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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I haven't seen it yet, but I'm scared... these ladies are obviously just trying to keep their contracts for Season 5 (with all the rumors of replacing the entire cast). It's sad, because I don't want to see them like the OC. I've always thought the NYC ladies had more class until this season. They're playing way too much to the camera.

I caught up on NJ last night... I can't believe Kim G. had a bodyguard, as if she were trying to be Danielle! LOL at her.

I think Joe Guidice is disgusting, he has come across really bad this season.

Team Kathy/Melissa!

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I couldnt beleive Kim G had a bodyguard too. She is trying way too hard to stay relevant, when in actuality, she is not. Love her getting kicked out and I loved Caroline's daughter getting in her face. She is pathetic trying to force her way into these people's lives when they dont want her around. I bet she's pissed that Bravo didnt bump her up to full housewife status. She seemed like she was auditioning last season

Ashley...couldnt stand her again. I thought the way she talked about Chris was so bratty of her. He doesnt like her now? She thinks she's a good girl? And previews show her not giving her mother a gift for Christmas and saying "oh well"

Edited by Cheap21
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I posted about this on the previous page :)

:wub: :wub: :wub:

Well, to be honest Chris doesnt like her and he admitted it.

And she is a brat because they have spoiled the [!@#$%^&*] out of her and let her be one and now expect her to not be one overnight. Really shitty parenting there to be honest.

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To quote Bethenny Frankel, "Holy sh!tballs"

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O.M.G! I have so many mixed emotions about the BH Season 2 trailer.

I'm surprised Brandi won't be considered an official housewife! She brings the drama, so I'm definitely surprised.

These ladies had to turn up the drama from Season 1, which they obviously do! I'm nervous for them though, because most of the time, with the exception of Camille and Kim/Taylor, the ladies got along and were good friends. Now it looks like friendships will severely be tested. Adrienne vs. Lisa?? Yikes! Taylor is also in for a baaaad season. It's going to be sad watching.

I love how Kyle still sticks up for Kim though. I can't believe Brandi went there with the crystal meth, but someone needed to! haha Brandi looks like a real bitch!

It even looks like everyone is fed up with Lisa and her smart mouth. Cedric is back! Yikes!

Camille seems pretty tame this year, which is probably good for her own image, but I loved her crazy ass last year. Oh well.

Can't wait! A bit pissed that it's on Monday nights, although I'm sure it will transition to Sundays after NJ ends. I love the schedule of having Housewives on Thursday nights... with my red wine! Haha.

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LuAnn's a c--t. I dont like to use that word but she is. She is the most vile disgusting bitch on all the series and worse than Danielle bc she goes in for the kill with no shame. She truly is awful. Jill kinda redeemed herself this season but she threw that all the way at the reunion. Also love Sonya! (bankrupt blonde...lol).

Thanks, just saw!

Edited by Cheap21
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Likely it is due to money and the cast being already full at 6. keeping her as not a main housewive, they pay her less and she accepts that because if she brings the drama she will likely replace someone next season (Likely Adrianne, Kim or Taylor).

I dont think they needed to turn up the drama at all! Last season was full of drama and one of the best first seasons of the series, and one of the best seasons over all, in the history of the show. I liked that for the most part they got along and were friends, but they all had their drama and fights.

Adrienne and Lisa going at it will be awesome because they are actually two smart, powerful, rich bitches who dont take [!@#$%^&*]. Cant wait!

So is Brandi the reason for the Taylor breakup? They made it seem that way. I am glad she brought up the drugs cuz Kim is obviously an addict. This season looks so good!

If she down plays what a evil bitch she is to try and save an image she will be booted next season.

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I thought she was less hateabl by the end of the season then she was at the beginning mainly bc LuAnn emerged as such a surpsingly despicable person. Jill didnt seem so bad by the last episode as she wasnt feuding with or being nasty with anyone. That all changed at the reunion

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