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How was Marlo being disloyal though? Even when Kenya was shading Nene in the beginning Marlo defended her saying "dont talk about my friend" and "whoever that was at the charity event was not Nene". I'll leave at this: Kandi clocked NeNe in her talking heads with everything she said in reference to Marlo/Nene/Kenya. I've always stanned for Nene and I admitted in the past she had her moments where she hated on Kim and Kandi's budding friendship. It is what it is. We sll have character flaws, Nene's just happens to be she is threatened by women who stand up to her. You see why her and Kandi have failed to really be friends after 5 years. Kandi is rich and Kandi will never bow down to her.
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But Nene didn't make her. She didn't even cast Marlo. Sheree and Phaedra did. Like Kenya, Nene befriended Marlo as a "strength in numbers" move. She knew that taking on Team Smalls would be a tough battle with just Cynthia. Marlo was that soldier that'd go to war and go hard. If anything, Nene took her under her wing and used her to make IDON pop; however, when Marlo took the spotlight, Nene had to get rid of her. Like she's doing with Kenya now and Kim before.

Look, I'll always have love for Nene but she's all over the place. Instead of her admitting her wrongdoings, she keeps digging herself a bigger hole ... Like her making cruel "Queen" comments again tonight towards Dineva & Derek J.

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And I still appreciate what Nene brings to the show. I just dont think everything she does should be explained away. She has been real nasty this season and it is because she lost her gigs in Hollywood. Last year she only had ONE argument and that was when the girls showed up late to her Hollywood dinner. She has been showing her ass. If she humbled herself I could embrace her again but I cant ride for the stuff she is doing now. It ain't even about her vs. KENYA she could be doing this to Phakedra or Porsha and I'd feel the same way.

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You can try and bring up her past all you want but all it does is make nene look bad. Because she chose to be "best friends" with her. You are the company you keep...

Yeah. Kandi was spot in about nene. And the way she did it was so glorious. That is how you throw shade - it's not supposed to be obvious or younger in cheek. IMO anyways.

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LMAO, at Kenya's Nene impression. I LOVE her and Marlo as friends as i knew I would. The two of them kiking together is so much fun.


Kandi's hair looks a hot darn mess. I am not a fan of this style. She looks so much better in her talking heads


Not a fan of Cynthia's new wig.


I do like Nene's new wig. However, oh shut up with this Nay-Nay talk. More like No-No. Kenya apologized and this bitch couldnt reciprocate and do the same

Miss Lawrence! Love that he'll be going to Mexico

Ayden is cute when he talks but man they need to give that kid subtitles bc I could barely understand a word he said

I knew it. NeNe is hating on Marlo bc she's jealous of her growing friendship with Kenya. Dang, Marlo went in on her. I have to say it wasnt the right time to do that but Nene did throw water and bottles. She was wrong for that.


Totally did not expect to see Marlo "break down" and start crying. That sh-t seemed so fake! She's not a good actress.

Derek J and Funky Dineva.....ewww gross!

LMAO at NeNe's shady comment about late Kandi and Cynthia should have told her the event started yesterday. LMAO at the girl rolling up with a posse behind her complete with cheerleaders performing

Uh oh, Kordell returns next week and it was needed bc Porsha has no storyline

Kenya was kissing NeNe's ass? Well duh! That was the point of the charity ball and she made it very clear she was doing it as a gesture towards Nene bc of the bad blood between them. She did it to get back in her good graces but it didnt work out for her

Nene started shading Marlo before Kenya even entered the picture. Marlo said Nene stopped talking to her after the wedding. When we saw them together at the vineyard, Nene started talking to her again. So what if Kenya and Marlo are becoming friends? There's nothing wrong with that. I can get definitely being upset about that, but its not means to be pissed and completely write off your so called friend. Remember it was NeNe that turned on both Kenya and Marlo, not the other way around. Kenya did nothing wrong to her to make that happened and things didnt have to get like this with Marlo except for Nene's jealousy. They cant get close bc it angers Queen Leakes? She needs to get over herself

Edited by Cheap21
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Karma is a bitch and so is Nene. She had no problem with Marlo when it was the “Talls vs the Smalls” and Marlo was Team Nene. If Nene was any type of friend she would have confronted Marlo about her friendship with Kenya but decided to call her an opportunist as if she isn’t one her dam self. That in and of itself is laugh out loud funny. Nene is the epitome of an opportunist; ain’t no shame in that as long as she owns it. She’s bitter and jealous and her problem is she likes to act as if she’s above everyone else. She’s a bully and Marlo simply called her on her crap. If I was Cynthia I would have checked her when she said none of them were on her level, which includes Cynthia, but she will continue to kiss her ass since she’s afraid of Nene.

