus), and she's Brandi's foil. Now Carlton, I somewhat believe it BUT I think her comforting Lisa next week PLUS her performance at the reunion (if she brought it) might work in her favor. Dare I say Carlton is growing on me even though she's deluded. But hell, I liked Danielle Staub, and it gets no more delusional than that.

I just want, hope, pray (and think) Kim might be the only goner this season even though she'll show out at the reunion. I still think Bravo should've brought on that African American duchess. Her and Lisa together, taking down bitches would've been heaven.

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I think Joyce will likely be back. Carlton and Kim are out. If they only vibe one new wife Joyce will stay. If they find two she will go and BH will have 5.

I don't think one of Lisa/Kyle/brandi/Yolanda needs to go. At all. They are the most popular, interesting and relevant.

As for this apology Lisa made to Kyle... Where was that? Lisa refused to discuss any harm she caused and ended the conversation.

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I don't think Brandi thinks she's the only one with something to apologize for. I sort of agree. The off-season while watching the season bashing has gone both ways. Lisa has taken almost every opportunity to rub it in (re: Joyce/Brandi, Mohammed). She's called that "not participating in the bad mouthing." I'd bet big money Lisa is also lying about the tabloidgate (she probably did it half-jokingly). The obstacle with Brandi and all these ladies redeveloping strong/"strong" relationships is you clearly can't tell Brandi anything private because she has a blabber mouth.

Lisa will never sincerely apologize to Kyle because she feels she was responding to Kyle in kind. She kind of was. In Lisa's head, Kyle is really lucky that she decided to let her back. IDK about that. Lisa's innuendo about Kyle and Mauricio was more damaging (deflamatory) than Kyle trying to dethrown Lisa by calling her BF or finding out small worthless details about her life (restaurant ownership) and trying to spin it into something it isn't.

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