Looking forward to the next show because it’s obvious Apollo's been attracted to Kenya and something did go down between them. That beating he put on Christopher had more to do with Kenya than anything else he claimed. Nene is right in calling Peter a bitch because all of a sudden he’s acting like a housewife but since it’s only because he’s going up against Gregg then she needs to sit her ass down.

If any “friend” deserves to be on the reunion it should be Marlo and I don't see why she wouldn't since she's been on it before. Andy may love Nene but he loves the drama even more.

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I was kind of... disappointed by the drama on RHOA this week. Having said that, the Mexico trip looks like it is going to be bananas. Not because of the Porsha-Kordell stuff (snore -- next!), but at the way Apollo eyed Kenya's booty good and long while his wife is with him on this vacation. WTF? Apollo is in full self-destruct mode!

Confession time: this episode was the first time I felt an inkling of attraction towards fledgling Uncle Ben impersonator, Peter Thomas. Don't hate me! Papa Smurf was looking fine in that pressed white suit and checked shirt. And the way he kissed Cynthia. And the way he was flirting with Nene to break her down! You know Nene has always had a giant crush on Peter, don't you? It's been obvious for years. That's probably why she was so mad that he, quite reasonably, called her out on her behavior last week.

Gregg drinks out of a toilet mug? WTF? That says a lot.

I go back and forth on Nene's wig. Sometimes it's like George Washington fell out of his saddle and the horse got the wig around its ears. I'm not sure Nene is a long-hair kind of girl. Short and sassy suits her better.

The fact that Kenya is still "admitting" to "her part" in the fight where Apollo beat the living [!@#$%^&*] out of Brandon is absolutely crazy. Has Apollo apologized to anybody for his thug behavior yet?!

OK, so clearly Kenya and Marlo were trying to get a reaction out of Nene this whole episode. Kenya is playing Nene so well at the moment, I'm worried she is going to play one hand too many and it is all going to go downhill from here. BTW, Kenya planning a couples trip to Mexico AND inviting Phaedra & Apollo is ridiculous.

Marlo is so diva and I would love it if she were made a fulltime HW. However, she shouldn't be surprised that Nene went ballistic when she showed up on Team twirl and then started baiting Nene. Of course Nene ended falling into the trap and having her tantrum and taking her brie maes posse with her. Nene's need to be Queen Bee at all times has gotten pathological at this point.

This Bailey Bowl nonsense, sigh. I love how once Nene left, the BB just whimpered, lay down and died a quick death. laugh.png No point in maintaining the pretense of this event now that Nene has stomped off.

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Cat, don't feel embarrassed. Plenty of women on Twitter say that Peter is attractive, but his attitude makes him ugly. And Phaedra is getting on my nerves coming for Kenya (re: the upcoming trip). Her husband is a fault. Kenya has no loyalty to her. Apollo does. I hate people that come for the third party when they should be checking their spouse/partners.

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Peter Thomas is NOT a bitch. He is the only friend Nene has and I include her sorry ass husband when I say that. NOBODY is being real with her, from her fans (see: Mr. Vixen) to her "friends" (see: Diana, Cynthia, etc.) and clearly her business team. The fact that she hasn't started the apology train yet is amazing. You can try and spin it and come up with excuses, but her behavior is a major problem this season and it looks bad on her. Nobody is being honest with her and this is just going to get worse. Peter is the only person who is being honest with her and I also feel he's being respectful about it. He was NOT rude at Kenya's charity event and he wasn't even talking to her initially. It's a shame Nene doesn't have more Peter's.

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